diff --git a/copy-builtin b/copy-builtin index c108cfc673..ee3b081cae 100755 --- a/copy-builtin +++ b/copy-builtin @@ -12,9 +12,16 @@ usage() KERNEL_DIR="$(readlink --canonicalize-existing "$1")" MODULES=() + +# When integrated in to a monolithic kernel the spl module must appear +# first. This ensures its module initialization function is run before +# any of the other module initialization functions which depend on it. +MODULES+="spl" + for MODULE_DIR in module/* module/os/linux/* do [ -d "$MODULE_DIR" ] || continue + [ "spl" = "${MODULE_DIR##*/}" ] && continue [ "os" = "${MODULE_DIR#*/}" ] && continue MODULES+=("${MODULE_DIR#*/}") done