305 lines
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305 lines
13 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using NLog;
using NzbDrone.Core.Helpers;
using NzbDrone.Core.Model;
using NzbDrone.Core.Model.Notification;
using NzbDrone.Core.Repository;
using NzbDrone.Core.Repository.Quality;
using Rss;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Providers
public class RssSyncProvider : IRssSyncProvider
//Sync with RSS feeds to download files as needed
private Thread _rssSyncThread;
private IIndexerProvider _indexerProvider;
private IRssProvider _rss;
private ISeriesProvider _series;
private ISeasonProvider _season;
private IEpisodeProvider _episode;
private IHistoryProvider _history;
private IDownloadProvider _sab;
private IConfigProvider _configProvider;
private readonly INotificationProvider _notificationProvider;
private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
private ProgressNotification _rssSyncNotification;
public RssSyncProvider(IIndexerProvider indexerProvider, IRssProvider rss, ISeriesProvider series,
ISeasonProvider season, IEpisodeProvider episode, IHistoryProvider history, IDownloadProvider sab, INotificationProvider notificationProvider, IConfigProvider configProvider)
_indexerProvider = indexerProvider;
_rss = rss;
_series = series;
_season = season;
_episode = episode;
_history = history;
_sab = sab;
_notificationProvider = notificationProvider;
_configProvider = configProvider;
#region IRssSyncProvider Members
public void Begin()
Logger.Debug("RSS Sync Starting");
if (_rssSyncThread == null || !_rssSyncThread.IsAlive)
Logger.Debug("Initializing background sync of RSS Feeds.");
_rssSyncThread = new Thread(SyncWithRss)
Name = "RssSync",
Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest
Logger.Warn("RSS Sync already in progress. Ignoring request.");
private void SyncWithRss()
//Get all enabled RSS providers
//Download Feeds
var indexers = _indexerProvider.EnabledIndexers();
using (_rssSyncNotification = new ProgressNotification("RSS Sync"))
_rssSyncNotification.CurrentStatus = "Starting Scan";
_rssSyncNotification.ProgressMax = indexers.Count();
foreach (var i in indexers)
Logger.Info("Starting RSS Sync for: {0}", i.IndexerName);
//Need to insert the users information in the the URL before trying to use it
GetUsersUrl(i); //Get the new users specific url (with their information) to use for the Sync
//If the url still contains '{' & '}' the user probably hasn't configured the indexer settings
if (i.RssUrl.Contains("{") && i.RssUrl.Contains("}"))
Logger.Debug("Unable to Sync {0}. User Information has not been configured.", i.IndexerName);
continue; //Skip this indexer
_rssSyncNotification.CurrentStatus = String.Format("Syncing with RSS Feed: {0}", i.IndexerName);
var indexer = new FeedInfoModel(i.IndexerName, i.RssUrl);
var feedItems = _rss.GetFeed(indexer);
if (feedItems.Count() == 0)
_rssSyncNotification.CurrentStatus = String.Format("Failed to download RSS Feed: {0}", //
continue; //No need to process anything else
foreach (RssItem item in feedItems)
NzbInfoModel nzb = Parser.ParseNzbInfo(indexer, item);
QueueIfWanted(nzb, i);
_rssSyncNotification.CurrentStatus = "RSS Sync Completed";
Logger.Info("RSS Sync has successfully completed.");
_rssSyncNotification.Status = ProgressNotificationStatus.Completed;
private void QueueIfWanted(NzbInfoModel nzb, Indexer indexer)
//Do we want this item?
if (nzb.IsPassworded())
Logger.Debug("Skipping Passworded Report {0}", nzb.Title);
var episodeParseResults = Parser.ParseEpisodeInfo(nzb.Title);
if (episodeParseResults.Count() < 1)
Logger.Debug("Unsupported Title: {0}", nzb.Title);
//Todo: How to determine if we want the show if the FeedTitle is drastically different from the TitleOnDisk (CSI is one that comes to mind)
var series = _series.FindSeries(episodeParseResults[0].SeriesTitle);
if (series == null)
//If we weren't able to find a title using the clean name, lets try again looking for a scene name
series = _series.GetSeries(SceneNameHelper.FindByName(episodeParseResults[0].SeriesTitle));
if (series == null)
Logger.Debug("Show is not being watched: {0}", episodeParseResults[0].SeriesTitle);
Logger.Debug("Show is being watched: {0}", series.Title);
nzb.TitleFix = GetTitleFix(episodeParseResults, series.SeriesId); //Get the TitleFix so we can use it later
nzb.Proper = Parser.ParseProper(nzb.Title);
nzb.Quality = Parser.ParseQuality(nzb.Title);
nzb.TitleFix = String.Format("{0} [{1}]", nzb.TitleFix, nzb.Quality); //Add Quality to the titleFix
//Loop through the list of the episodeParseResults to ensure that all the episodes are needed)
foreach (var episode in episodeParseResults)
var episodeModel = new EpisodeModel();
episodeModel.Proper = nzb.Proper;
episodeModel.SeriesId = series.SeriesId;
episodeModel.SeriesTitle = series.Title;
episodeModel.Quality = nzb.Quality;
episodeModel.SeasonNumber = episode.SeasonNumber;
episodeModel.EpisodeNumber = episode.EpisodeNumber;
if (!_episode.IsNeeded(episodeModel))
var titleFix = GetTitleFix(new List<EpisodeParseResult> { episode }, episodeModel.SeriesId);
titleFix = String.Format("{0} [{1}]", titleFix, nzb.Quality); //Add Quality to the titleFix
if (_sab.IsInQueue(titleFix))
//If their is more than one episode in this NZB check to see if it has been added as a single NZB
if (episodeParseResults.Count > 1)
if (_sab.IsInQueue(nzb.TitleFix))
//Only add to history if it was added to properly sent to SABnzbd
if (_sab.AddByUrl(nzb.Link.ToString(), nzb.TitleFix))
//We need to loop through the episodeParseResults so each episode in the NZB is properly handled
foreach (var epr in episodeParseResults)
var episode = _episode.GetEpisode(series.SeriesId, epr.SeasonNumber, epr.EpisodeNumber);
if (episode == null)
//Not sure how we got this far, so lets throw an exception
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
//Set episode status to grabbed
episode.Status = EpisodeStatusType.Grabbed;
//Add to History
var history = new History();
history.Date = DateTime.Now;
history.EpisodeId = episode.EpisodeId;
history.IndexerName = indexer.IndexerName;
history.IsProper = nzb.Proper;
history.Quality = nzb.Quality;
history.NzbTitle = nzb.Title;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.ErrorException("Error Parsing NZB: " + ex.Message, ex);
private string GetTitleFix(List<EpisodeParseResult> episodes, int seriesId)
var series = _series.GetSeries(seriesId);
int seasonNumber = 0;
string episodeNumbers = String.Empty;
string episodeTitles = String.Empty;
foreach (var episode in episodes)
var episodeInDb = _episode.GetEpisode(seriesId, episode.SeasonNumber, episode.EpisodeNumber);
if (episodeInDb == null)
Logger.Debug("Episode Not found in Database");
return String.Format("{0} - {1:00}x{2}", series.Title, episode.SeasonNumber, episode.SeriesTitle);
seasonNumber = episodeInDb.SeasonNumber;
episodeNumbers = String.Format("{0}x{1:00}", episodeNumbers, episodeInDb.EpisodeNumber);
episodeTitles = String.Format("{0} + {1}", episodeTitles, episodeInDb.Title);
episodeTitles = episodeTitles.Trim(' ', '+');
return String.Format("{0} - {1}{2} - {3}", series.Title, seasonNumber, episodeNumbers, episodeTitles);
private void GetUsersUrl(Indexer indexer)
if (indexer.IndexerName == "NzbMatrix")
var nzbMatrixUsername = _configProvider.GetValue("NzbMatrixUsername", String.Empty, false);
var nzbMatrixApiKey = _configProvider.GetValue("NzbMatrixApiKey", String.Empty, false);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nzbMatrixUsername) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(nzbMatrixApiKey))
indexer.RssUrl = indexer.RssUrl.Replace("{USERNAME}", nzbMatrixUsername).Replace("{APIKEY}", nzbMatrixApiKey);
//Todo: Perform validation at the config level so a user is unable to enable a provider until user details are provided
if (indexer.IndexerName == "NzbsOrg")
var nzbsOrgUId = _configProvider.GetValue("NzbsOrgUId", String.Empty, false);
var nzbsOrgHash = _configProvider.GetValue("NzbsOrgHash", String.Empty, false);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nzbsOrgUId) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(nzbsOrgHash))
indexer.RssUrl = indexer.RssUrl.Replace("{UID}", nzbsOrgUId).Replace("{HASH}", nzbsOrgHash);
//Todo: Perform validation at the config level so a user is unable to enable a provider until user details are provided
if (indexer.IndexerName == "NzbsOrg")
var nzbsrusUId = _configProvider.GetValue("NzbsrusUId", String.Empty, false);
var nzbsrusHash = _configProvider.GetValue("NzbsrusHash", String.Empty, false);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nzbsrusUId) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(nzbsrusHash))
indexer.RssUrl = indexer.RssUrl.Replace("{UID}", nzbsrusUId).Replace("{HASH}", nzbsrusHash);
//Todo: Perform validation at the config level so a user is unable to enable a provider until user details are provided
return; //Currently other providers do not require user information to be substituted, simply return