#!/usr/bin/env bash # for runtime reasons we split functional testings into N parts # - use a define to check for missing tarfiles FUNCTIONAL_PARTS="4" ZTS_REPORT="tests/test-runner/bin/zts-report.py" chmod +x $ZTS_REPORT function output() { echo -e $* >> Summary.md } function error() { output ":bangbang: $* :bangbang:\n" } # this function generates the real summary # - expects a logfile "log" in current directory function generate() { # we issued some error already test ! -s log && return # for overview and zts-report cat log | grep '^Test' > list # error details awk '/\[FAIL\]|\[KILLED\]/{ show=1; print; next; } /\[SKIP\]|\[PASS\]/{ show=0; } show' log > err # summary of errors if [ -s err ]; then output "<pre>" $ZTS_REPORT --no-maybes ./list >> Summary.md output "</pre>" # generate seperate error logfile ERRLOGS=$((ERRLOGS+1)) errfile="err-$ERRLOGS.md" echo -e "\n## $headline (debugging)\n" >> $errfile echo "<details><summary>Error Listing - with dmesg and dbgmsg</summary><pre>" >> $errfile dd if=err bs=999k count=1 >> $errfile echo "</pre></details>" >> $errfile else output "All tests passed :thumbsup:" fi output "<details><summary>Full Listing</summary><pre>" cat list >> Summary.md output "</pre></details>" # remove tmp files rm -f err list log } # check tarfiles and untar function check_tarfile() { if [ -f "$1" ]; then tar xf "$1" || error "Tarfile $1 returns some error" else error "Tarfile $1 not found" fi } # check logfile and concatenate test results function check_logfile() { if [ -f "$1" ]; then cat "$1" >> log else error "Logfile $1 not found" fi } # sanity function summarize_s() { headline="$1" output "\n## $headline\n" rm -rf testfiles check_tarfile "$2/sanity.tar" check_logfile "testfiles/log" generate } # functional function summarize_f() { headline="$1" output "\n## $headline\n" rm -rf testfiles for i in $(seq 1 $FUNCTIONAL_PARTS); do tarfile="$2/part$i.tar" check_tarfile "$tarfile" check_logfile "testfiles/log" done generate } # https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-server@3.6/actions/using-workflows/workflow-commands-for-github-actions#step-isolation-and-limits # Job summaries are isolated between steps and each step is restricted to a maximum size of 1MiB. # [ ] can not show all error findings here # [x] split files into smaller ones and create additional steps ERRLOGS=0 if [ ! -f Summary/Summary.md ]; then # first call, we do the default summary (~500k) echo -n > Summary.md summarize_s "Sanity Tests Ubuntu 20.04" Logs-20.04-sanity summarize_s "Sanity Tests Ubuntu 22.04" Logs-22.04-sanity summarize_f "Functional Tests Ubuntu 20.04" Logs-20.04-functional summarize_f "Functional Tests Ubuntu 22.04" Logs-22.04-functional cat Summary.md >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY mkdir -p Summary mv *.md Summary else # here we get, when errors where returned in first call test -f Summary/err-$1.md && cat Summary/err-$1.md >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY fi exit 0