/* * Jeditable - jQuery in place edit plugin * * Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Mika Tuupola, Dylan Verheul * * Licensed under the MIT license: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * * Project home: * http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/jeditable * * Based on editable by Dylan Verheul <dylan_at_dyve.net>: * http://www.dyve.net/jquery/?editable * */ /** * Version 1.6.2 * * ** means there is basic unit tests for this parameter. * * @name Jeditable * @type jQuery * @param String target (POST) URL or function to send edited content to ** * @param Hash options additional options * @param String options[method] method to use to send edited content (POST or PUT) ** * @param Function options[callback] Function to run after submitting edited content ** * @param String options[name] POST parameter name of edited content * @param String options[id] POST parameter name of edited div id * @param Hash options[submitdata] Extra parameters to send when submitting edited content. * @param String options[type] text, textarea or select (or any 3rd party input type) ** * @param Integer options[rows] number of rows if using textarea ** * @param Integer options[cols] number of columns if using textarea ** * @param Mixed options[height] 'auto', 'none' or height in pixels ** * @param Mixed options[width] 'auto', 'none' or width in pixels ** * @param String options[loadurl] URL to fetch input content before editing ** * @param String options[loadtype] Request type for load url. Should be GET or POST. * @param String options[loadtext] Text to display while loading external content. * @param Mixed options[loaddata] Extra parameters to pass when fetching content before editing. * @param Mixed options[data] Or content given as paramameter. String or function.** * @param String options[indicator] indicator html to show when saving * @param String options[tooltip] optional tooltip text via title attribute ** * @param String options[event] jQuery event such as 'click' of 'dblclick' ** * @param String options[submit] submit button value, empty means no button ** * @param String options[cancel] cancel button value, empty means no button ** * @param String options[cssclass] CSS class to apply to input form. 'inherit' to copy from parent. ** * @param String options[style] Style to apply to input form 'inherit' to copy from parent. ** * @param String options[select] true or false, when true text is highlighted ?? * @param String options[placeholder] Placeholder text or html to insert when element is empty. ** * @param String options[onblur] 'cancel', 'submit', 'ignore' or function ?? * * @param Function options[onsubmit] function(settings, original) { ... } called before submit * @param Function options[onreset] function(settings, original) { ... } called before reset * @param Function options[onerror] function(settings, original, xhr) { ... } called on error * * @param Hash options[ajaxoptions] jQuery Ajax options. See docs.jquery.com. * */ (function($) { $.fn.editable = function(target, options) { var settings = { target : target, name : 'value', id : 'id', type : 'text', width : 'auto', height : 'auto', event : 'click', onblur : 'cancel', loadtype : 'GET', loadtext : 'Loading...', placeholder: 'Click to edit', loaddata : {}, submitdata : {}, ajaxoptions: {} }; if(options) { $.extend(settings, options); } /* setup some functions */ var plugin = $.editable.types[settings.type].plugin || function() { }; var submit = $.editable.types[settings.type].submit || function() { }; var buttons = $.editable.types[settings.type].buttons || $.editable.types['defaults'].buttons; var content = $.editable.types[settings.type].content || $.editable.types['defaults'].content; var element = $.editable.types[settings.type].element || $.editable.types['defaults'].element; var reset = $.editable.types[settings.type].reset || $.editable.types['defaults'].reset; var callback = settings.callback || function() { }; var onsubmit = settings.onsubmit || function() { }; var onreset = settings.onreset || function() { }; var onerror = settings.onerror || reset; /* add custom event if it does not exist */ if (!$.isFunction($(this)[settings.event])) { $.fn[settings.event] = function(fn){ return fn ? this.bind(settings.event, fn) : this.trigger(settings.event); } } /* show tooltip */ $(this).attr('title', settings.tooltip); settings.autowidth = 'auto' == settings.width; settings.autoheight = 'auto' == settings.height; return this.each(function() { /* save this to self because this changes when scope changes */ var self = this; /* inlined block elements lose their width and height after first edit */ /* save them for later use as workaround */ var savedwidth = $(self).width(); var savedheight = $(self).height(); /* if element is empty add something clickable (if requested) */ if (!