/* jquery.signalR.core.js */
/*global window:false */
 * ASP.NET SignalR JavaScript Library v1.1.0-beta1
 * http://signalr.net/
 * Copyright Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache 2.0
 * https://github.com/SignalR/SignalR/blob/master/LICENSE.md

/// <reference path="Scripts/jquery-1.6.4.js" />
(function ($, window) {
    "use strict";

    if (typeof ($) !== "function") {
        // no jQuery!
        throw new Error("SignalR: jQuery not found. Please ensure jQuery is referenced before the SignalR.js file.");

    if (!window.JSON) {
        // no JSON!
        throw new Error("SignalR: No JSON parser found. Please ensure json2.js is referenced before the SignalR.js file if you need to support clients without native JSON parsing support, e.g. IE<8.");

    var signalR,
        _pageLoaded = (window.document.readyState === "complete"),
        _pageWindow = $(window),

        events = {
            onStart: "onStart",
            onStarting: "onStarting",
            onReceived: "onReceived",
            onError: "onError",
            onConnectionSlow: "onConnectionSlow",
            onReconnecting: "onReconnecting",
            onReconnect: "onReconnect",
            onStateChanged: "onStateChanged",
            onDisconnect: "onDisconnect"

        log = function (msg, logging) {
            if (logging === false) {
            var m;
            if (typeof (window.console) === "undefined") {
            m = "[" + new Date().toTimeString() + "] SignalR: " + msg;
            if (window.console.debug) {
            } else if (window.console.log) {

        changeState = function (connection, expectedState, newState) {
            if (expectedState === connection.state) {
                connection.state = newState;

                $(connection).triggerHandler(events.onStateChanged, [{ oldState: expectedState, newState: newState }]);
                return true;

            return false;

        isDisconnecting = function (connection) {
            return connection.state === signalR.connectionState.disconnected;

        configureStopReconnectingTimeout = function (connection) {
            var stopReconnectingTimeout,

            // Check if this connection has already been configured to stop reconnecting after a specified timeout.
            // Without this check if a connection is stopped then started events will be bound multiple times.
            if (!connection._.configuredStopReconnectingTimeout) {
                onReconnectTimeout = function (connection) {
                    connection.log("Couldn't reconnect within the configured timeout (" + connection.disconnectTimeout + "ms), disconnecting.");
                    connection.stop(/* async */ false, /* notifyServer */ false);

                connection.reconnecting(function () {
                    var connection = this;

                    // Guard against state changing in a previous user defined even handler
                    if (connection.state === signalR.connectionState.reconnecting) {
                        stopReconnectingTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () { onReconnectTimeout(connection); }, connection.disconnectTimeout);

                connection.stateChanged(function (data) {
                    if (data.oldState === signalR.connectionState.reconnecting) {
                        // Clear the pending reconnect timeout check

                connection._.configuredStopReconnectingTimeout = true;

    signalR = function (url, qs, logging) {
        /// <summary>Creates a new SignalR connection for the given url</summary>
        /// <param name="url" type="String">The URL of the long polling endpoint</param>
        /// <param name="qs" type="Object">
        ///     [Optional] Custom querystring parameters to add to the connection URL.
        ///     If an object, every non-function member will be added to the querystring.
        ///     If a string, it's added to the QS as specified.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="logging" type="Boolean">
        ///     [Optional] A flag indicating whether connection logging is enabled to the browser
        ///     console/log. Defaults to false.
        /// </param>

        return new signalR.fn.init(url, qs, logging);

    signalR._ = {
        defaultContentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
        ieVersion: (function () {
            var version,

            if (window.navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {
                // Check if the user agent has the pattern "MSIE (one or more numbers).(one or more numbers)";
                matches = /MSIE ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/.exec(window.navigator.userAgent);

                if (matches) {
                    version = window.parseFloat(matches[1]);

            // undefined value means not IE
            return version;

    signalR.events = events;

    signalR.changeState = changeState;

    signalR.isDisconnecting = isDisconnecting;

    signalR.connectionState = {
        connecting: 0,
        connected: 1,
        reconnecting: 2,
        disconnected: 4

    signalR.hub = {
        start: function () {
            // This will get replaced with the real hub connection start method when hubs is referenced correctly
            throw new Error("SignalR: Error loading hubs. Ensure your hubs reference is correct, e.g. <script src='/signalr/hubs'></script>.");

    _pageWindow.load(function () { _pageLoaded = true; });

    function validateTransport(requestedTransport, connection) {
        /// <summary>Validates the requested transport by cross checking it with the pre-defined signalR.transports</summary>
        /// <param name="requestedTransport" type="Object">The designated transports that the user has specified.</param>
        /// <param name="connection" type="signalR">The connection that will be using the requested transports.  Used for logging purposes.</param>
        /// <returns type="Object" />

        if ($.isArray(requestedTransport)) {
            // Go through transport array and remove an "invalid" tranports
            for (var i = requestedTransport.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                var transport = requestedTransport[i];
                if ($.type(requestedTransport) !== "object" && ($.type(transport) !== "string" || !signalR.transports[transport])) {
                    connection.log("Invalid transport: " + transport + ", removing it from the transports list.");
                    requestedTransport.splice(i, 1);

            // Verify we still have transports left, if we dont then we have invalid transports
            if (requestedTransport.length === 0) {
                connection.log("No transports remain within the specified transport array.");
                requestedTransport = null;
        } else if ($.type(requestedTransport) !== "object" && !signalR.transports[requestedTransport] && requestedTransport !== "auto") {
            connection.log("Invalid transport: " + requestedTransport.toString());
            requestedTransport = null;
        else if (requestedTransport === "auto" && signalR._.ieVersion <= 8)
            // If we're doing an auto transport and we're IE8 then force longPolling, #1764
            return ["longPolling"];


        return requestedTransport;

    function getDefaultPort(protocol) {
        if(protocol === "http:") {
            return 80;
        else if (protocol === "https:") {
            return 443;

    function addDefaultPort(protocol, url) {
        // Remove ports  from url.  We have to check if there's a / or end of line
        // following the port in order to avoid removing ports such as 8080.
        if(url.match(/:\d+$/)) {
            return url;
        } else {
            return url + ":" + getDefaultPort(protocol);

    signalR.fn = signalR.prototype = {
        init: function (url, qs, logging) {
            this.url = url;
            this.qs = qs;
            this._ = {};
            if (typeof (logging) === "boolean") {
                this.logging = logging;

        isCrossDomain: function (url, against) {
            /// <summary>Checks if url is cross domain</summary>
            /// <param name="url" type="String">The base URL</param>
            /// <param name="against" type="Object">
            ///     An optional argument to compare the URL against, if not specified it will be set to window.location.
            ///     If specified it must contain a protocol and a host property.
            /// </param>
            var link;

            url = $.trim(url);
            if (url.indexOf("http") !== 0) {
                return false;

            against = against || window.location;

