<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" targetNamespace="http://torznab.com/schemas/2015/feed" xmlns:torznab="http://torznab.com/schemas/2015/feed"> <xs:simpleType name="attrNames"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <!-- https://github.com/nZEDb/nZEDb/blob/master/docs/newznab_api_specification.txt --> <!-- http://newznab.readthedocs.org/en/latest/misc/api/ --> <!-- Original newznab attributes --> <!-- All --> <xs:enumeration value="size" /> <xs:enumeration value="category" /> <xs:enumeration value="guid" /> <xs:enumeration value="poster" /> <xs:enumeration value="team" /> <xs:enumeration value="grabs" /> <xs:enumeration value="comments" /> <xs:enumeration value="year" /> <!-- TV --> <xs:enumeration value="season" /> <xs:enumeration value="episode" /> <xs:enumeration value="rageid" /> <xs:enumeration value="tvtitle" /> <xs:enumeration value="tvairdate" /> <!-- TV, Movies, Audio --> <xs:enumeration value="video" /> <xs:enumeration value="audio" /> <xs:enumeration value="resolution" /> <xs:enumeration value="framerate" /> <xs:enumeration value="language" /> <xs:enumeration value="subs" /> <!-- Movies --> <xs:enumeration value="imdb" /> <xs:enumeration value="imdbscore" /> <xs:enumeration value="imdbtitle" /> <xs:enumeration value="imdbtagline" /> <xs:enumeration value="imdbscore" /> <xs:enumeration value="imdbtitle" /> <xs:enumeration value="imdbtagline" /> <xs:enumeration value="imdbplot" /> <xs:enumeration value="imdbyear" /> <xs:enumeration value="imdbdirector" /> <xs:enumeration value="imdbactors" /> <!-- TV, Movies --> <xs:enumeration value="genre" /> <!-- Music --> <xs:enumeration value="artist" /> <xs:enumeration value="album" /> <xs:enumeration value="publisher" /> <xs:enumeration value="tracks" /> <!-- Mixed --> <xs:enumeration value="coverurl" /> <xs:enumeration value="backdropcoverurl" /> <xs:enumeration value="review" /> <!-- Book --> <xs:enumeration value="booktitle" /> <xs:enumeration value="publishdate" /> <xs:enumeration value="author" /> <xs:enumeration value="pages" /> <!-- Generic extensions --> <xs:enumeration value="type" /> <!-- series|movie|music|book if unknown just omit --> <xs:enumeration value="tvdbid" /> <xs:enumeration value="bannerurl" /> <!-- Nzb extensions --> <xs:enumeration value="nzbhash" /> <!-- TBD, hash of sorted article headers of relevant content (relevant excludes stuff like par,nfo,nzb etc) --> <!-- Torrent extensions --> <xs:enumeration value="infohash" /> <xs:enumeration value="magneturl" /> <xs:enumeration value="seeders" /> <xs:enumeration value="leechers" /> <xs:enumeration value="peers" /> <!-- seeders + leechers --> <xs:enumeration value="seedtype" /> <!-- TBD, which criteria must be met. was going for 'ratio,seedtime,both' but afaik it's always 'either' --> <xs:enumeration value="minimumratio" /> <xs:enumeration value="minimumseedtime" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:element name="attr"> <xs:complexType> <xs:attribute name="name" type="torznab:attrNames" /> <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:string" /> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:schema>