$.trim($(this).html())) { $(this).html(settings.placeholder); } $(this)[settings.event](function(e) { /* prevent throwing an exeption if edit field is clicked again */ if (self.editing) { return; } /* remove tooltip */ $(self).removeAttr('title'); /* figure out how wide and tall we are, saved width and height */ /* are workaround for http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/2190 */ if (0 == $(self).width()) { //$(self).css('visibility', 'hidden'); settings.width = savedwidth; settings.height = savedheight; } else { if (settings.width != 'none') { settings.width = //settings.autowidth ? savedwidth : settings.width settings.autowidth ? $(self).width() : settings.width; } if (settings.height != 'none') { settings.height = //settings.autoheight ? savedheight : settings.height; settings.autoheight ? $(self).height() : settings.height; } } //$(this).css('visibility', ''); /* remove placeholder text, replace is here because of IE */ if ($(this).html().toLowerCase().replace(/;/, '') == settings.placeholder.toLowerCase().replace(/;/, '')) { $(this).html(''); } self.editing = true; self.revert = $(self).html(); $(self).html(''); /* create the form object */ var form = $('<form />'); /* apply css or style or both */ if (settings.cssclass) { if ('inherit' == settings.cssclass) { form.attr('class', $(self).attr('class')); } else { form.attr('class', settings.cssclass); } } if (settings.style) { if ('inherit' == settings.style) { form.attr('style', $(self).attr('style')); /* IE needs the second line or display wont be inherited */ form.css('display', $(self).css('display')); } else { form.attr('style', settings.style); } } /* add main input element to form and store it in input */ var input = element.apply(form, [settings, self]); /* set input content via POST, GET, given data or existing value */ var input_content; if (settings.loadurl) { var t = setTimeout(function() { input.disabled = true; content.apply(form, [settings.loadtext, settings, self]); }, 100); var loaddata = {}; loaddata[settings.id] = self.id; if ($.isFunction(settings.loaddata)) { $.extend(loaddata, settings.loaddata.apply(self, [self.revert, settings])); } else { $.extend(loaddata, settings.loaddata); } $.ajax({ type : settings.loadtype, url : settings.loadurl, data : loaddata, async : false, success: function(result) { window.clearTimeout(t); input_content = result; input.disabled = false; } }); } else if (settings.data) { input_content = settings.data; if ($.isFunction(settings.data)) { input_content = settings.data.apply(self, [self.revert, settings]); } } else { input_content = self.revert; } content.apply(form, [input_content, settings, self]); input.attr('name', settings.name); /* add buttons to the form */ buttons.apply(form, [settings, self]); /* add created form to self */ $(self).append(form); /* attach 3rd party plugin if requested */ plugin.apply(form, [settings, self]); /* focus to first visible form element */ $(':input:visible:enabled:first', form).focus(); /* highlight input contents when requested */ if (settings.select) { input.select(); } /* discard changes if pressing esc */ input.keydown(function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { e.preventDefault(); //self.reset(); reset.apply(form, [settings, self]); } }); /* discard, submit or nothing with changes when clicking outside */ /* do nothing is usable when navigating with tab */ var t; if ('cancel' == settings.onblur) { input.blur(function(e) { /* prevent canceling if submit was clicked */ t = setTimeout(function() { reset.apply(form, [settings, self]); }, 500); }); } else if ('submit' == settings.onblur) { input.blur(function(e) { /* prevent double submit if submit was clicked */ t = setTimeout(function() { form.submit(); }, 200); }); } else if ($.isFunction(settings.onblur)) { input.blur(function(e) { settings.onblur.apply(self, [input.val(), settings]); }); } else { input.blur(function(e) { /* TODO: maybe something here */ }); } form.submit(function(e) { if (t) { clearTimeout(t); } /* do no submit */ e.preventDefault(); /* call before submit hook. */ /* if it returns false abort submitting */ if (false !== onsubmit.apply(form, [settings, self])) { /* custom inputs call before submit hook. */ /* if it returns false abort submitting */ if (false !== submit.apply(form, [settings, self])) { /* check if given target is function */ if ($.isFunction(settings.target)) { var str = settings.target.apply(self, [input.val(), settings]); $(self).html(str); self.editing = false; callback.apply(self, [self.innerHTML, settings]); /* TODO: this is not dry */ if (!