            // Create an anchor tag.
            link = window.document.createElement("a");
            link.href = url;

            // When checking for cross domain we have to special case port 80 because the window.location will remove the 
            return link.protocol + addDefaultPort(link.protocol, link.host) !== against.protocol + addDefaultPort(against.protocol, against.host);

        ajaxDataType: "json",

        contentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8",

        logging: false,

        state: signalR.connectionState.disconnected,

        keepAliveData: {},

        reconnectDelay: 2000,

        disconnectTimeout: 30000, // This should be set by the server in response to the negotiate request (30s default)

        keepAliveWarnAt: 2 / 3, // Warn user of slow connection if we breach the X% mark of the keep alive timeout

        start: function (options, callback) {
            /// <summary>Starts the connection</summary>
            /// <param name="options" type="Object">Options map</param>
            /// <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when the connection has started</param>
            var connection = this,
                config = {
                    waitForPageLoad: true,
                    transport: "auto",
                    jsonp: false
                deferred = connection._deferral || $.Deferred(), // Check to see if there is a pre-existing deferral that's being built on, if so we want to keep using it
                parser = window.document.createElement("a");

            if ($.type(options) === "function") {
                // Support calling with single callback parameter
                callback = options;
            } else if ($.type(options) === "object") {
                $.extend(config, options);
                if ($.type(config.callback) === "function") {
                    callback = config.callback;

            config.transport = validateTransport(config.transport, connection);

            // If the transport is invalid throw an error and abort start
            if (!config.transport) {
                throw new Error("SignalR: Invalid transport(s) specified, aborting start.");

            // Check to see if start is being called prior to page load
            // If waitForPageLoad is true we then want to re-direct function call to the window load event
            if (!_pageLoaded && config.waitForPageLoad === true) {
                _pageWindow.load(function () {
                    connection._deferral = deferred;
                    connection.start(options, callback);
                return deferred.promise();


            if (changeState(connection,
                            signalR.connectionState.connecting) === false) {
                // Already started, just return
                return deferred.promise();

            // Resolve the full url
            parser.href = connection.url;
            if (!parser.protocol || parser.protocol === ":") {
                connection.protocol = window.document.location.protocol;
                connection.host = window.document.location.host;
                connection.baseUrl = connection.protocol + "//" + connection.host;
            else {
                connection.protocol = parser.protocol;
                connection.host = parser.host;
                connection.baseUrl = parser.protocol + "//" + parser.host;

            // Set the websocket protocol
            connection.wsProtocol = connection.protocol === "https:" ? "wss://" : "ws://";

            // If jsonp with no/auto transport is specified, then set the transport to long polling
            // since that is the only transport for which jsonp really makes sense.
            // Some developers might actually choose to specify jsonp for same origin requests
            // as demonstrated by Issue #623.
            if (config.transport === "auto" && config.jsonp === true) {
                config.transport = "longPolling";

            if (this.isCrossDomain(connection.url)) {
                connection.log("Auto detected cross domain url.");

                if (config.transport === "auto") {
                    // Try webSockets and longPolling since SSE doesn't support CORS
                    // TODO: Support XDM with foreverFrame
                    config.transport = ["webSockets", "longPolling"];

                // Determine if jsonp is the only choice for negotiation, ajaxSend and ajaxAbort.
                // i.e. if the browser doesn't supports CORS
                // If it is, ignore any preference to the contrary, and switch to jsonp.
                if (!config.jsonp) {
                    config.jsonp = !$.support.cors;

                    if (config.jsonp) {
                        connection.log("Using jsonp because this browser doesn't support CORS");

                connection.contentType = signalR._.defaultContentType;

            connection.ajaxDataType = config.jsonp ? "jsonp" : "json";

            $(connection).bind(events.onStart, function (e, data) {
                if ($.type(callback) === "function") {

            initialize = function (transports, index) {
                index = index || 0;
                if (index >= transports.length) {
                    if (!connection.transport) {
                        // No transport initialized successfully
                        $(connection).triggerHandler(events.onError, ["SignalR: No transport could be initialized successfully. Try specifying a different transport or none at all for auto initialization."]);
                        deferred.reject("SignalR: No transport could be initialized successfully. Try specifying a different transport or none at all for auto initialization.");
                        // Stop the connection if it has connected and move it into the disconnected state

                var transportName = transports[index],
                    transport = $.type(transportName) === "object" ? transportName : signalR.transports[transportName];

                if (transportName.indexOf("_") === 0) {
                    // Private member
                    initialize(transports, index + 1);

                transport.start(connection, function () { // success
                    if (transport.supportsKeepAlive && connection.keepAliveData.activated) {

                    connection.transport = transport;



                    _pageWindow.unload(function () { // failure
                        connection.stop(false /* async */);

                }, function () {
                    initialize(transports, index + 1);

            var url = connection.url + "/negotiate";

            url = signalR.transports._logic.addQs(url, connection);

            connection.log("Negotiating with '" + url + "'.");
                url: url,
                global: false,
                cache: false,
                type: "GET",
                contentType: connection.contentType,
                data: {},
                dataType: connection.ajaxDataType,
                error: function (error) {
                    $(connection).triggerHandler(events.onError, [error.responseText]);
                    deferred.reject("SignalR: Error during negotiation request: " + error.responseText);
                    // Stop the connection if negotiate failed
                success: function (res) {
                    var keepAliveData = connection.keepAliveData;

                    connection.appRelativeUrl = res.Url;
                    connection.id = res.ConnectionId;
                    connection.token = res.ConnectionToken;
                    connection.webSocketServerUrl = res.WebSocketServerUrl;

