441 lines
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441 lines
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using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Threading;
namespace Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Messaging
// Represents a message store that is backed by a ring buffer.
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1001:TypesThatOwnDisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposable", Justification = "The rate sampler doesn't need to be disposed")]
public sealed class ScaleoutStore
private const uint _minFragmentCount = 4;
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1802:UseLiteralsWhereAppropriate", Justification = "It's conditional based on architecture")]
private static readonly uint _maxFragmentSize = (IntPtr.Size == 4) ? (uint)16384 : (uint)8192; // guarantees that fragments never end up in the LOH
private static readonly ArraySegment<ScaleoutMapping> _emptyArraySegment = new ArraySegment<ScaleoutMapping>(new ScaleoutMapping[0]);
private Fragment[] _fragments;
private readonly uint _fragmentSize;
private long _minMessageId;
private long _nextFreeMessageId;
private ulong _minMappingId;
private ScaleoutMapping _maxMapping;
// Creates a message store with the specified capacity. The actual capacity will be *at least* the
// specified value. That is, GetMessages may return more data than 'capacity'.
public ScaleoutStore(uint capacity)
// set a minimum capacity
if (capacity < 32)
capacity = 32;
// Dynamically choose an appropriate number of fragments and the size of each fragment.
// This is chosen to avoid allocations on the large object heap and to minimize contention
// in the store. We allocate a small amount of additional space to act as an overflow
// buffer; this increases throughput of the data structure.
uint fragmentCount = Math.Max(_minFragmentCount, capacity / _maxFragmentSize);
_fragmentSize = Math.Min((capacity + fragmentCount - 1) / fragmentCount, _maxFragmentSize);
_fragments = new Fragment[fragmentCount + 1]; // +1 for the overflow buffer
internal ulong MinMappingId
return _minMappingId;
public ScaleoutMapping MaxMapping
return _maxMapping;
public uint FragmentSize
return _fragmentSize;
public int FragmentCount
return _fragments.Length;
// Adds a message to the store. Returns the ID of the newly added message.
public ulong Add(ScaleoutMapping mapping)
// keep looping in TryAddImpl until it succeeds
ulong newMessageId;
while (!TryAddImpl(mapping, out newMessageId)) ;
// When TryAddImpl succeeds, record the fact that a message was just added to the
// store. We increment the next free id rather than set it explicitly since
// multiple threads might be trying to write simultaneously. There is a nifty
// side effect to this: _nextFreeMessageId will *always* return the total number
// of messages that *all* threads agree have ever been added to the store. (The
// actual number may be higher, but this field will eventually catch up as threads
// flush data.)
Interlocked.Increment(ref _nextFreeMessageId);
return newMessageId;
private void GetFragmentOffsets(ulong messageId, out ulong fragmentNum, out int idxIntoFragmentsArray, out int idxIntoFragment)
fragmentNum = messageId / _fragmentSize;
// from the bucket number, we can figure out where in _fragments this data sits
idxIntoFragmentsArray = (int)(fragmentNum % (uint)_fragments.Length);
idxIntoFragment = (int)(messageId % _fragmentSize);
private int GetFragmentOffset(ulong messageId)
ulong fragmentNum = messageId / _fragmentSize;
return (int)(fragmentNum % (uint)_fragments.Length);
private ulong GetMessageId(ulong fragmentNum, uint offset)
return fragmentNum * _fragmentSize + offset;
private bool TryAddImpl(ScaleoutMapping mapping, out ulong newMessageId)