$.trim($(self).html())) { $(self).html(settings.placeholder); } } else { /* add edited content and id of edited element to POST */ var submitdata = {}; submitdata[settings.name] = input.val(); submitdata[settings.id] = self.id; /* add extra data to be POST:ed */ if ($.isFunction(settings.submitdata)) { $.extend(submitdata, settings.submitdata.apply(self, [self.revert, settings])); } else { $.extend(submitdata, settings.submitdata); } /* quick and dirty PUT support */ if ('PUT' == settings.method) { submitdata['_method'] = 'put'; } /* show the saving indicator */ $(self).html(settings.indicator); /* defaults for ajaxoptions */ var ajaxoptions = { type : 'POST', data : submitdata, url : settings.target, success : function(result, status) { $(self).html(result); self.editing = false; callback.apply(self, [self.innerHTML, settings]); if (!$.trim($(self).html())) { $(self).html(settings.placeholder); } }, error : function(xhr, status, error) { onerror.apply(form, [settings, self, xhr]); } } /* override with what is given in settings.ajaxoptions */ $.extend(ajaxoptions, settings.ajaxoptions); $.ajax(ajaxoptions); } } } /* show tooltip again */ $(self).attr('title', settings.tooltip); return false; }); }); /* privileged methods */ this.reset = function(form) { /* prevent calling reset twice when blurring */ if (this.editing) { /* before reset hook, if it returns false abort reseting */ if (false !== onreset.apply(form, [settings, self])) { $(self).html(self.revert); self.editing = false; if (!$.trim($(self).html())) { $(self).html(settings.placeholder); } /* show tooltip again */ $(self).attr('title', settings.tooltip); } } } }); }; $.editable = { types: { defaults: { element : function(settings, original) { var input = $('<input type="hidden"></input>'); $(this).append(input); return(input); }, content : function(string, settings, original) { $(':input:first', this).val(string); }, reset : function(settings, original) { original.reset(this); }, buttons : function(settings, original) { var form = this; if (settings.submit) { /* if given html string use that */ if (settings.submit.match(/>$/)) { var submit = $(settings.submit).click(function() { if (submit.attr("type") != "submit") { form.submit(); } }); /* otherwise use button with given string as text */ } else { var submit = $('<button type="submit" />'); submit.html(settings.submit); } $(this).append(submit); } if (settings.cancel) { /* if given html string use that */ if (settings.cancel.match(/>$/)) { var cancel = $(settings.cancel); /* otherwise use button with given string as text */ } else { var cancel = $('<button type="cancel" />'); cancel.html(settings.cancel); } $(this).append(cancel); $(cancel).click(function(event) { //original.reset(); if ($.isFunction($.editable.types[settings.type].reset)) { var reset = $.editable.types[settings.type].reset; } else { var reset = $.editable.types['defaults'].reset; } reset.apply(form, [settings, original]); return false; }); } } }, text: { element : function(settings, original) { var input = $('<input />'); if (settings.width != 'none') { input.width(settings.width); } if (settings.height != 'none') { input.height(settings.height); } /* https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=236791 */ //input[0].setAttribute('autocomplete','off'); input.attr('autocomplete','off'); $(this).append(input); return(input); } }, textarea: { element : function(settings, original) { var textarea = $('<textarea />'); if (settings.rows) { textarea.attr('rows', settings.rows); } else { textarea.height(settings.height); } if (settings.cols) { textarea.attr('cols', settings.cols); } else { textarea.width(settings.width); } $(this).append(textarea); return(textarea); } }, select: { element : function(settings, original) { var select = $('<select />'); $(this).append(select); return(select); }, content : function(string, settings, original) { if (String == string.constructor) { eval ('var json = ' + string); for (var key in json) { if (!json.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } if ('selected' == key) { continue; } var option = $('<option />').val(key).append(json[key]); $('select', this).append(option); } } /* Loop option again to set selected. IE needed this... */ $('select', this).children().each(function() { if ($(this).val() == json['selected'] || $(this).text() == original.revert) { $(this).attr('selected', 'selected'); }; }); } } }, /* Add new input type */ addInputType: function(name, input) { $.editable.types[name] = input; } }; })(jQuery);