                    // Once the server has labeled the PersistentConnection as Disconnected, we should stop attempting to reconnect
                    // after res.DisconnectTimeout seconds.
                    connection.disconnectTimeout = res.DisconnectTimeout * 1000; // in ms

                    // If we have a keep alive
                    if (res.KeepAliveTimeout) {
                        // Register the keep alive data as activated
                        keepAliveData.activated = true;

                        // Timeout to designate when to force the connection into reconnecting converted to milliseconds
                        keepAliveData.timeout = res.KeepAliveTimeout * 1000;

                        // Timeout to designate when to warn the developer that the connection may be dead or is hanging.
                        keepAliveData.timeoutWarning = keepAliveData.timeout * connection.keepAliveWarnAt;

                        // Instantiate the frequency in which we check the keep alive.  It must be short in order to not miss/pick up any changes
                        keepAliveData.checkInterval = (keepAliveData.timeout - keepAliveData.timeoutWarning) / 3;
                    else {
                        keepAliveData.activated = false;

                    if (!res.ProtocolVersion || res.ProtocolVersion !== "1.2") {
                        $(connection).triggerHandler(events.onError, ["You are using a version of the client that isn't compatible with the server. Client version 1.2, server version " + res.ProtocolVersion + "."]);
                        deferred.reject("You are using a version of the client that isn't compatible with the server. Client version 1.2, server version " + res.ProtocolVersion + ".");


                    var transports = [],
                        supportedTransports = [];

                    $.each(signalR.transports, function (key) {
                        if (key === "webSockets" && !res.TryWebSockets) {
                            // Server said don't even try WebSockets, but keep processing the loop
                            return true;

                    if ($.isArray(config.transport)) {
                        // ordered list provided
                        $.each(config.transport, function () {
                            var transport = this;
                            if ($.type(transport) === "object" || ($.type(transport) === "string" && $.inArray("" + transport, supportedTransports) >= 0)) {
                                transports.push($.type(transport) === "string" ? "" + transport : transport);
                    } else if ($.type(config.transport) === "object" ||
                                    $.inArray(config.transport, supportedTransports) >= 0) {
                        // specific transport provided, as object or a named transport, e.g. "longPolling"
                    } else { // default "auto"
                        transports = supportedTransports;

            return deferred.promise();

        starting: function (callback) {
            /// <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked before anything is sent over the connection</summary>
            /// <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute before each time data is sent on the connection</param>
            /// <returns type="signalR" />
            var connection = this;
            $(connection).bind(events.onStarting, function (e, data) {
            return connection;

        send: function (data) {
            /// <summary>Sends data over the connection</summary>
            /// <param name="data" type="String">The data to send over the connection</param>
            /// <returns type="signalR" />
            var connection = this;

            if (connection.state === signalR.connectionState.disconnected) {
                // Connection hasn't been started yet
                throw new Error("SignalR: Connection must be started before data can be sent. Call .start() before .send()");

            if (connection.state === signalR.connectionState.connecting) {
                // Connection hasn't been started yet
                throw new Error("SignalR: Connection has not been fully initialized. Use .start().done() or .start().fail() to run logic after the connection has started.");

            connection.transport.send(connection, data);
            // REVIEW: Should we return deferred here?
            return connection;

        received: function (callback) {
            /// <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked after anything is received over the connection</summary>
            /// <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when any data is received on the connection</param>
            /// <returns type="signalR" />
            var connection = this;
            $(connection).bind(events.onReceived, function (e, data) {
                callback.call(connection, data);
            return connection;

        stateChanged: function (callback) {
            /// <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked when the connection state changes</summary>
            /// <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when the connection state changes</param>
            /// <returns type="signalR" />
            var connection = this;
            $(connection).bind(events.onStateChanged, function (e, data) {
                callback.call(connection, data);
            return connection;

        error: function (callback) {
            /// <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked after an error occurs with the connection</summary>
            /// <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when an error occurs on the connection</param>
            /// <returns type="signalR" />
            var connection = this;
            $(connection).bind(events.onError, function (e, data) {
                callback.call(connection, data);
            return connection;

        disconnected: function (callback) {
            /// <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked when the client disconnects</summary>
            /// <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when the connection is broken</param>
            /// <returns type="signalR" />
            var connection = this;
            $(connection).bind(events.onDisconnect, function (e, data) {
            return connection;

        connectionSlow: function (callback) {
            /// <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked when the client detects a slow connection</summary>
            /// <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when the connection is slow</param>
            /// <returns type="signalR" />
            var connection = this;
            $(connection).bind(events.onConnectionSlow, function(e, data) {

            return connection;

        reconnecting: function (callback) {
            /// <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked when the underlying transport begins reconnecting</summary>
            /// <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when the connection enters a reconnecting state</param>
            /// <returns type="signalR" />
            var connection = this;
            $(connection).bind(events.onReconnecting, function (e, data) {
            return connection;

        reconnected: function (callback) {
            /// <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked when the underlying transport reconnects</summary>
            /// <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when the connection is restored</param>
            /// <returns type="signalR" />
            var connection = this;
            $(connection).bind(events.onReconnect, function (e, data) {
            return connection;

        stop: function (async, notifyServer) {
            /// <summary>Stops listening</summary>
            /// <param name="async" type="Boolean">Whether or not to asynchronously abort the connection</param>
            /// <param name="notifyServer" type="Boolean">Whether we want to notify the server that we are aborting the connection</param>
            /// <returns type="signalR" />
            var connection = this;

            if (connection.state === signalR.connectionState.disconnected) {

            try {
                if (connection.transport) {
                    if (notifyServer !== false) {
                        connection.transport.abort(connection, async);

                    if (connection.transport.supportsKeepAlive && connection.keepAliveData.activated) {

                    connection.transport = null;

                // Trigger the disconnect event

                delete connection.messageId;
                delete connection.groupsToken;

                // Remove the ID and the deferral on stop, this is to ensure that if a connection is restarted it takes on a new id/deferral.
                delete connection.id;
                delete connection._deferral;
            finally {
                changeState(connection, connection.state, signalR.connectionState.disconnected);

            return connection;

        log: function (msg) {
            log(msg, this.logging);

    signalR.fn.init.prototype = signalR.fn;

    signalR.noConflict = function () {
        /// <summary>Reinstates the original value of $.connection and returns the signalR object for manual assignment</summary>
        /// <returns type="signalR" />
        if ($.connection === signalR) {
            $.connection = _connection;
        return signalR;

    if ($.connection) {
        _connection = $.connection;

    $.connection = $.signalR = signalR;

}(window.jQuery, window));
/* jquery.signalR.transports.common.js */
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.md in the project root for license information.

