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* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
* Copyright (C) 2007 The Regents of the University of California.
* Produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
* Written by Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>.
* UCRL-CODE-235197
* This file is part of the SPL, Solaris Porting Layer.
* For details, see <http://github.com/behlendorf/spl/>.
* The SPL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* The SPL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with the SPL. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Available debug functions. These function should be used by any
* package which needs to integrate with the SPL log infrastructure.
* CDEBUG() - Log debug message with specified mask.
* CDEBUG_LIMIT() - Log just 1 debug message with specified mask.
* CWARN() - Log a warning message.
* CERROR() - Log an error message.
* CEMERG() - Log an emergency error message.
* CONSOLE() - Log a generic message to the console.
* ENTRY - Log entry point to a function.
* EXIT - Log exit point from a function.
* RETURN(x) - Log return from a function.
* GOTO(x, y) - Log goto within a function.
#include <linux/limits.h>
#define S_UNDEFINED 0x00000001
#define S_ATOMIC 0x00000002
#define S_KOBJ 0x00000004
#define S_VNODE 0x00000008
#define S_TIME 0x00000010
#define S_RWLOCK 0x00000020
#define S_THREAD 0x00000040
#define S_CONDVAR 0x00000080
#define S_MUTEX 0x00000100
#define S_RNG 0x00000200
#define S_TASKQ 0x00000400
#define S_KMEM 0x00000800
#define S_DEBUG 0x00001000
#define S_GENERIC 0x00002000
#define S_PROC 0x00004000
#define S_MODULE 0x00008000
#define S_CRED 0x00010000
#define D_TRACE 0x00000001
#define D_INFO 0x00000002
#define D_WARNING 0x00000004
#define D_ERROR 0x00000008
#define D_EMERG 0x00000010
#define D_CONSOLE 0x00000020
#define D_IOCTL 0x00000040
#define D_DPRINTF 0x00000080
#define D_OTHER 0x00000100
#ifdef NDEBUG /* Debugging Disabled */
#define CDEBUG(mask, fmt, a...) ((void)0)
#define CDEBUG_LIMIT(x, y, fmt, a...) ((void)0)
#define CWARN(fmt, a...) ((void)0)
#define CERROR(fmt, a...) ((void)0)
#define CEMERG(fmt, a...) ((void)0)
#define CONSOLE(mask, fmt, a...) ((void)0)
#define ENTRY ((void)0)
#define EXIT ((void)0)
#define RETURN(x) return (x)
#define GOTO(x, y) { ((void)(y)); goto x; }
#else /* Debugging Enabled */
#define __CDEBUG(cdls, subsys, mask, format, a...) \
do { \
if (((mask) & D_CANTMASK) != 0 || \
((spl_debug_mask & (mask)) != 0 && \
(spl_debug_subsys & (subsys)) != 0)) \
spl_debug_msg(cdls, subsys, mask, __FILE__, \
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, format, ## a); \
} while (0)
#define CDEBUG(mask, format, a...) \
__CDEBUG(NULL, DEBUG_SUBSYSTEM, mask, format, ## a)
#define __CDEBUG_LIMIT(subsys, mask, format, a...) \
do { \
static spl_debug_limit_state_t cdls; \
__CDEBUG(&cdls, subsys, mask, format, ## a); \
} while (0)
#define CDEBUG_LIMIT(mask, format, a...) \
__CDEBUG_LIMIT(DEBUG_SUBSYSTEM, mask, format, ## a)
#define CWARN(fmt, a...) CDEBUG_LIMIT(D_WARNING, fmt, ## a)
#define CERROR(fmt, a...) CDEBUG_LIMIT(D_ERROR, fmt, ## a)
#define CEMERG(fmt, a...) CDEBUG_LIMIT(D_EMERG, fmt, ## a)
#define CONSOLE(mask, fmt, a...) CDEBUG(D_CONSOLE | (mask), fmt, ## a)
#define ENTRY CDEBUG(D_TRACE, "Process entered\n")
#define EXIT CDEBUG(D_TRACE, "Process leaving\n")
#define RETURN(rc) \
do { \
typeof(rc) RETURN__ret = (rc); \
CDEBUG(D_TRACE, "Process leaving (rc=%lu : %ld : %lx)\n", \
(long)RETURN__ret, (long)RETURN__ret, (long)RETURN__ret); \
return RETURN__ret; \
} while (0)
#define GOTO(label, rc) \
do { \
long GOTO__ret = (long)(rc); \
CDEBUG(D_TRACE,"Process leaving via %s (rc=%lu : %ld : %lx)\n", \
#label, (unsigned long)GOTO__ret, (signed long)GOTO__ret, \
(signed long)GOTO__ret); \
goto label; \
} while (0)
#endif /* NDEBUG */
typedef struct {
unsigned long cdls_next;
int cdls_count;
long cdls_delay;
} spl_debug_limit_state_t;
/* Global debug variables */
extern unsigned long spl_debug_subsys;
extern unsigned long spl_debug_mask;
extern unsigned long spl_debug_printk;
extern int spl_debug_mb;
extern unsigned int spl_debug_binary;
extern unsigned int spl_debug_catastrophe;
extern unsigned int spl_debug_panic_on_bug;
extern char spl_debug_file_path[PATH_MAX];
extern unsigned int spl_console_ratelimit;
extern long spl_console_max_delay;
extern long spl_console_min_delay;
extern unsigned int spl_console_backoff;
extern unsigned int spl_debug_stack;
/* Exported debug functions */
extern int spl_debug_mask2str(char *str, int size, unsigned long mask, int ss);
extern int spl_debug_str2mask(unsigned long *mask, const char *str, int ss);
extern unsigned long spl_debug_set_mask(unsigned long mask);
extern unsigned long spl_debug_get_mask(void);
extern unsigned long spl_debug_set_subsys(unsigned long mask);
extern unsigned long spl_debug_get_subsys(void);
extern int spl_debug_set_mb(int mb);
extern int spl_debug_get_mb(void);
extern int spl_debug_dumplog(int flags);
extern void spl_debug_dumpstack(struct task_struct *tsk);
extern int spl_debug_clear_buffer(void);
extern int spl_debug_mark_buffer(char *text);
int debug_init(void);
void debug_fini(void);