#!/bin/bash # # Common support functions for testing scripts. If a .script-config # files is available it will be sourced so in-tree kernel modules and # utilities will be used. If no .script-config can be found then the # installed kernel modules and utilities will be used. SCRIPT_CONFIG=.script-config if [ -f ../${SCRIPT_CONFIG} ]; then . ../${SCRIPT_CONFIG} else MODULES=(zlib_deflate spl zavl znvpair zunicode zcommon zfs) fi PROG="<define PROG>" VERBOSE= VERBOSE_FLAG= FORCE= FORCE_FLAG= DUMP_LOG= ERROR= UPATH="/dev/disk/zpool" RAID0S=() RAID10S=() RAIDZS=() RAIDZ2S=() ETCDIR=${ETCDIR:-/etc} ZPOOLDIR=${ZPOOLDIR:-/usr/libexec/zfs/zpool-config} ZDB=${ZDB:-/usr/sbin/zdb} ZFS=${ZFS:-/usr/sbin/zfs} ZINJECT=${ZINJECT:-/usr/sbin/zinject} ZPOOL=${ZPOOL:-/usr/sbin/zpool} ZPOOL_ID=${ZPOOL_ID:-/usr/bin/zpool_id} ZTEST=${ZTEST:-/usr/sbin/ztest} COMMON_SH=${COMMON_SH:-/usr/libexec/zfs/common.sh} ZFS_SH=${ZFS_SH:-/usr/libexec/zfs/zfs.sh} ZPOOL_CREATE_SH=${ZPOOL_CREATE_SH:-/usr/libexec/zfs/zpool-create.sh} LDMOD=${LDMOD:-/sbin/modprobe} LSMOD=${LSMOD:-/sbin/lsmod} RMMOD=${RMMOD:-/sbin/rmmod} INFOMOD=${INFOMOD:-/sbin/modinfo} LOSETUP=${LOSETUP:-/sbin/losetup} SYSCTL=${SYSCTL:-/sbin/sysctl} UDEVADM=${UDEVADM:-/sbin/udevadm} die() { echo -e "${PROG}: $1" >&2 exit 1 } msg() { if [ ${VERBOSE} ]; then echo "$@" fi } pass() { echo "PASS" } fail() { echo "FAIL ($1)" exit $1 } spl_dump_log() { ${SYSCTL} -w kernel.spl.debug.dump=1 &>/dev/null local NAME=`dmesg | tail -n 1 | cut -f5 -d' '` ${SPLBUILD}/cmd/spl ${NAME} >${NAME}.log echo echo "Dumped debug log: ${NAME}.log" tail -n1 ${NAME}.log echo return 0 } check_modules() { local LOADED_MODULES=() local MISSING_MODULES=() for MOD in ${MODULES[*]}; do local NAME=`basename $MOD .ko` if ${LSMOD} | egrep -q "^${NAME}"; then LOADED_MODULES=(${NAME} ${LOADED_MODULES[*]}) fi if [ ${INFOMOD} ${MOD} 2>/dev/null ]; then MISSING_MODULES=("\t${MOD}\n" ${MISSING_MODULES[*]}) fi done if [ ${#LOADED_MODULES[*]} -gt 0 ]; then ERROR="Unload these modules with '${PROG} -u':\n" ERROR="${ERROR}${LOADED_MODULES[*]}" return 1 fi if [ ${#MISSING_MODULES[*]} -gt 0 ]; then ERROR="The following modules can not be found," ERROR="${ERROR} ensure your source trees are built:\n" ERROR="${ERROR}${MISSING_MODULES[*]}" return 1 fi return 0 } load_module() { local NAME=`basename $1 .ko` if [ ${VERBOSE} ]; then echo "Loading ${NAME} ($@)" fi ${LDMOD} $* || ERROR="Failed to load $1" return 1 return 0 } load_modules() { mkdir -p /etc/zfs for MOD in ${MODULES[*]}; do local NAME=`basename ${MOD} .ko` local VALUE= for OPT in "$@"; do OPT_NAME=`echo ${OPT} | cut -f1 -d'='` if [ ${NAME} = "${OPT_NAME}" ]; then VALUE=`echo ${OPT} | cut -f2- -d'='` fi done load_module ${MOD} ${VALUE} || return 1 done if [ ${VERBOSE} ]; then echo "Successfully loaded ZFS module stack" fi return 0 } unload_module() { local NAME=`basename $1 .ko` if [ ${VERBOSE} ]; then echo "Unloading ${NAME} ($@)" fi ${RMMOD} ${NAME} || ERROR="Failed to unload ${NAME}" return 1 return 0 } unload_modules() { local MODULES_REVERSE=( $(echo ${MODULES[@]} | awk '{for (i=NF;i>=1;i--) printf $i" "} END{print ""}') ) for MOD in ${MODULES_REVERSE[*]}; do local