/*global window:false */
/// <reference path="jquery.signalR.core.js" />

(function ($, window) {
    "use strict";

    var signalR = $.signalR,
        events = $.signalR.events,
        changeState = $.signalR.changeState;

    signalR.transports = {};

    function checkIfAlive(connection) {
        var keepAliveData = connection.keepAliveData,

        // Only check if we're connected
        if (connection.state === signalR.connectionState.connected) {
            diff = new Date();

            diff.setTime(diff - keepAliveData.lastKeepAlive);
            timeElapsed = diff.getTime();

            // Check if the keep alive has completely timed out
            if (timeElapsed >= keepAliveData.timeout) {
                connection.log("Keep alive timed out.  Notifying transport that connection has been lost.");

                // Notify transport that the connection has been lost
            else if (timeElapsed >= keepAliveData.timeoutWarning) {
                // This is to assure that the user only gets a single warning
                if (!keepAliveData.userNotified) {
                    connection.log("Keep alive has been missed, connection may be dead/slow.");
                    keepAliveData.userNotified = true;
            else {
                keepAliveData.userNotified = false;

        // Verify we're monitoring the keep alive
        // We don't want this as a part of the inner if statement above because we want keep alives to continue to be checked
        // in the event that the server comes back online (if it goes offline).
        if (keepAliveData.monitoring) {
            window.setTimeout(function () {
            }, keepAliveData.checkInterval);

    function isConnectedOrReconnecting(connection) {
        return connection.state === signalR.connectionState.connected ||
               connection.state === signalR.connectionState.reconnecting;

    signalR.transports._logic = {
        pingServer: function (connection, transport) {
            /// <summary>Pings the server</summary>
            /// <param name="connection" type="signalr">Connection associated with the server ping</param>
            /// <returns type="signalR" />
            var baseUrl = transport === "webSockets" ? "" : connection.baseUrl,
                url = baseUrl + connection.appRelativeUrl + "/ping",
                deferral = $.Deferred();

            url = this.addQs(url, connection);

                url: url,
                global: false,
                cache: false,
                type: "GET",
                contentType: connection.contentType,
                data: {},
                dataType: connection.ajaxDataType,
                success: function (data) {
                    if (data.Response === "pong") {
                    else {
                        deferral.reject("SignalR: Invalid ping response when pinging server: " + (data.responseText || data.statusText));
                error: function (data) {
                    deferral.reject("SignalR: Error pinging server: " + (data.responseText || data.statusText));

            return deferral.promise();

        addQs: function (url, connection) {
            var appender = url.indexOf("?") !== -1 ? "&" : "?",

            if (!connection.qs) {
                return url;

            if (typeof (connection.qs) === "object") {
                return url + appender + $.param(connection.qs);

            if (typeof (connection.qs) === "string") {
                firstChar = connection.qs.charAt(0);

                if (firstChar === "?" || firstChar === "&") {
                    appender = "";

                return url + appender + connection.qs;

            throw new Error("Connections query string property must be either a string or object.");

        getUrl: function (connection, transport, reconnecting, appendReconnectUrl) {
            /// <summary>Gets the url for making a GET based connect request</summary>
            var baseUrl = transport === "webSockets" ? "" : connection.baseUrl,
                url = baseUrl + connection.appRelativeUrl,
                qs = "transport=" + transport + "&connectionToken=" + window.encodeURIComponent(connection.token);

            if (connection.data) {
                qs += "&connectionData=" + window.encodeURIComponent(connection.data);

            if (connection.groupsToken) {
                qs += "&groupsToken=" + window.encodeURIComponent(connection.groupsToken);

            if (!reconnecting) {
                url += "/connect";
            } else {
                if (appendReconnectUrl) {
                    url += "/reconnect";
                } else {
                    // A silent reconnect should only ever occur with the longPolling transport
                    url += "/poll";

                if (connection.messageId) {
                    qs += "&messageId=" + window.encodeURIComponent(connection.messageId);
            url += "?" + qs;
            url = this.addQs(url, connection);
            url += "&tid=" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 11);
            return url;

        maximizePersistentResponse: function (minPersistentResponse) {
            return {
                MessageId: minPersistentResponse.C,
                Messages: minPersistentResponse.M,
                Disconnect: typeof (minPersistentResponse.D) !== "undefined" ? true : false,
                TimedOut: typeof (minPersistentResponse.T) !== "undefined" ? true : false,
                LongPollDelay: minPersistentResponse.L,
                GroupsToken: minPersistentResponse.G

        updateGroups: function (connection, groupsToken) {
            if (groupsToken) {
                connection.groupsToken = groupsToken;

        ajaxSend: function (connection, data) {
            var url = connection.url + "/send" + "?transport=" + connection.transport.name + "&connectionToken=" + window.encodeURIComponent(connection.token);
            url = this.addQs(url, connection);
            return $.ajax({
                url: url,
                global: false,
                type: connection.ajaxDataType === "jsonp" ? "GET" : "POST",
                contentType: signalR._.defaultContentType,
                dataType: connection.ajaxDataType,
                data: {
                    data: data
                success: function (result) {
                    if (result) {
                        $(connection).triggerHandler(events.onReceived, [result]);
                error: function (errData, textStatus) {
                    if (textStatus === "abort" || textStatus === "parsererror") {
                        // The parsererror happens for sends that don't return any data, and hence
                        // don't write the jsonp callback to the response. This is harder to fix on the server
                        // so just hack around it on the client for now.
                    $(connection).triggerHandler(events.onError, [errData]);

        ajaxAbort: function (connection, async) {
            if (typeof (connection.transport) === "undefined") {

