/* * This file is part of the SPL: Solaris Porting Layer. * * Copyright (c) 2008 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. * Produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory * Written by: * Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov>, * Herb Wartens <wartens2@llnl.gov>, * Jim Garlick <garlick@llnl.gov> * UCRL-CODE-235197 * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* Solaris Porting LAyer Tests (SPLAT) userspace interface */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <assert.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "splat.h" #undef ioctl static const char shortOpts[] = "hvlat:xc"; static const struct option longOpts[] = { { "help", no_argument, 0, 'h' }, { "verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v' }, { "list", no_argument, 0, 'l' }, { "all", no_argument, 0, 'a' }, { "test", required_argument, 0, 't' }, { "exit", no_argument, 0, 'x' }, { "nocolor", no_argument, 0, 'c' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; #define VERSION_SIZE 64 static List subsystems; /* Subsystem/tests */ static int splatctl_fd; /* Control file descriptor */ static char splat_version[VERSION_SIZE]; /* Kernel version string */ static char *splat_buffer = NULL; /* Scratch space area */ static int splat_buffer_size = 0; /* Scratch space size */ static void test_list(List, int); static int dev_clear(void); static void subsystem_fini(subsystem_t *); static void test_fini(test_t *); static int usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: splat [hvla] [-t <subsystem:<tests>>]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --help -h This help\n" " --verbose -v Increase verbosity\n" " --list -l List all tests in all subsystems\n" " --all -a Run all tests in all subsystems\n" " --test -t <sub:test> Run 'test' in subsystem 'sub'\n" " --exit -x Exit on first test error\n" " --nocolor -c Do not colorize output\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n" "Examples:\n" " splat -t kmem:all # Runs all kmem tests\n" " splat -t taskq:0x201 # Run taskq test 0x201\n"); return 0; } static subsystem_t *subsystem_init(splat_user_t *desc) { subsystem_t *sub; sub = (subsystem_t *)malloc(sizeof(*sub)); if (sub == NULL) return NULL; memcpy(&sub->sub_desc, desc, sizeof(*desc)); sub->sub_tests = list_create((ListDelF)test_fini); if (sub->sub_tests == NULL) { free(sub); return NULL; } return sub; } static void subsystem_fini(subsystem_t *sub) { assert(sub != NULL); free(sub); } static int subsystem_setup(void) { splat_cfg_t *cfg; int i, rc, size, cfg_size; subsystem_t *sub; splat_user_t *desc; /* Aquire the number of registered subsystems */ cfg_size = sizeof(*cfg); cfg = (splat_cfg_t *)malloc(cfg_size); if (cfg == NULL) return -ENOMEM; memset(cfg, 0, cfg_size); cfg->cfg_magic = SPLAT_CFG_MAGIC; cfg->cfg_cmd = SPLAT_CFG_SUBSYSTEM_COUNT; rc = ioctl(splatctl_fd, SPLAT_CFG, cfg); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "Ioctl() error 0x%lx / %d: %d\n", (unsigned long)SPLAT_CFG, cfg->cfg_cmd, errno); free(cfg); return rc; } size = cfg->cfg_rc1; free(cfg); /* Based on the newly acquired number of subsystems allocate * memory to get the descriptive information for them all. */ cfg_size = sizeof(*cfg) + size * sizeof(splat_user_t); cfg = (splat_cfg_t *)malloc(cfg_size); if (cfg == NULL) return -ENOMEM; memset(cfg, 0, cfg_size); cfg->cfg_magic = SPLAT_CFG_MAGIC; cfg->cfg_cmd = SPLAT_CFG_SUBSYSTEM_LIST; cfg->cfg_data.splat_subsystems.size = size; rc = ioctl(splatctl_fd, SPLAT_CFG, cfg); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "Ioctl() error %lu / %d: %d\n", (unsigned long) SPLAT_CFG, cfg->cfg_cmd, errno); free(cfg); return rc; } /* Add the new subsystems in to the global list */ size = cfg->cfg_rc1; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { desc = &(cfg->cfg_data.splat_subsystems.descs[i]); sub = subsystem_init(desc); if (sub == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing subsystem: %s\n", desc->name); free(cfg); return -ENOMEM; } list_append(subsystems, sub); } free(cfg); return 0; } static void subsystem_list(List l, int indent) { ListIterator