using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Web; using Ninject; using NLog.Config; using NLog.Targets; using NzbDrone.Core.Instrumentation; using NzbDrone.Core.Providers; using NzbDrone.Core.Providers.Core; using NzbDrone.Core.Providers.Fakes; using NzbDrone.Core.Repository; using NzbDrone.Core.Repository.Quality; using SubSonic.DataProviders; using SubSonic.Query; using SubSonic.Repository; using NLog; using System.Linq; namespace NzbDrone.Core { public static class CentralDispatch { private static StandardKernel _kernel; private static readonly Object kernelLock = new object(); private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); private static string _startupPath; public static void BindKernel() { lock (kernelLock) { Logger.Debug("Binding Ninject's Kernel"); _kernel = new StandardKernel(); //Store the startup path _startupPath = AppPath; //Sqlite var AppDataPath = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(AppPath, "App_Data", "nzbdrone.db")); if (!AppDataPath.Exists) AppDataPath.Create(); string connectionString = String.Format("Data Source={0};Version=3;", Path.Combine(AppDataPath.FullName, "nzbdrone.db")); var dbProvider = ProviderFactory.GetProvider(connectionString, "System.Data.SQLite"); string logConnectionString = String.Format("Data Source={0};Version=3;", Path.Combine(AppDataPath.FullName, "log.db")); var logDbProvider = ProviderFactory.GetProvider(logConnectionString, "System.Data.SQLite"); //SQLExpress //string logConnectionString = String.Format(@"server=.\SQLExpress; database=NzbDroneLogs; Trusted_Connection=True;"); //var logDbProvider = ProviderFactory.GetProvider(logConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient"); var logRepository = new SimpleRepository(logDbProvider, SimpleRepositoryOptions.RunMigrations); //dbProvider.ExecuteQuery(new QueryCommand("VACUUM", dbProvider)); dbProvider.Log = new NlogWriter(); _kernel.Bind().To().InSingletonScope(); _kernel.Bind().To(); _kernel.Bind().To(); _kernel.Bind().To(); _kernel.Bind().To(); _kernel.Bind().To(); _kernel.Bind().To(); _kernel.Bind().To(); _kernel.Bind().To(); _kernel.Bind().To(); _kernel.Bind().To(); _kernel.Bind().To(); _kernel.Bind().To(); _kernel.Bind().To(); _kernel.Bind().To().InSingletonScope(); _kernel.Bind().To().InSingletonScope(); _kernel.Bind().To().InSingletonScope(); _kernel.Bind().To().InSingletonScope(); _kernel.Bind().To().InSingletonScope(); _kernel.Bind().To().InSingletonScope(); _kernel.Bind().To().InSingletonScope(); _kernel.Bind().To().InSingletonScope(); _kernel.Bind().To().InSingletonScope(); _kernel.Bind().To().InSingletonScope(); _kernel.Bind().To().InSingletonScope(); _kernel.Bind().ToMethod(c => new SimpleRepository(dbProvider, SimpleRepositoryOptions.RunMigrations)).InSingletonScope(); _kernel.Bind().ToConstant(logRepository).WhenInjectedInto().InSingletonScope(); _kernel.Bind().ToConstant(logRepository).WhenInjectedInto().InSingletonScope(); ForceMigration(_kernel.Get()); SetupIndexers(_kernel.Get()); //Setup the default set of indexers on start-up SetupDefaultQualityProfiles(_kernel.Get()); //Setup the default QualityProfiles on start-up //Get the Timers going var config = _kernel.Get(); var timer = _kernel.Get(); timer.SetRssSyncTimer(Convert.ToInt32(config.GetValue("SyncFrequency", "15", true))); timer.StartRssSyncTimer(); } } public static String AppPath { get { if (HttpContext.Current != null) { return new DirectoryInfo(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("\\")).FullName; } return Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); } } public static string ExecutablePath { get { //var uri = new Uri(Assembly.EscapedCodeBase); //return Path.GetDirectoryName(uri.LocalPath); return Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); } } public static string StartupPath { get { return _startupPath; } } public static StandardKernel NinjectKernel { get { if (_kernel == null) { BindKernel(); } return _kernel; } } private static void ForceMigration(IRepository repository) { repository.GetPaged(0, 1); repository.GetPaged(0, 