            // Async by default unless explicitly overidden
            async = typeof async === "undefined" ? true : async;

            var url = connection.url + "/abort" + "?transport=" + connection.transport.name + "&connectionToken=" + window.encodeURIComponent(connection.token);
            url = this.addQs(url, connection);
                url: url,
                async: async,
                timeout: 1000,
                global: false,
                type: "POST",
                contentType: connection.contentType,
                dataType: connection.ajaxDataType,
                data: {}

            connection.log("Fired ajax abort async = " + async);

        processMessages: function (connection, minData) {
            var data;
            // Transport can be null if we've just closed the connection
            if (connection.transport) {
                var $connection = $(connection);

                // If our transport supports keep alive then we need to update the last keep alive time stamp.
                // Very rarely the transport can be null.
                if (connection.transport.supportsKeepAlive && connection.keepAliveData.activated) {

                if (!minData) {

                data = this.maximizePersistentResponse(minData);

                if (data.Disconnect) {
                    connection.log("Disconnect command received from server");

                    // Disconnected by the server
                    connection.stop(false, false);

                this.updateGroups(connection, data.GroupsToken);

                if (data.Messages) {
                    $.each(data.Messages, function (index, message) {
                        $connection.triggerHandler(events.onReceived, [message]);

                if (data.MessageId) {
                    connection.messageId = data.MessageId;

        monitorKeepAlive: function (connection) {
            var keepAliveData = connection.keepAliveData,
                that = this;

            // If we haven't initiated the keep alive timeouts then we need to
            if (!keepAliveData.monitoring) {
                keepAliveData.monitoring = true;

                // Initialize the keep alive time stamp ping

                // Save the function so we can unbind it on stop
                connection.keepAliveData.reconnectKeepAliveUpdate = function () {

                // Update Keep alive on reconnect
                $(connection).bind(events.onReconnect, connection.keepAliveData.reconnectKeepAliveUpdate);

                connection.log("Now monitoring keep alive with a warning timeout of " + keepAliveData.timeoutWarning + " and a connection lost timeout of " + keepAliveData.timeout);
                // Start the monitoring of the keep alive
            else {
                connection.log("Tried to monitor keep alive but it's already being monitored");

        stopMonitoringKeepAlive: function (connection) {
            var keepAliveData = connection.keepAliveData;

            // Only attempt to stop the keep alive monitoring if its being monitored
            if (keepAliveData.monitoring) {
                // Stop monitoring
                keepAliveData.monitoring = false;

                // Remove the updateKeepAlive function from the reconnect event
                $(connection).unbind(events.onReconnect, connection.keepAliveData.reconnectKeepAliveUpdate);

                // Clear all the keep alive data
                connection.keepAliveData = {};
                connection.log("Stopping the monitoring of the keep alive");

        updateKeepAlive: function (connection) {
            connection.keepAliveData.lastKeepAlive = new Date();

        ensureReconnectingState: function (connection) {
            if (changeState(connection,
                        signalR.connectionState.reconnecting) === true) {
            return connection.state === signalR.connectionState.reconnecting;

        clearReconnectTimeout: function (connection) {
            if (connection && connection._.reconnectTimeout) {
                delete connection._.reconnectTimeout;

        reconnect: function (connection, transportName) {
            var transport = signalR.transports[transportName],
                that = this;

            // We should only set a reconnectTimeout if we are currently connected
            // and a reconnectTimeout isn't already set.
            if (isConnectedOrReconnecting(connection) && !connection._.reconnectTimeout) {

                connection._.reconnectTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () {

                    if (that.ensureReconnectingState(connection)) {
                        connection.log(transportName + " reconnecting");
                }, connection.reconnectDelay);

        foreverFrame: {
            count: 0,
            connections: {}

}(window.jQuery, window));
/* jquery.signalR.transports.webSockets.js */
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.md in the project root for license information.

/*global window:false */
/// <reference path="jquery.signalR.transports.common.js" />

(function ($, window) {
    "use strict";

    var signalR = $.signalR,
        events = $.signalR.events,
        changeState = $.signalR.changeState,
        transportLogic = signalR.transports._logic;

    signalR.transports.webSockets = {
        name: "webSockets",

        supportsKeepAlive: true,

        send: function (connection, data) {

        start: function (connection, onSuccess, onFailed) {
            var url,
                opened = false,
                that = this,
                reconnecting = !onSuccess,
                $connection = $(connection);

            if (!window.WebSocket) {

            if (!connection.socket) {
                if (connection.webSocketServerUrl) {
                    url = connection.webSocketServerUrl;
                else {
                    url = connection.wsProtocol + connection.host;

                url += transportLogic.getUrl(connection, this.name, reconnecting);

                connection.log("Connecting to websocket endpoint '" + url + "'");
                connection.socket = new window.WebSocket(url);
                connection.socket.onopen = function () {
                    opened = true;
                    connection.log("Websocket opened");


                    if (onSuccess) {
                    } else if (changeState(connection,
                                         signalR.connectionState.connected) === true) {

                connection.socket.onclose = function (event) {
                    // Only handle a socket close if the close is from the current socket.
                    // Sometimes on disconnect the server will push down an onclose event
                    // to an expired socket.
                    if (this === connection.socket) {
                        if (!opened) {
                            if (onFailed) {
                            else if (reconnecting) {
                        else if (typeof event.wasClean !== "undefined" && event.wasClean === false) {
                            // Ideally this would use the websocket.onerror handler (rather than checking wasClean in onclose) but
                            // I found in some circumstances Chrome won't call onerror. This implementation seems to work on all browsers.
                            $(connection).triggerHandler(events.onError, [event.reason]);
                            connection.log("Unclean disconnect from websocket." + event.reason);
                        else {
                            connection.log("Websocket closed");


                connection.socket.onmessage = function (event) {
                    var data = window.JSON.parse(event.data),
                        $connection = $(connection);

                    if (data) {
                        // data.M is PersistentResponse.Messages
                        if ($.isEmptyObject(data) || data.M) {
                            transportLogic.processMessages(connection, data);
                        } else {
                            // For websockets we need to trigger onReceived
                            // for callbacks to outgoing hub calls.
                            $connection.triggerHandler(events.onReceived, [data]);

        reconnect: function (connection) {
            transportLogic.reconnect(connection, this.name);

        lostConnection: function (connection) {


        stop: function (connection) {
            // Don't trigger a reconnect after stopping

            if (connection.socket !== null) {
                connection.log("Closing the Websocket");
                connection.socket = null;

        abort: function (connection) {

}(window.jQuery, window));
/* jquery.signalR.transports.serverSentEvents.js */
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.md in the project root for license information.

