To avoid symbol conflicts with dependent packages the debug header must be split in to several parts. The <sys/debug.h> header now only contains the Solaris macro's such as ASSERT and VERIFY. The spl-debug.h header contain the spl specific debugging infrastructure and should be included by any package which needs to use the spl logging. Finally the spl-trace.h header contains internal data structures only used for the log facility and should not be included by anythign by spl-debug.c. This way dependent packages can include the standard Solaris headers without picking up any SPL debug macros. However, if the dependant package want to integrate with the SPL debugging subsystem they can then explicitly include spl-debug.h. Along with this change I have dropped the CHECK_STACK macros because the upstream Linux kernel now has much better stack depth checking built in and we don't need this complexity. Additionally SBUG has been replaced with PANIC and provided as part of the Solaris macro set. While the Solaris version is really panic() that conflicts with the Linux kernel so we'll just have to make due to PANIC. It should rarely be called directly, the prefered usage would be an ASSERT or VERIFY. There's lots of change here but this cleanup was overdue. |
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The Solaris Porting Layer (SPL) is a Linux kernel module which provides many of the Solaris kernel APIs. This shim layer makes it possible to run Solaris kernel code in the Linux kernel with relatively minimal modification. This can be particularly useful when you want to track upstream Solaris development closely and don’t want the overhead of maintaining a large patch which converts Solaris primitives to Linux primitives.
Documentation for building, configuring, and using the SPL can be found at: