# Print out ZFS ARC Statistics exported via kstat(1)
# For a definition of fields, or usage, use arctstat.pl -v
# This script is a fork of the original arcstat.pl (0.1) by
# Neelakanth Nadgir, originally published on his Sun blog on
# 09/18/2007
#     http://blogs.sun.com/realneel/entry/zfs_arc_statistics
# This version aims to improve upon the original by adding features
# and fixing bugs as needed.  This version is maintained by
# Mike Harsch and is hosted in a public open source repository:
#    http://github.com/mharsch/arcstat
# Comments, Questions, or Suggestions are always welcome.
# Contact the maintainer at ( mike at harschsystems dot com )
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
# (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# Fields have a fixed width. Every interval, we fill the "v"
# hash with its corresponding value (v[field]=value) using calculate().
# @hdr is the array of fields that needs to be printed, so we
# just iterate over this array and print the values using our pretty printer.

import sys
import time
import getopt
import re
import copy

from decimal import Decimal
from signal import signal, SIGINT, SIGWINCH, SIG_DFL

cols = {
    # HDR:        [Size, Scale, Description]
    "time":       [8, -1, "Time"],
    "hits":       [4, 1000, "ARC reads per second"],
    "miss":       [4, 1000, "ARC misses per second"],
    "read":       [4, 1000, "Total ARC accesses per second"],
    "hit%":       [4, 100, "ARC Hit percentage"],
    "miss%":      [5, 100, "ARC miss percentage"],
    "dhit":       [4, 1000, "Demand hits per second"],
    "dmis":       [4, 1000, "Demand misses per second"],
    "dh%":        [3, 100, "Demand hit percentage"],
    "dm%":        [3, 100, "Demand miss percentage"],
    "phit":       [4, 1000, "Prefetch hits per second"],
    "pmis":       [4, 1000, "Prefetch misses per second"],
    "ph%":        [3, 100, "Prefetch hits percentage"],
    "pm%":        [3, 100, "Prefetch miss percentage"],
    "mhit":       [4, 1000, "Metadata hits per second"],
    "mmis":       [4, 1000, "Metadata misses per second"],
    "mread":      [4, 1000, "Metadata accesses per second"],
    "mh%":        [3, 100, "Metadata hit percentage"],
    "mm%":        [3, 100, "Metadata miss percentage"],
    "arcsz":      [5, 1024, "ARC Size"],
    "c":          [4, 1024, "ARC Target Size"],
    "mfu":        [4, 1000, "MFU List hits per second"],
    "mru":        [4, 1000, "MRU List hits per second"],
    "mfug":       [4, 1000, "MFU Ghost List hits per second"],
    "mrug":       [4, 1000, "MRU Ghost List hits per second"],
    "eskip":      [5, 1000, "evict_skip per second"],
    "mtxmis":     [6, 1000, "mutex_miss per second"],
    "dread":      [5, 1000, "Demand accesses per second"],
    "pread":      [5, 1000, "Prefetch accesses per second"],
    "l2hits":     [6, 1000, "L2ARC hits per second"],
    "l2miss":     [6, 1000, "L2ARC misses per second"],
    "l2read":     [6, 1000, "Total L2ARC accesses per second"],
    "l2hit%":     [6, 100, "L2ARC access hit percentage"],
    "l2miss%":    [7, 100, "L2ARC access miss percentage"],
    "l2asize":    [7, 1024, "Actual (compressed) size of the L2ARC"],
    "l2size":     [6, 1024, "Size of the L2ARC"],
    "l2bytes":    [7, 1024, "bytes read per second from the L2ARC"],

v = {}
hdr = ["time", "read", "miss", "miss%", "dmis", "dm%", "pmis", "pm%", "mmis",
       "mm%", "arcsz", "c"]
xhdr = ["time", "mfu", "mru", "mfug", "mrug", "eskip", "mtxmis", "dread",
        "pread", "read"]
sint = 1               # Default interval is 1 second
count = 1              # Default count is 1
hdr_intr = 20          # Print header every 20 lines of output
opfile = None
sep = "  "              # Default separator is 2 spaces
version = "0.4"
l2exist = False
cmd = ("Usage: arcstat.py [-hvx] [-f fields] [-o file] [-s string] [interval "
cur = {}
d = {}
out = None
kstat = None

def detailed_usage():
    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % cmd)
    sys.stderr.write("Field definitions are as follows:\n")
    for key in cols:
        sys.stderr.write("%11s : %s\n" % (key, cols[key][2]))


def usage():
    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % cmd)
    sys.stderr.write("\t -h : Print this help message\n")
    sys.stderr.write("\t -v : List all possible field headers and definitions"
    sys.stderr.write("\t -x : Print extended stats\n")
    sys.stderr.write("\t -f : Specify specific fields to print (see -v)\n")
    sys.stderr.write("\t -o : Redirect output to the specified file\n")
    sys.stderr.write("\t -s : Override default field separator with custom "
                     "character or string\n")
    sys.stderr.write("\tarcstat.py -o /tmp/a.log 2 10\n")
    sys.stderr.write("\tarcstat.py -s \",\" -o /tmp/a.log 2 10\n")
    sys.stderr.write("\tarcstat.py -v\n")
    sys.stderr.write("\tarcstat.py -f time,hit%,dh%,ph%,mh% 1\n")


def kstat_update():
    global kstat

    k = [line.strip() for line in open('/proc/spl/kstat/zfs/arcstats')]

    if not k:

    del k[0:2]
    kstat = {}

    for s in k:
        if not s:

        name, unused, value = s.split()
        kstat[name] = Decimal(value)

def snap_stats():
    global cur
    global kstat

    prev = copy.deepcopy(cur)

    cur = kstat
    for key in cur:
        if re.match(key, "class"):
        if key in prev:
            d[key] = cur[key] - prev[key]
            d[key] = cur[key]

def prettynum(sz, scale, num=0):
    suffix = [' ', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z']
    index = 0
    save = 0

    # Special case for date field
    if scale == -1:
        return "%s" % num

    # Rounding error, return 0
    elif 0 < num < 1:
        num = 0

    while num > scale and index < 5:
        save = num
        num = num / scale
        index += 1

    if index == 0:
        return "%*d" % (sz, num)

    if (save / scale) < 10:
        return "%*.1f%s" % (sz - 1, num, suffix[index])
        return "%*d%s" % (sz - 1, num, suffix[index])

def print_values():
    global hdr
    global sep
    global v

    for col in hdr:
        sys.stdout.write("%s%s" % (
            prettynum(cols[col][0], cols[col][1], v[col]),

def print_header():
    global hdr
    global sep

    for col in hdr:
        sys.stdout.write("%*s%s" % (cols[col][0], col, sep))

def get_terminal_lines():
        import fcntl
        import termios
        import struct
        data = fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout.fileno(), termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '1234')
        sz = struct.unpack('hh', data)
        return sz[0]
    except Exception:

def update_hdr_intr():
    global hdr_intr

    lines = get_terminal_lines()
    if lines and lines > 3:
        hdr_intr = lines - 3

def resize_handler(signum, frame):

def init():
    global sint
    global count
    global hdr
    global xhdr
    global opfile
    global sep
    global out
    global l2exist

    desired_cols = None
    xflag = False
    hflag = False
    vflag = False
    i = 1

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(
    except getopt.error as msg:
        sys.stderr.write("Error: %s\n" % str(msg))
        opts = None

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt in ('-x', '--extended'):
            xflag = True
        if opt in ('-o', '--outfile'):
            opfile = arg
            i += 1
        if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
            hflag = True
        if opt in ('-v', '--verbose'):
            vflag = True
        if opt in ('-s', '--separator'):
            sep = arg
            i += 1
        if opt in ('-f', '--columns'):
            desired_cols = arg
            i += 1
        i += 1

    argv = sys.argv[i:]
    sint = Decimal(argv[0]) if argv else sint
    count = int(argv[1]) if len(argv) > 1 else count

    if len(argv) > 1:
        sint = Decimal(argv[0])
        count = int(argv[1])

    elif len(argv) > 0:
        sint = Decimal(argv[0])
        count = 0

    if hflag or (xflag and desired_cols):

    if vflag:

    if xflag:
        hdr = xhdr


    # check if L2ARC exists
    l2_size = cur.get("l2_size")
    if l2_size:
        l2exist = True

    if desired_cols:
        hdr = desired_cols.split(",")

        invalid = []
        incompat = []
        for ele in hdr:
            if ele not in cols:
            elif not l2exist and ele.startswith("l2"):
                sys.stdout.write("No L2ARC Here\n%s\n" % ele)

        if len(invalid) > 0:
            sys.stderr.write("Invalid column definition! -- %s\n" % invalid)

        if len(incompat) > 0:
            sys.stderr.write("Incompatible field specified! -- %s\n" %

    if opfile:
            out = open(opfile, "w")
            sys.stdout = out

        except IOError:
            sys.stderr.write("Cannot open %s for writing\n" % opfile)

def calculate():
    global d
    global v
    global l2exist

    v = dict()
    v["time"] = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
    v["hits"] = d["hits"] / sint
    v["miss"] = d["misses"] / sint
    v["read"] = v["hits"] + v["miss"]
    v["hit%"] = 100 * v["hits"] / v["read"] if v["read"] > 0 else 0
    v["miss%"] = 100 - v["hit%"] if v["read"] > 0 else 0

    v["dhit"] = (d["demand_data_hits"] + d["demand_metadata_hits"]) / sint
    v["dmis"] = (d["demand_data_misses"] + d["demand_metadata_misses"]) / sint

    v["dread"] = v["dhit"] + v["dmis"]
    v["dh%"] = 100 * v["dhit"] / v["dread"] if v["dread"] > 0 else 0
    v["dm%"] = 100 - v["dh%"] if v["dread"] > 0 else 0

    v["phit"] = (d["prefetch_data_hits"] + d["prefetch_metadata_hits"]) / sint
    v["pmis"] = (d["prefetch_data_misses"] +
                 d["prefetch_metadata_misses"]) / sint

    v["pread"] = v["phit"] + v["pmis"]
    v["ph%"] = 100 * v["phit"] / v["pread"] if v["pread"] > 0 else 0
    v["pm%"] = 100 - v["ph%"] if v["pread"] > 0 else 0

    v["mhit"] = (d["prefetch_metadata_hits"] +
                 d["demand_metadata_hits"]) / sint
    v["mmis"] = (d["prefetch_metadata_misses"] +
                 d["demand_metadata_misses"]) / sint

    v["mread"] = v["mhit"] + v["mmis"]
    v["mh%"] = 100 * v["mhit"] / v["mread"] if v["mread"] > 0 else 0
    v["mm%"] = 100 - v["mh%"] if v["mread"] > 0 else 0

    v["arcsz"] = cur["size"]
    v["c"] = cur["c"]
    v["mfu"] = d["mfu_hits"] / sint
    v["mru"] = d["mru_hits"] / sint
    v["mrug"] = d["mru_ghost_hits"] / sint
    v["mfug"] = d["mfu_ghost_hits"] / sint
    v["eskip"] = d["evict_skip"] / sint
    v["mtxmis"] = d["mutex_miss"] / sint

    if l2exist:
        v["l2hits"] = d["l2_hits"] / sint
        v["l2miss"] = d["l2_misses"] / sint
        v["l2read"] = v["l2hits"] + v["l2miss"]
        v["l2hit%"] = 100 * v["l2hits"] / v["l2read"] if v["l2read"] > 0 else 0

        v["l2miss%"] = 100 - v["l2hit%"] if v["l2read"] > 0 else 0
        v["l2asize"] = cur["l2_asize"]
        v["l2size"] = cur["l2_size"]
        v["l2bytes"] = d["l2_read_bytes"] / sint

def main():
    global sint
    global count
    global hdr_intr

    i = 0
    count_flag = 0

    if count > 0:
        count_flag = 1

    signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL)
    signal(SIGWINCH, resize_handler)
    while True:
        if i == 0:


        if count_flag == 1:
            if count <= 1:
            count -= 1

        i = 0 if i >= hdr_intr else i + 1

    if out:

if __name__ == '__main__':