/*global window:false */
/// <reference path="jquery.signalR.transports.common.js" />

(function ($, window) {
    "use strict";

    var signalR = $.signalR,
        events = $.signalR.events,
        changeState = $.signalR.changeState,
        transportLogic = signalR.transports._logic;

    signalR.transports.serverSentEvents = {
        name: "serverSentEvents",

        supportsKeepAlive: true,

        timeOut: 3000,

        start: function (connection, onSuccess, onFailed) {
            var that = this,
                opened = false,
                $connection = $(connection),
                reconnecting = !onSuccess,

            if (connection.eventSource) {
                connection.log("The connection already has an event source. Stopping it.");

            if (!window.EventSource) {
                if (onFailed) {
                    connection.log("This browser doesn't support SSE.");

            url = transportLogic.getUrl(connection, this.name, reconnecting);

            try {
                connection.log("Attempting to connect to SSE endpoint '" + url + "'");
                connection.eventSource = new window.EventSource(url);
            catch (e) {
                connection.log("EventSource failed trying to connect with error " + e.Message);
                if (onFailed) {
                    // The connection failed, call the failed callback
                else {
                    $connection.triggerHandler(events.onError, [e]);
                    if (reconnecting) {
                        // If we were reconnecting, rather than doing initial connect, then try reconnect again

            // After connecting, if after the specified timeout there's no response stop the connection
            // and raise on failed
            connectTimeOut = window.setTimeout(function () {
                if (opened === false) {
                    connection.log("EventSource timed out trying to connect");
                    connection.log("EventSource readyState: " + connection.eventSource.readyState);

                    if (!reconnecting) {

                    if (reconnecting) {
                        // If we're reconnecting and the event source is attempting to connect,
                        // don't keep retrying. This causes duplicate connections to spawn.
                        if (connection.eventSource.readyState !== window.EventSource.CONNECTING &&
                            connection.eventSource.readyState !== window.EventSource.OPEN) {
                            // If we were reconnecting, rather than doing initial connect, then try reconnect again
                    } else if (onFailed) {

            connection.eventSource.addEventListener("open", function (e) {
                connection.log("EventSource connected");

                if (connectTimeOut) {


                if (opened === false) {
                    opened = true;

                    if (onSuccess) {
                    } else if (changeState(connection,
                                         signalR.connectionState.connected) === true) {
                        // If there's no onSuccess handler we assume this is a reconnect
            }, false);

            connection.eventSource.addEventListener("message", function (e) {
                // process messages
                if (e.data === "initialized") {

                transportLogic.processMessages(connection, window.JSON.parse(e.data));
            }, false);

            connection.eventSource.addEventListener("error", function (e) {
                // Only handle an error if the error is from the current Event Source.
                // Sometimes on disconnect the server will push down an error event
                // to an expired Event Source.
                if (this === connection.eventSource) {
                    if (!opened) {
                        if (onFailed) {


                    connection.log("EventSource readyState: " + connection.eventSource.readyState);

                    if (e.eventPhase === window.EventSource.CLOSED) {
                        // We don't use the EventSource's native reconnect function as it
                        // doesn't allow us to change the URL when reconnecting. We need
                        // to change the URL to not include the /connect suffix, and pass
                        // the last message id we received.
                        connection.log("EventSource reconnecting due to the server connection ending");
                    } else {
                        // connection error
                        connection.log("EventSource error");
            }, false);

        reconnect: function (connection) {
            transportLogic.reconnect(connection, this.name);

        lostConnection: function (connection) {

        send: function (connection, data) {
            transportLogic.ajaxSend(connection, data);

        stop: function (connection) {
            // Don't trigger a reconnect after stopping

            if (connection && connection.eventSource) {
                connection.log("EventSource calling close()");
                connection.eventSource = null;
                delete connection.eventSource;

        abort: function (connection, async) {
            transportLogic.ajaxAbort(connection, async);

}(window.jQuery, window));
/* jquery.signalR.transports.foreverFrame.js */
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.md in the project root for license information.

/*global window:false */
/// <reference path="jquery.signalR.transports.common.js" />

(function ($, window) {
    "use strict";

    var signalR = $.signalR,
        events = $.signalR.events,
        changeState = $.signalR.changeState,
        transportLogic = signalR.transports._logic,
        // Used to prevent infinite loading icon spins in older versions of ie
        // We build this object inside a closure so we don't pollute the rest of   
        // the foreverFrame transport with unnecessary functions/utilities.
        loadPreventer = (function () {
            var loadingFixIntervalId = null,
                loadingFixInterval = 1000,
                attachedTo = 0;

            return {
                prevent: function () {
                    // Prevent additional iframe removal procedures from newer browsers
                    if (signalR._.ieVersion <= 8) {
                        // We only ever want to set the interval one time, so on the first attachedTo
                        if (attachedTo === 0) {
                            // Create and destroy iframe every 3 seconds to prevent loading icon, super hacky
                            loadingFixIntervalId = window.setInterval(function () {
                                var tempFrame = $("<iframe style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:0;height:0;visibility:hidden;' src=''></iframe>");

                                tempFrame = null;
                            }, loadingFixInterval);

                cancel: function () {                   
                    // Only clear the interval if there's only one more object that the loadPreventer is attachedTo
                    if (attachedTo === 1) {

                    if (attachedTo > 0) {

    signalR.transports.foreverFrame = {
        name: "foreverFrame",

        supportsKeepAlive: true,

        timeOut: 3000,

        start: function (connection, onSuccess, onFailed) {
            var that = this,
                frameId = (transportLogic.foreverFrame.count += 1),
                frame = $("<iframe data-signalr-connection-id='" + connection.id + "' style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:0;height:0;visibility:hidden;' src=''></iframe>");

            if (window.EventSource) {
                // If the browser supports SSE, don't use Forever Frame
                if (onFailed) {
                    connection.log("This browser supports SSE, skipping Forever Frame.");

            // Start preventing loading icon
            // This will only perform work if the loadPreventer is not attached to another connection.