ulong nextFreeMessageId = (ulong)Volatile.Read(ref _nextFreeMessageId);
// locate the fragment containing the next free id, which is where we should write
ulong fragmentNum;
int idxIntoFragmentsArray, idxIntoFragment;
GetFragmentOffsets(nextFreeMessageId, out fragmentNum, out idxIntoFragmentsArray, out idxIntoFragment);
Fragment fragment = _fragments[idxIntoFragmentsArray];
if (fragment == null || fragment.FragmentNum < fragmentNum)
// the fragment is outdated (or non-existent) and must be replaced
bool overwrite = fragment != null && fragment.FragmentNum < fragmentNum;
if (idxIntoFragment == 0)
// this thread is responsible for creating the fragment
Fragment newFragment = new Fragment(fragmentNum, _fragmentSize);
newFragment.Data[0] = mapping;
Fragment existingFragment = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _fragments[idxIntoFragmentsArray], newFragment, fragment);
if (existingFragment == fragment)
newMessageId = GetMessageId(fragmentNum, offset: 0);
newFragment.MinId = newMessageId;
newFragment.Length = 1;
newFragment.MaxId = GetMessageId(fragmentNum, offset: _fragmentSize - 1);
_maxMapping = mapping;
// Move the minimum id when we overwrite
if (overwrite)
_minMessageId = (long)(existingFragment.MaxId + 1);
_minMappingId = existingFragment.MaxId;
else if (idxIntoFragmentsArray == 0)
_minMappingId = mapping.Id;
return true;
// another thread is responsible for updating the fragment, so fall to bottom of method
else if (fragment.FragmentNum == fragmentNum)
// the fragment is valid, and we can just try writing into it until we reach the end of the fragment
ScaleoutMapping[] fragmentData = fragment.Data;
for (int i = idxIntoFragment; i < fragmentData.Length; i++)
ScaleoutMapping originalMapping = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref fragmentData[i], mapping, null);
if (originalMapping == null)
newMessageId = GetMessageId(fragmentNum, offset: (uint)i);
_maxMapping = fragmentData[i];
return true;
// another thread used the last open space in this fragment, so fall to bottom of method
// failure; caller will retry operation
newMessageId = 0;
return false;
public MessageStoreResult<ScaleoutMapping> GetMessages(ulong firstMessageIdRequestedByClient)
ulong nextFreeMessageId = (ulong)Volatile.Read(ref _nextFreeMessageId);
// Case 1:
// The client is already up-to-date with the message store, so we return no data.
if (nextFreeMessageId <= firstMessageIdRequestedByClient)
return new MessageStoreResult<ScaleoutMapping>(firstMessageIdRequestedByClient, _emptyArraySegment, hasMoreData: false);
// look for the fragment containing the start of the data requested by the client
ulong fragmentNum;
int idxIntoFragmentsArray, idxIntoFragment;
GetFragmentOffsets(firstMessageIdRequestedByClient, out fragmentNum, out idxIntoFragmentsArray, out idxIntoFragment);
Fragment thisFragment = _fragments[idxIntoFragmentsArray];
ulong firstMessageIdInThisFragment = GetMessageId(thisFragment.FragmentNum, offset: 0);
ulong firstMessageIdInNextFragment = firstMessageIdInThisFragment + _fragmentSize;
// Case 2:
// This fragment contains the first part of the data the client requested.
if (firstMessageIdInThisFragment <= firstMessageIdRequestedByClient && firstMessageIdRequestedByClient < firstMessageIdInNextFragment)
int count = (int)(Math.Min(nextFreeMessageId, firstMessageIdInNextFragment) - firstMessageIdRequestedByClient);
var retMessages = new ArraySegment<ScaleoutMapping>(thisFragment.Data, idxIntoFragment, count);
return new MessageStoreResult<ScaleoutMapping>(firstMessageIdRequestedByClient, retMessages, hasMoreData: (nextFreeMessageId > firstMessageIdInNextFragment));
// Case 3:
// The client has missed messages, so we need to send him the earliest fragment we have.
