SUMMARY OF MAJOR KNOWN PROBLEMS IN v0.4.1 (Development Release)

- SPLError: 10167:1968:(spl-kmem.c:1286:spl_kmem_cache_reap_now())
  ASSERTION(skc->skc_magic == SKC_MAGIC) failed

  The above assertion is overserved when perform more IO than can be fully
  cached by the ARC.  The Linux VM applies back pressure to the slab which
  in turn detect what appears to be memory corruption.  I've seen a few
  flavors of this so far, so I'm not yet convinced this is actually an
  issue with the SPL slab.  It may just be the most common victim, more
  investigation is needed.  It is also possible the new untested vdev_disk.c
  is to blame.  A lot of work is needed here.

- SPLError: 7324:1224:(dnode.c:304:dnode_create()) VERIFY3(0` >= 1`)

  When enabling debugging in ZFS with the --enable-debug configure option
  we always trip the following VERIFY.  This issue was present in the
  previous 0.3.3 release and was avoided simply by leaving debugging
  disabled until it could be explained.  Well it has not just gone
  always with the update to b105 so we need to run it to ground and 
  explain what is going on.