NAME=`basename ${MOD} .ko` if ${LSMOD} | egrep -q "^${NAME}"; then if [ "${DUMP_LOG}" -a ${NAME} = "spl" ]; then spl_dump_log fi unload_module ${MOD} || return 1 fi done if [ ${VERBOSE} ]; then echo "Successfully unloaded ZFS module stack" fi return 0 } unused_loop_device() { for DEVICE in `ls -1 /dev/loop*`; do ${LOSETUP} ${DEVICE} &>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo ${DEVICE} return fi done die "Error: Unable to find unused loopback device" } # # The following udev helper functions assume that the provided # udev rules file will create a /dev/disk/zpool/<CHANNEL><RANK> # disk mapping. In this mapping each CHANNEL is represented by # the letters a-z, and the RANK is represented by the numbers # 1-n. A CHANNEL should identify a group of RANKS which are all # attached to a single controller, each RANK represents a disk. # This provides a simply mechanism to locate a specific drive # given a known hardware configuration. # udev_setup() { local SRC_PATH=$1 local SRC_RULES=${ETCDIR}/udev/rules.d/99-zpool.rules local DST_RULES=/etc/udev/rules.d/99-zpool.rules local DST_ZPOOL_ID=/usr/bin/zpool_id local DST_FILE=`basename ${SRC_PATH} | cut -f1-2 -d'.'` local DST_PATH=/etc/zfs/${DST_FILE} # XXX: Copy files from source tree to installed system. # This should be avoided if at all possible, however at # the moment I see no clean way to add a udev rules file # which is not in the default udevd search paths. On # top of the the rules file we add will need to find # the zpool_id support utility and the zdef.conf file. cp -f ${SRC_PATH} ${DST_PATH} if [ ! -f ${DST_ZPOOL_ID} ]; then cp ${ZPOOL_ID} ${DST_ZPOOL_ID} chmod 755 ${DST_ZPOOL_ID} fi if [ ! -f ${DST_RULES} ]; then cp ${SRC_RULES} ${DST_RULES} chmod 644 ${DST_RULES} fi if [ -f ${UDEVADM} ]; then ${UDEVADM} trigger ${UDEVADM} settle else /sbin/udevtrigger /sbin/udevsettle fi return 0 } udev_cr2d() { local CHANNEL=`echo "obase=16; $1+96" | bc` local RANK=$2 printf "\x${CHANNEL}${RANK}" } udev_raid0_setup() { local RANKS=$1 local CHANNELS=$2 local IDX=0 RAID0S=() for RANK in `seq 1 ${RANKS}`; do for CHANNEL in `seq 1 ${CHANNELS}`; do DISK=`udev_cr2d ${CHANNEL} ${RANK}` RAID0S[${IDX}]="${UPATH}/${DISK}" let IDX=IDX+1 done done return 0 } udev_raid10_setup() { local RANKS=$1 local CHANNELS=$2 local IDX=0 RAID10S=() for RANK in `seq 1 ${RANKS}`; do for CHANNEL1 in `seq 1 2 ${CHANNELS}`; do let CHANNEL2=CHANNEL1+1 DISK1=`udev_cr2d ${CHANNEL1} ${RANK}` DISK2=`udev_cr2d ${CHANNEL2} ${RANK}` GROUP="${UPATH}/${DISK1} ${UPATH}/${DISK2}" RAID10S[${IDX}]="mirror ${GROUP}" let IDX=IDX+1 done done return 0 } udev_raidz_setup() { local RANKS=$1 local CHANNELS=$2 RAIDZS=() for RANK in `seq 1 ${RANKS}`; do RAIDZ=("raidz") for CHANNEL in `seq 1 ${CHANNELS}`; do DISK=`udev_cr2d ${CHANNEL} ${RANK}` RAIDZ[${CHANNEL}]="${UPATH}/${DISK}" done RAIDZS[${RANK}]="${RAIDZ[*]}" done return 0 } udev_raidz2_setup() { local RANKS=$1 local CHANNELS=$2 RAIDZ2S=() for RANK in `seq 1 ${RANKS}`; do RAIDZ2=("raidz2") for CHANNEL in `seq 1 ${CHANNELS}`; do DISK=`udev_cr2d ${CHANNEL} ${RANK}` RAIDZ2[${CHANNEL}]="${UPATH}/${DISK}" done RAIDZ2S[${RANK}]="${RAIDZ2[*]}" done return 0 }