# # This is the top-level .gitignore file: # ignore everything except a list of allowed files. # # This is not the place for entries that are specific to # a subdirectory. Instead add those files to the # .gitignore file in that subdirectory. # # N.B. # Please use 'git ls-files -i --exclude-standard' # command after changing this file, to see if there are # any tracked files which get ignored after the change. * !.github !cmd !config !contrib !etc !include !lib !man !module !rpm !scripts !tests !udev !.github/** !cmd/** !config/** !contrib/** !etc/** !include/** !lib/** !man/** !module/** !rpm/** !scripts/** !tests/** !udev/** !.editorconfig !.cirrus.yml !.gitignore !.gitmodules !AUTHORS !autogen.sh !CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md !configure.ac !copy-builtin !COPYRIGHT !LICENSE !Makefile.am !META !NEWS !NOTICE !README.md !RELEASES.md !TEST !zfs.release.in # # Normal rules # *.[oa] *.o.ur-safe *.lo *.la *.mod.c *~ *.swp *.gcno *.gcda *.pyc *.pyo .deps .libs .dirstamp .DS_Store modules.order Makefile Makefile.in *.patch *.orig *.tmp *.log