i; subsystem_t *sub; fprintf(stdout, "------------------------------ " "Available SPLAT Tests " "------------------------------\n"); i = list_iterator_create(l); while ((sub = list_next(i))) { fprintf(stdout, "%*s0x%0*x %-*s ---- %s ----\n", indent, "", 4, sub->sub_desc.id, SPLAT_NAME_SIZE + 7, sub->sub_desc.name, sub->sub_desc.desc); test_list(sub->sub_tests, indent + 7); } list_iterator_destroy(i); } static test_t *test_init(subsystem_t *sub, splat_user_t *desc) { test_t *test; test = (test_t *)malloc(sizeof(*test)); if (test == NULL) return NULL; test->test_sub = sub; memcpy(&test->test_desc, desc, sizeof(*desc)); return test; } static void test_fini(test_t *test) { assert(test != NULL); free(test); } static int test_setup(subsystem_t *sub) { splat_cfg_t *cfg; int i, rc, size; test_t *test; splat_user_t *desc; /* Aquire the number of registered tests for the give subsystem */ cfg = (splat_cfg_t *)malloc(sizeof(*cfg)); if (cfg == NULL) return -ENOMEM; memset(cfg, 0, sizeof(*cfg)); cfg->cfg_magic = SPLAT_CFG_MAGIC; cfg->cfg_cmd = SPLAT_CFG_TEST_COUNT; cfg->cfg_arg1 = sub->sub_desc.id; /* Subsystem of interest */ rc = ioctl(splatctl_fd, SPLAT_CFG, cfg); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "Ioctl() error %lu / %d: %d\n", (unsigned long) SPLAT_CFG, cfg->cfg_cmd, errno); free(cfg); return rc; } size = cfg->cfg_rc1; free(cfg); /* Based on the newly aquired number of tests allocate enough * memory to get the descriptive information for them all. */ cfg = (splat_cfg_t *)malloc(sizeof(*cfg) + size*sizeof(splat_user_t)); if (cfg == NULL) return -ENOMEM; memset(cfg, 0, sizeof(*cfg) + size * sizeof(splat_user_t)); cfg->cfg_magic = SPLAT_CFG_MAGIC; cfg->cfg_cmd = SPLAT_CFG_TEST_LIST; cfg->cfg_arg1 = sub->sub_desc.id; /* Subsystem of interest */ cfg->cfg_data.splat_tests.size = size; rc = ioctl(splatctl_fd, SPLAT_CFG, cfg); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "Ioctl() error %lu / %d: %d\n", (unsigned long) SPLAT_CFG, cfg->cfg_cmd, errno); free(cfg); return rc; } /* Add the new tests in to the relevant subsystems */ size = cfg->cfg_rc1; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { desc = &(cfg->cfg_data.splat_tests.descs[i]); test = test_init(sub, desc); if (test == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing test: %s\n", desc->name); free(cfg); return -ENOMEM; } list_append(sub->sub_tests, test); } free(cfg); return 0; } static test_t *test_copy(test_t *test) { return test_init(test->test_sub, &test->test_desc); } static void test_list(List l, int indent) { ListIterator i; test_t *test; i = list_iterator_create(l); while ((test = list_next(i))) fprintf(stdout, "%*s0x%0*x %-*s %s\n", indent, "", 04, test->test_desc.id, SPLAT_NAME_SIZE, test->test_desc.name, test->test_desc.desc); list_iterator_destroy(i); } static test_t *test_find(char *sub_str, char *test_str) { ListIterator si, ti; subsystem_t *sub; test_t *test; int sub_num, test_num; /* No error checking here because it may not be a number, it's * perfectly OK for it to be a string. Since we're just using * it for comparison purposes this is all very safe. */ sub_num = strtol(sub_str, NULL, 0); test_num = strtol(test_str, NULL, 0); si = list_iterator_create(subsystems); while ((sub = list_next(si))) { if (strncmp(sub->sub_desc.name, sub_str, SPLAT_NAME_SIZE) && sub->sub_desc.id != sub_num) continue; ti = list_iterator_create(sub->sub_tests); while ((test = list_next(ti))) { if (!strncmp(test->test_desc.name, test_str, SPLAT_NAME_SIZE) || test->test_desc.id==test_num) { list_iterator_destroy(ti); list_iterator_destroy(si); return test; } } list_iterator_destroy(ti); } list_iterator_destroy(si); return NULL; } static int test_add(cmd_args_t *args, test_t *test) { test_t *tmp; tmp = test_copy(test); if (tmp == NULL) return -ENOMEM; list_append(args->args_tests, tmp); return 0; } static int test_add_all(cmd_args_t *args) { ListIterator si, ti; subsystem_t *sub; test_t *test; int rc; si = list_iterator_create(subsystems); while ((sub = list_next(si))) { ti = list_iterator_create(sub->sub_tests); while ((test = list_next(ti))) { if ((rc = test_add(args, test))) { list_iterator_destroy(ti); list_iterator_destroy(si); return rc; } } list_iterator_destroy(ti); } list_iterator_destroy(si); return 0; } static int test_run(cmd_args_t *args, test_t *test) { subsystem_t *sub = test->test_sub; splat_cmd_t *cmd; int rc, cmd_size; dev_clear(); cmd_size = sizeof(*cmd); cmd = (splat_cmd_t *)malloc(cmd_size); if (cmd == NULL) return -ENOMEM; memset(cmd, 0, cmd_size); cmd->cmd_magic = SPLAT_CMD_MAGIC; cmd->cmd_subsystem = sub->sub_desc.id; cmd->cmd_test = test->test_desc.id; cmd->cmd_data_size = 0; /* Unused feature */ fprintf(stdout, "%*s:%-*s ", SPLAT_NAME_SIZE, sub->sub_desc.name, SPLAT_NAME_SIZE, test->test_desc.name); fflush(stdout); rc = ioctl(splatctl_fd, SPLAT_CMD, cmd); if (args->args_do_color) { fprintf(stdout, "%s %s\n", rc ? COLOR_RED "Fail" COLOR_RESET : COLOR_GREEN "Pass" COLOR_RESET, rc ? strerror(errno) : ""); } else { fprintf(stdout, "%s %s\n", rc ? "Fail" : "Pass", rc ? strerror(errno) : ""); } fflush(stdout); free(cmd); if (args->args_verbose) { if ((rc = read(splatctl_fd, splat_buffer, splat_buffer_size - 1)) < 0) { fprintf(stdout, "Error reading results: %d\n", rc); } else { fprintf(stdout, "\n%s\n", splat_buffer); fflush(stdout); } } return rc; } static int tests_run(cmd_args_t *args) { ListIterator i; test_t *test; int rc; fprintf(stdout, "------------------------------ " "Running SPLAT Tests " "------------------------------\n"); i = list_iterator_create(args->args_tests); while ((test = list_next(i))) { rc = test_run(args, test); if (rc && args->args_exit_on_error) { list_iterator_destroy(i); return rc; } } list_iterator_destroy(i); return 0; } static int args_parse_test(cmd_args_t *args, char *str) { ListIterator si, ti; subsystem_t *s; test_t *t; char *sub_str, *test_str; int sub_num, test_num; int sub_all = 0, test_all = 0; int rc, flag = 0; test_str = strchr(str, ':'); if (test_str == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Test must be of the " "form <subsystem:test>\n"); return -EINVAL; } sub_str = str; test_str[0] = '\0'; test_str = test_str + 1; sub_num = strtol(sub_str, NULL, 0); test_num = strtol(test_str, NULL, 0); if (!strncasecmp(sub_str, "all", strlen(sub_str)) || (sub_num == -1)) sub_all = 1; if (!strncasecmp(test_str,"all",strlen(test_str)) || (test_num == -1)) test_all = 1; si = list_iterator_create(subsystems); if (sub_all) { if (test_all) { /* Add all tests from all subsystems */ while ((s = list_next(si))) { ti = list_iterator_create(s->sub_tests); while ((t = list_next(ti))) { if ((rc = test_add(args, t))) { list_iterator_destroy(ti); goto error_run; } } list_iterator_destroy(ti); } } else { /* Add a specific test from all subsystems */ while ((s = list_next(si))) { if ((t=test_find(s->sub_desc.name,test_str))) { if ((rc = test_add(args, t))) goto error_run; flag = 1; } } if (!flag) fprintf(stderr, "No tests '%s:%s' could be " "found\n", sub_str, test_str); } } else { if (test_all) { /* Add all tests from a specific subsystem */ while ((s = list_next(si))) { if (strncasecmp(sub_str, s->sub_desc.name, strlen(sub_str))) continue; ti = list_iterator_create(s->sub_tests); while ((t = list_next(ti))) { if ((rc = test_add(args, t))) { list_iterator_destroy(ti); goto error_run; } } list_iterator_destroy(ti); } } else { /* Add a specific test from a specific subsystem */ if ((t = test_find(sub_str, test_str))) { if ((rc = test_add(args, t))) goto error_run; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Test '%s:%s' could not be " "found\n", sub_str, test_str); return -EINVAL; } } } list_iterator_destroy(si); return 0; error_run: list_iterator_destroy(si); fprintf(stderr, "Test '%s:%s' not added to run list: %d\n", sub_str, test_str, rc); return rc; } static void args_fini(cmd_args_t *args) { assert(args != NULL); if (args->args_tests != NULL) list_destroy(args->args_tests); free(args); } static cmd_args_t * args_init(int argc, char **argv) { cmd_args_t *args; int c, rc; if (argc == 1) { usage(); return (cmd_args_t *) NULL; } /* Configure and populate the args structures */ args = malloc(sizeof(*args)); if (args == NULL) return NULL; memset(args, 0, sizeof(*args)); args->args_verbose = 