To support automatically mounting your zfs on filesystem on boot a basic init script is needed. Unfortunately, every distribution has their own idea of the _right_ way to do things. Rather than write one very complicated portable init script, which would be invariably replaced by the distributions own anyway. I have instead added support to provide multiple distribution specific init scripts. The correct init script for your distribution will be selected by ZFS_AC_DEFAULT_PACKAGE which will set DEFAULT_INIT_SCRIPT. During 'make install' the correct script for your system will be installed from zfs/etc/init.d/zfs.DEFAULT_INIT_SCRIPT to the usual /etc/init.d/zfs location. Currently, there is zfs.fedora and a more generic zfs.lsb init script. Hopefully, the distribution maintainers who know best how they want their init scripts to function will feedback their approved versions to be included in the project. This change does not consider upstart jobs but I'm not at all opposed to add that sort of thing. |
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