2013-02-17 20:10:17 +00:00
%define module @PACKAGE@
%define repo rpmfusion
%define buildforkernels newest
#define buildforkernels current
#define buildforkernels akmod
%bcond_with debug
%bcond_with debug_dmu_tx
Name: %{module}-kmod
Version: @VERSION@
Release: @RELEASE@%{?dist}
Summary: Kernel module(s)
Group: System Environment/Kernel
URL: http://zfsonlinux.org/
Source0: %{module}-%{version}.tar.gz
Source10: kmodtool
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
ExclusiveArch: i586 i686 x86_64
# Likely compiles but is not supported.
ExcludeArch: ppc ppc64
# The developments headers will conflict with the dkms packages.
Conflicts: %{module}-dkms
BuildRequires: %{_bindir}/kmodtool
2013-03-25 18:28:18 +00:00
BuildRequires: spl-devel-kmod = %{version}-%{release}
2013-02-17 20:10:17 +00:00
2013-03-25 18:28:18 +00:00
%global KmodsBuildRequires spl-devel-kmod
2013-02-17 20:10:17 +00:00
%global KmodsRequires kmod-spl
%{!?kernels:BuildRequires: buildsys-build-rpmfusion-kerneldevpkgs-%{?buildforkernels:%{buildforkernels}}%{!?buildforkernels:current}-%{_target_cpu} }
%if 0%{?fedora} >= 17
%define prefix /usr
# Kmodtool does its magic here. A patched version of kmodtool is shipped
# with the source rpm until kmod development packages are supported upstream.
# https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2714
%{expand:%(sh %{SOURCE10} --target %{_target_cpu} --repo %{repo} --kmodname %{name} --devel %{?prefix:--prefix "%{?prefix}"} %{?buildforkernels:--%{buildforkernels}} %{?kernels:--for-kernels "%{?kernels}"} 2>/dev/null) }
This package contains the ZFS kernel modules.
# Error out if there was something wrong with kmodtool.
# Print kmodtool output for debugging purposes:
sh %{SOURCE10} --target %{_target_cpu} --repo %{repo} --kmodname %{name} --devel %{?buildforkernels:--%{buildforkernels}} %{?kernels:--for-kernels "%{?kernels}"} 2>/dev/null
%if %{with debug}
%define debug --enable-debug
%define debug --disable-debug
%if %{with debug_dmu_tx}
%define debug_dmu_tx --enable-debug-dmu-tx
%define debug_dmu_tx --disable-debug-dmu-tx
# Leverage VPATH from configure to avoid making multiple copies.
%define _configure ../%{module}-%{version}/configure
%setup -q -c -T -a 0
for kernel_version in %{?kernel_versions}; do
%{__mkdir} _kmod_build_${kernel_version%%___*}
for kernel_version in %{?kernel_versions}; do
pushd _kmod_build_${kernel_version%%___*}
%configure \
--with-config=kernel \
--with-linux="${kernel_version##*___}" \
--with-linux-obj="${kernel_version##*___}" \
--with-spl="/usr/src/spl-%{version}" \
--with-spl-obj="/usr/src/spl-%{version}/${kernel_version%%___*}" \
%{debug} \
make %{?_smp_mflags}
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
# Relies on the kernel 'modules_install' make target.
for kernel_version in %{?kernel_versions}; do
pushd _kmod_build_${kernel_version%%___*}
make install \
%{?prefix:INSTALL_MOD_PATH=%{?prefix}} \
chmod u+x ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{kmodinstdir_prefix}/*/extra/*/*/*
2013-03-25 20:46:37 +00:00
* Fri Mar 22 2013 Brian Behlendorf <behlendorf1@llnl.gov> - 0.6.1-1
- First official stable release.