1); repository.GetPaged(0, 1); repository.GetPaged(0, 1); repository.GetPaged(0, 1); repository.GetPaged(0, 1); } /// /// This method forces IISExpress process to exit with the host application /// public static void DedicateToHost() { try { Logger.Debug("Attaching to parent process for automatic termination."); var pc = new PerformanceCounter("Process", "Creating Process ID", Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName); var pid = (int)pc.NextValue(); var hostProcess = Process.GetProcessById(pid); hostProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true; hostProcess.Exited += (delegate { Logger.Info("Host has been terminated. Shutting down web server."); ShutDown(); }); Logger.Debug("Successfully Attached to host. Process ID: {0}", pid); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Fatal(e); } } private static void ShutDown() { Logger.Info("Shutting down application."); Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } private static void SetupIndexers(IRepository repository) { //Setup the default providers in the Providers table string nzbMatrixRss = "{USERNAME}&apikey={APIKEY}&subcat=6,41&english=1"; string nzbMatrixApi = "{USERNAME}&apikey={APIKEY}&subcat=6,41&english=1&age={AGE}&term={TERM}"; string nzbsOrgRss = "{UID}&h={HASH}"; string nzbsOrgApi = String.Empty; string nzbsrusRss = ",75&i={UID}&h={HASH}"; string nzbsrusApi = String.Empty; var nzbMatrixIndexer = new Indexer { IndexerId = 1, IndexerName = "NzbMatrix", RssUrl = nzbMatrixRss, ApiUrl = nzbMatrixApi, Order = 1 }; var nzbsOrgIndexer = new Indexer { IndexerId = 2, IndexerName = "NzbsOrg", RssUrl = nzbsOrgRss, ApiUrl = nzbsOrgApi, Order = 2 }; var nzbsrusIndexer = new Indexer { IndexerId = 3, IndexerName = "Nzbsrus", RssUrl = nzbsrusRss, ApiUrl = nzbsrusApi, Order = 3 }; //NzbMatrix Logger.Debug("Checking for NzbMatrix Indexer"); var nzbMatix = repository.Single(1); if (nzbMatix == null) { Logger.Debug("Adding new Indexer: NzbMatrix"); repository.Add(nzbMatrixIndexer); } else { Logger.Debug("Updating Indexer: NzbMatrix"); nzbMatix.RssUrl = nzbMatrixIndexer.RssUrl; nzbMatix.ApiUrl = nzbMatrixIndexer.ApiUrl; repository.Update(nzbMatix); } // Logger.Debug("Checking for"); var nzbsOrg = repository.Single(2); if (nzbsOrg == null) { Logger.Debug("Adding new Indexer:"); repository.Add(nzbsOrgIndexer); } else { Logger.Debug("Updating Indexer:"); nzbsOrg.RssUrl = nzbsOrgIndexer.RssUrl; nzbsOrg.ApiUrl = nzbsOrgIndexer.ApiUrl; repository.Update(nzbsOrg); } //Nzbsrus Logger.Debug("Checking for Nzbsrus"); var nzbsrus = repository.Single(3); if (nzbsrus == null) { Logger.Debug("Adding new Indexer: Nzbsrus"); repository.Add(nzbsrusIndexer); } else { Logger.Debug("Updating Indexer: Nzbsrus"); nzbsrus.RssUrl = nzbsOrgIndexer.RssUrl; nzbsrus.ApiUrl = nzbsOrgIndexer.ApiUrl; repository.Update(nzbsrus); } } private static void SetupDefaultQualityProfiles(IRepository repository) { var sd = new QualityProfile { Name = "SD", Allowed = new List { QualityTypes.TV, QualityTypes.DVD }, Cutoff = QualityTypes.TV }; var hd = new QualityProfile { Name = "HD", Allowed = new List { QualityTypes.HDTV, QualityTypes.WEBDL, QualityTypes.BDRip, QualityTypes.Bluray720 }, Cutoff = QualityTypes.HDTV }; //Add or Update SD Logger.Debug(String.Format("Checking for default QualityProfile: {0}", sd.Name)); var sdDb = repository.Single(i => i.Name == sd.Name); if (sdDb == null) { Logger.Debug(String.Format("Adding new default QualityProfile: {0}", sd.Name)); repository.Add(sd); } else { Logger.Debug(String.Format("Updating default QualityProfile: {0}", sd.Name)); sd.QualityProfileId = sdDb.QualityProfileId; repository.Update(sd); } //Add or Update HD Logger.Debug(String.Format("Checking for default QualityProfile: {0}", hd.Name)); var hdDb = repository.Single(i => i.Name == hd.Name); if (hdDb == null) { Logger.Debug(String.Format("Adding new default QualityProfile: {0}", hd.Name)); repository.Add(hd); } else { Logger.Debug(String.Format("Updating default QualityProfile: {0}", hd.Name)); hd.QualityProfileId = hdDb.QualityProfileId; repository.Update(hd); } } } }