Allow a range of object identifiers to dump with -d. This may be useful when dumping a large dataset and you want to break it up into multiple phases, or to resume where a previous scan left off. Object type selection flags are supported to reduce the performance overhead of verbosely dumping unwanted objects, and to reduce the amount of post-processing work needed to filter out unwanted objects from zdb output. This change extends existing syntax in a backward-compatible way. That is, the base case of a range is to specify a single object identifier to dump. Ranges and object identifiers can be intermixed as command line parameters. Usage synopsis: Object ranges take the form <start>:<end>[:<flags>] start Starting object number end Ending object number, or -1 for no upper bound flags Optional flags to select object types: A All objects (this is the default) d ZFS directories f ZFS files m SPA space maps z ZAPs - Negate effect of next flag Examples: # Dump all file objects zdb -dd tank/fish 0👎f # Dump all file and directory objects zdb -dd tank/fish 0👎fd # Dump all types except file and directory objects zdb -dd tank/fish 0👎A-f-d # Dump object IDs in a specific range zdb -dd tank/fish 1000:2000 Reviewed-by: Brian Behlendorf <> Reviewed-by: Ryan Moeller <> Reviewed-by: Paul Zuchowski <> Signed-off-by: Ned Bass <> Closes #9832 |
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