            // Build the url
            url = transportLogic.getUrl(connection, this.name);
            url += "&frameId=" + frameId;

            // Set body prior to setting URL to avoid caching issues.

            frame.prop("src", url);
            transportLogic.foreverFrame.connections[frameId] = connection;

            connection.log("Binding to iframe's readystatechange event.");
            frame.bind("readystatechange", function () {
                if ($.inArray(this.readyState, ["loaded", "complete"]) >= 0) {
                    connection.log("Forever frame iframe readyState changed to " + this.readyState + ", reconnecting");


            connection.frame = frame[0];
            connection.frameId = frameId;

            if (onSuccess) {
                connection.onSuccess = onSuccess;

            // After connecting, if after the specified timeout there's no response stop the connection
            // and raise on failed
            window.setTimeout(function () {
                if (connection.onSuccess) {
                    connection.log("Failed to connect using forever frame source, it timed out after " + that.timeOut + "ms.");

                    if (onFailed) {
            }, that.timeOut);

        reconnect: function (connection) {
            var that = this;
            window.setTimeout(function () {
                if (connection.frame && transportLogic.ensureReconnectingState(connection)) {
                    var frame = connection.frame,
                        src = transportLogic.getUrl(connection, that.name, true) + "&frameId=" + connection.frameId;
                    connection.log("Updating iframe src to '" + src + "'.");
                    frame.src = src;
            }, connection.reconnectDelay);

        lostConnection: function (connection) {

        send: function (connection, data) {
            transportLogic.ajaxSend(connection, data);

        receive: function (connection, data) {
            var cw;

            transportLogic.processMessages(connection, data);
            // Delete the script & div elements
            connection.frameMessageCount = (connection.frameMessageCount || 0) + 1;
            if (connection.frameMessageCount > 50) {
                connection.frameMessageCount = 0;
                cw = connection.frame.contentWindow || connection.frame.contentDocument;
                if (cw && cw.document) {
                    $("body", cw.document).empty();

        stop: function (connection) {
            var cw = null;

            // Stop attempting to prevent loading icon

            if (connection.frame) {
                if (connection.frame.stop) {
                } else {
                    try {
                        cw = connection.frame.contentWindow || connection.frame.contentDocument;
                        if (cw.document && cw.document.execCommand) {
                    catch (e) {
                        connection.log("SignalR: Error occured when stopping foreverFrame transport. Message = " + e.message);
                delete transportLogic.foreverFrame.connections[connection.frameId];
                connection.frame = null;
                connection.frameId = null;
                delete connection.frame;
                delete connection.frameId;
                connection.log("Stopping forever frame");

        abort: function (connection, async) {
            transportLogic.ajaxAbort(connection, async);

        getConnection: function (id) {
            return transportLogic.foreverFrame.connections[id];

        started: function (connection) {
            if (connection.onSuccess) {
                connection.onSuccess = null;
                delete connection.onSuccess;
            } else if (changeState(connection,
                                   signalR.connectionState.connected) === true) {
                // If there's no onSuccess handler we assume this is a reconnect

}(window.jQuery, window));
/* jquery.signalR.transports.longPolling.js */
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.md in the project root for license information.

/*global window:false */
/// <reference path="jquery.signalR.transports.common.js" />

(function ($, window) {
    "use strict";

    var signalR = $.signalR,
        events = $.signalR.events,
        changeState = $.signalR.changeState,
        isDisconnecting = $.signalR.isDisconnecting,
        transportLogic = signalR.transports._logic;

    signalR.transports.longPolling = {
        name: "longPolling",

        supportsKeepAlive: false,

        reconnectDelay: 3000,

        init: function (connection, onComplete) {
            /// <summary>Pings the server to ensure availability</summary>
            /// <param name="connection" type="signalr">Connection associated with the server ping</param>
            /// <param name="onComplete" type="Function">Callback to call once initialization has completed</param>

            var that = this,
                // pingFail is used to loop the re-ping behavior.  When we fail we want to re-try.
                pingFail = function (reason) {
                    if (isDisconnecting(connection) === false) {
                        connection.log("SignalR: Server ping failed because '" + reason + "', re-trying ping.");
                        window.setTimeout(pingLoop, that.reconnectDelay);

            connection.log("SignalR: Initializing long polling connection with server.");
            pingLoop = function () {
                // Ping the server, on successful ping call the onComplete method, otherwise if we fail call the pingFail
                transportLogic.pingServer(connection, that.name).done(onComplete).fail(pingFail);


        start: function (connection, onSuccess, onFailed) {
            /// <summary>Starts the long polling connection</summary>
            /// <param name="connection" type="signalR">The SignalR connection to start</param>
            var that = this,
                initialConnectedFired = false,
                fireConnect = function () {
                    if (initialConnectedFired) {
                    initialConnectedFired = true;
                    connection.log("Longpolling connected");

            if (connection.pollXhr) {
                connection.log("Polling xhr requests already exists, aborting.");

            // We start with an initialization procedure which pings the server to verify that it is there.
            // On scucessful initialization we'll then proceed with starting the transport.
            that.init(connection, function () {
                connection.messageId = null;

                window.setTimeout(function () {
                    (function poll(instance, raiseReconnect) {
                        var messageId = instance.messageId,
                            connect = (messageId === null),
                            reconnecting = !connect,
                            url = transportLogic.getUrl(instance, that.name, reconnecting, raiseReconnect);

                        // If we've disconnected during the time we've tried to re-instantiate the poll then stop.
                        if (isDisconnecting(instance) === true) {

                        connection.log("Attempting to connect to '" + url + "' using longPolling.");
                        instance.pollXhr = $.ajax({
                            url: url,
                            global: false,
                            cache: false,
                            type: "GET",
                            dataType: connection.ajaxDataType,
                            contentType: connection.contentType,
                            success: function (minData) {
                                var delay = 0,


                                if (minData) {
                                    data = transportLogic.maximizePersistentResponse(minData);

                                transportLogic.processMessages(instance, minData);

                                if (data &&
                                    $.type(data.LongPollDelay) === "number") {
                                    delay = data.LongPollDelay;