while (true)
GetFragmentOffsets(nextFreeMessageId, out fragmentNum, out idxIntoFragmentsArray, out idxIntoFragment);
Fragment tailFragment = _fragments[(idxIntoFragmentsArray + 1) % _fragments.Length];
if (tailFragment.FragmentNum < fragmentNum)
firstMessageIdInThisFragment = GetMessageId(tailFragment.FragmentNum, offset: 0);
return new MessageStoreResult<ScaleoutMapping>(firstMessageIdInThisFragment, new ArraySegment<ScaleoutMapping>(tailFragment.Data, 0, tailFragment.Length), hasMoreData: true);
nextFreeMessageId = (ulong)Volatile.Read(ref _nextFreeMessageId);
public MessageStoreResult<ScaleoutMapping> GetMessagesByMappingId(ulong mappingId)
var minMessageId = (ulong)Volatile.Read(ref _minMessageId);
int idxIntoFragment;
// look for the fragment containing the start of the data requested by the client
Fragment thisFragment;
if (TryGetFragmentFromMappingId(mappingId, out thisFragment))
int lastSearchIndex;
ulong lastSearchId;
if (thisFragment.TrySearch(mappingId,
out idxIntoFragment,
out lastSearchIndex,
out lastSearchId))
// Skip the first message
ulong firstMessageIdRequestedByClient = GetMessageId(thisFragment.FragmentNum, (uint)idxIntoFragment);
return GetMessages(firstMessageIdRequestedByClient);
if (mappingId > lastSearchId)
var segment = new ArraySegment<ScaleoutMapping>(thisFragment.Data,
thisFragment.Length - lastSearchIndex);
var firstMessageIdInThisFragment = GetMessageId(thisFragment.FragmentNum, offset: (uint)lastSearchIndex);
return new MessageStoreResult<ScaleoutMapping>(firstMessageIdInThisFragment,
hasMoreData: true);
// If we're expired or we're at the first mapping or we're lower than the
// min then get everything
if (mappingId < _minMappingId || mappingId == UInt64.MaxValue)
return GetAllMessages(minMessageId);
// We're up to date so do nothing
return new MessageStoreResult<ScaleoutMapping>(0, _emptyArraySegment, hasMoreData: false);
private MessageStoreResult<ScaleoutMapping> GetAllMessages(ulong minMessageId)
ulong fragmentNum;
int idxIntoFragmentsArray, idxIntoFragment;
GetFragmentOffsets(minMessageId, out fragmentNum, out idxIntoFragmentsArray, out idxIntoFragment);
Fragment fragment = _fragments[idxIntoFragmentsArray];
if (fragment == null)
return new MessageStoreResult<ScaleoutMapping>(minMessageId, _emptyArraySegment, hasMoreData: false);
var firstMessageIdInThisFragment = GetMessageId(fragment.FragmentNum, offset: 0);
var messages = new ArraySegment<ScaleoutMapping>(fragment.Data, 0, fragment.Length);
return new MessageStoreResult<ScaleoutMapping>(firstMessageIdInThisFragment, messages, hasMoreData: true);
internal bool TryGetFragmentFromMappingId(ulong mappingId, out Fragment fragment)
long low = _minMessageId;
long high = _nextFreeMessageId;
while (low <= high)
var mid = (ulong)((low + high) / 2);
int midOffset = GetFragmentOffset(mid);
fragment = _fragments[midOffset];
if (fragment == null)
return false;
if (mappingId < fragment.MinValue)
high = (long)(fragment.MinId - 1);
else if (mappingId > fragment.MaxValue)
low = (long)(fragment.MaxId + 1);
else if (fragment.HasValue(mappingId))
return true;
fragment = null;
return false;
internal sealed class Fragment
public readonly ulong FragmentNum;
public readonly ScaleoutMapping[] Data;
public int Length;
public ulong MinId;
public ulong MaxId;
public Fragment(ulong fragmentNum, uint fragmentSize)
FragmentNum = fragmentNum;
Data = new ScaleoutMapping[fragmentSize];
public ulong? MinValue
var mapping = Data[0];
if (mapping != null)
return mapping.Id;
return null;
public ulong? MaxValue
ScaleoutMapping mapping = null;
if (Length == 0)
mapping = Data[Length];
mapping = Data[Length - 1];
if (mapping != null)
return mapping.Id;
return null;
public bool HasValue(ulong id)
return id >= MinValue && id <= MaxValue;
public bool TrySearch(ulong id, out int index, out int lastSearchIndex, out ulong lastSearchId)
lastSearchIndex = 0;
lastSearchId = id;
var low = 0;
var high = Length;
while (low <= high)
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
ScaleoutMapping mapping = Data[mid];
lastSearchIndex = mid;
lastSearchId = mapping.Id;
if (id < mapping.Id)
high = mid - 1;
else if (id > mapping.Id)
low = mid + 1;
else if (id == mapping.Id)
index = mid;
return true;
index = -1;
return false;