dnl # dnl # 2.6.35 API change, dnl # The cachep->gfpflags member was renamed cachep->allocflags. These are dnl # private allocation flags which are applied when allocating a new slab dnl # in kmem_getpages(). Unfortunately there is no public API for setting dnl # non-default flags. dnl # AC_DEFUN([ZFS_AC_KERNEL_SRC_KMEM_CACHE_ALLOCFLAGS], [ ZFS_LINUX_TEST_SRC([kmem_cache_allocflags], [ #include <linux/slab.h> ],[ struct kmem_cache cachep __attribute__ ((unused)); cachep.allocflags = GFP_KERNEL; ]) ZFS_LINUX_TEST_SRC([kmem_cache_gfpflags], [ #include <linux/slab.h> ],[ struct kmem_cache cachep __attribute__ ((unused)); cachep.gfpflags = GFP_KERNEL; ]) ]) AC_DEFUN([ZFS_AC_KERNEL_KMEM_CACHE_ALLOCFLAGS], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether struct kmem_cache has allocflags]) ZFS_LINUX_TEST_RESULT([kmem_cache_allocflags], [ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_KMEM_CACHE_ALLOCFLAGS, 1, [struct kmem_cache has allocflags]) ],[ AC_MSG_RESULT(no) AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether struct kmem_cache has gfpflags]) ZFS_LINUX_TEST_RESULT([kmem_cache_gfpflags], [ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_KMEM_CACHE_GFPFLAGS, 1, [struct kmem_cache has gfpflags]) ],[ AC_MSG_RESULT(no) ]) ]) ]) dnl # dnl # grsecurity API change, dnl # kmem_cache_create() with SLAB_USERCOPY flag replaced by dnl # kmem_cache_create_usercopy(). dnl # AC_DEFUN([ZFS_AC_KERNEL_SRC_KMEM_CACHE_CREATE_USERCOPY], [ ZFS_LINUX_TEST_SRC([kmem_cache_create_usercopy], [ #include <linux/slab.h> static void ctor(void *foo) { /* fake ctor */ } ],[ struct kmem_cache *skc_linux_cache; const char *name = "test"; size_t size = 4096; size_t align = 8; unsigned long flags = 0; size_t useroffset = 0; size_t usersize = size - useroffset; skc_linux_cache = kmem_cache_create_usercopy( name, size, align, flags, useroffset, usersize, ctor); ]) ]) AC_DEFUN([ZFS_AC_KERNEL_KMEM_CACHE_CREATE_USERCOPY], [ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether kmem_cache_create_usercopy() exists]) ZFS_LINUX_TEST_RESULT([kmem_cache_create_usercopy], [ AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_KMEM_CACHE_CREATE_USERCOPY, 1, [kmem_cache_create_usercopy() exists]) ],[ AC_MSG_RESULT(no) ]) ]) AC_DEFUN([ZFS_AC_KERNEL_SRC_KMEM_CACHE], [ ZFS_AC_KERNEL_SRC_KMEM_CACHE_ALLOCFLAGS ZFS_AC_KERNEL_SRC_KMEM_CACHE_CREATE_USERCOPY ]) AC_DEFUN([ZFS_AC_KERNEL_KMEM_CACHE], [ ZFS_AC_KERNEL_KMEM_CACHE_ALLOCFLAGS ZFS_AC_KERNEL_KMEM_CACHE_CREATE_USERCOPY ])