0; args->args_do_list = 0; args->args_do_all = 0; args->args_do_color = 1; args->args_exit_on_error = 0; args->args_tests = list_create((ListDelF)test_fini); if (args->args_tests == NULL) { args_fini(args); return NULL; } while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortOpts, longOpts, NULL)) != -1){ switch (c) { case 'v': args->args_verbose++; break; case 'l': args->args_do_list = 1; break; case 'a': args->args_do_all = 1; break; case 'c': args->args_do_color = 0; break; case 'x': args->args_exit_on_error = 1; break; case 't': if (args->args_do_all) { fprintf(stderr, "Option -t <subsystem:test> is " "useless when used with -a\n"); args_fini(args); return NULL; } rc = args_parse_test(args, argv[optind - 1]); if (rc) { args_fini(args); return NULL; } break; case 'h': case '?': usage(); args_fini(args); return NULL; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option '%s'\n", argv[optind - 1]); break; } } return args; } static int dev_clear(void) { splat_cfg_t cfg; int rc; memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg)); cfg.cfg_magic = SPLAT_CFG_MAGIC; cfg.cfg_cmd = SPLAT_CFG_BUFFER_CLEAR; cfg.cfg_arg1 = 0; rc = ioctl(splatctl_fd, SPLAT_CFG, &cfg); if (rc) fprintf(stderr, "Ioctl() error %lu / %d: %d\n", (unsigned long) SPLAT_CFG, cfg.cfg_cmd, errno); lseek(splatctl_fd, 0, SEEK_SET); return rc; } static int dev_size(int size) { splat_cfg_t cfg; int rc; memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg)); cfg.cfg_magic = SPLAT_CFG_MAGIC; cfg.cfg_cmd = SPLAT_CFG_BUFFER_SIZE; cfg.cfg_arg1 = size; rc = ioctl(splatctl_fd, SPLAT_CFG, &cfg); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "Ioctl() error %lu / %d: %d\n", (unsigned long) SPLAT_CFG, cfg.cfg_cmd, errno); return rc; } return cfg.cfg_rc1; } static void dev_fini(void) { if (splat_buffer) free(splat_buffer); if (splatctl_fd != -1) { if (close(splatctl_fd) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to close %s: %d\n", SPLAT_DEV, errno); } } } static int dev_init(void) { ListIterator i; subsystem_t *sub; int rc; splatctl_fd = open(SPLAT_DEV, O_RDONLY); if (splatctl_fd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open %s: %d\n" "Is the splat module loaded?\n", SPLAT_DEV, errno); rc = errno; goto error; } /* Determine kernel module version string */ memset(splat_version, 0, VERSION_SIZE); if ((rc = read(splatctl_fd, splat_version, VERSION_SIZE - 1)) == -1) goto error; if ((rc = dev_clear())) goto error; if ((rc = dev_size(0)) < 0) goto error; splat_buffer_size = rc; splat_buffer = (char *)malloc(splat_buffer_size); if (splat_buffer == NULL) { rc = -ENOMEM; goto error; } memset(splat_buffer, 0, splat_buffer_size); /* Determine available subsystems */ if ((rc = subsystem_setup()) != 0) goto error; /* Determine available tests for all subsystems */ i = list_iterator_create(subsystems); while ((sub = list_next(i))) { if ((rc = test_setup(sub)) != 0) { list_iterator_destroy(i); goto error; } } list_iterator_destroy(i); return 0; error: if (splatctl_fd != -1) { if (close(splatctl_fd) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to close %s: %d\n", SPLAT_DEV, errno); } } return rc; } int init(void) { int rc = 0; /* Allocate the subsystem list */ subsystems = list_create((ListDelF)subsystem_fini); if (subsystems == NULL) rc = ENOMEM; return rc; } void fini(void) { list_destroy(subsystems); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { cmd_args_t *args = NULL; int rc = 0; /* General init */ if ((rc = init())) return rc; /* Device specific init */ if ((rc = dev_init())) goto out; /* Argument init and parsing */ if ((args = args_init(argc, argv)) == NULL) { rc = -1; goto out; } /* Generic kernel version string */ if (args->args_verbose) fprintf(stdout, "%s", splat_version); /* Print the available test list and exit */ if (args->args_do_list) { subsystem_list(subsystems, 0); goto out; } /* Add all available test to the list of tests to run */ if (args->args_do_all) { if ((rc = test_add_all(args))) goto out; } /* Run all the requested tests */ if ((rc = tests_run(args))) goto out; out: if (args != NULL) args_fini(args); dev_fini(); fini(); return rc; }