                                if (data && data.Disconnect) {

                                if (isDisconnecting(instance) === true) {

                                // We never want to pass a raiseReconnect flag after a successful poll.  This is handled via the error function
                                if (delay > 0) {
                                    window.setTimeout(function () {
                                        poll(instance, false);
                                    }, delay);
                                } else {
                                    poll(instance, false);

                            error: function (data, textStatus) {
                                if (textStatus === "abort") {
                                    connection.log("Aborted xhr requst.");

                                if (connection.state !== signalR.connectionState.reconnecting) {
                                    connection.log("An error occurred using longPolling. Status = " + textStatus + ". " + data.responseText);
                                    $(instance).triggerHandler(events.onError, [data.responseText]);

                                // Transition into the reconnecting state

                                // If we've errored out we need to verify that the server is still there, so re-start initialization process
                                // This will ping the server until it successfully gets a response.
                                that.init(instance, function () {
                                    // Call poll with the raiseReconnect flag as true
                                    poll(instance, true);

                        // This will only ever pass after an error has occured via the poll ajax procedure.
                        if (reconnecting && raiseReconnect === true) {
                            if (changeState(connection,
                                            signalR.connectionState.connected) === true) {
                                // Successfully reconnected!
                                connection.log("Raising the reconnect event");

                    // Set an arbitrary timeout to trigger onSuccess, this will alot for enough time on the server to wire up the connection.
                    // Will be fixed by #1189 and this code can be modified to not be a timeout
                    window.setTimeout(function () {
                        // Trigger the onSuccess() method because we've now instantiated a connection
                    }, 250);
                }, 250); // Have to delay initial poll so Chrome doesn't show loader spinner in tab

        lostConnection: function (connection) {
            throw new Error("Lost Connection not handled for LongPolling");

        send: function (connection, data) {
            transportLogic.ajaxSend(connection, data);

        stop: function (connection) {
            /// <summary>Stops the long polling connection</summary>
            /// <param name="connection" type="signalR">The SignalR connection to stop</param>
            if (connection.pollXhr) {
                connection.pollXhr = null;
                delete connection.pollXhr;

        abort: function (connection, async) {
            transportLogic.ajaxAbort(connection, async);

}(window.jQuery, window));
/* jquery.signalR.hubs.js */
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.md in the project root for license information.

/*global window:false */
/// <reference path="jquery.signalR.core.js" />

(function ($, window) {
    "use strict";

    // we use a global id for tracking callbacks so the server doesn't have to send extra info like hub name
    var callbackId = 0,
        callbacks = {},
        eventNamespace = ".hubProxy";

    function makeEventName(event) {
        return event + eventNamespace;

    // Equivalent to Array.prototype.map
    function map(arr, fun, thisp) {
        var i,
            length = arr.length,
            result = [];
        for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
            if (arr.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
                result[i] = fun.call(thisp, arr[i], i, arr);
        return result;

    function getArgValue(a) {
        return $.isFunction(a) ? null : ($.type(a) === "undefined" ? null : a);

    function hasMembers(obj) {
        for (var key in obj) {
            // If we have any properties in our callback map then we have callbacks and can exit the loop via return
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                return true;

        return false;

    // hubProxy
    function hubProxy(hubConnection, hubName) {
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a new proxy object for the given hub connection that can be used to invoke
        ///     methods on server hubs and handle client method invocation requests from the server.
        /// </summary>
        return new hubProxy.fn.init(hubConnection, hubName);

    hubProxy.fn = hubProxy.prototype = {
        init: function (connection, hubName) {
            this.state = {};
            this.connection = connection;
            this.hubName = hubName;
            this._ = {
                callbackMap: {}

        hasSubscriptions: function () {
            return hasMembers(this._.callbackMap);

        on: function (eventName, callback) {
            /// <summary>Wires up a callback to be invoked when a invocation request is received from the server hub.</summary>
            /// <param name="eventName" type="String">The name of the hub event to register the callback for.</param>
            /// <param name="callback" type="Function">The callback to be invoked.</param>
            var self = this,
                callbackMap = self._.callbackMap;

            // Normalize the event name to lowercase
            eventName = eventName.toLowerCase();

            // If there is not an event registered for this callback yet we want to create its event space in the callback map.
            if (!callbackMap[eventName]) {
                callbackMap[eventName] = {};

            // Map the callback to our encompassed function
            callbackMap[eventName][callback] = function (e, data) {
                callback.apply(self, data);

            $(self).bind(makeEventName(eventName), callbackMap[eventName][callback]);

            return self;

        off: function (eventName, callback) {
            /// <summary>Removes the callback invocation request from the server hub for the given event name.</summary>
            /// <param name="eventName" type="String">The name of the hub event to unregister the callback for.</param>
            /// <param name="callback" type="Function">The callback to be invoked.</param>
            var self = this,
                callbackMap = self._.callbackMap,

            // Normalize the event name to lowercase
            eventName = eventName.toLowerCase();

            callbackSpace = callbackMap[eventName];

            // Verify that there is an event space to unbind
            if (callbackSpace) {
                // Only unbind if there's an event bound with eventName and a callback with the specified callback
                if (callbackSpace[callback]) {
                    $(self).unbind(makeEventName(eventName), callbackSpace[callback]);

                    // Remove the callback from the callback map
                    delete callbackSpace[callback];

                    // Check if there are any members left on the event, if not we need to destroy it.
                    if (!hasMembers(callbackSpace)) {
                        delete callbackMap[eventName];
                else if (!callback) { // Check if we're removing the whole event and we didn't error because of an invalid callback

                    delete callbackMap[eventName];

            return self;

        invoke: function (methodName) {
            /// <summary>Invokes a server hub method with the given arguments.</summary>
            /// <param name="methodName" type="String">The name of the server hub method.</param>

            var self = this,
                args = $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1),
                argValues = map(args, getArgValue),
                data = { H: self.hubName, M: methodName, A: argValues, I: callbackId },
                d = $.Deferred(),
                callback = function (minResult) {
                    var result = self._maximizeHubResponse(minResult);

                    // Update the hub state
                    $.extend(self.state, result.State);

                    if (result.Error) {
                        // Server hub method threw an exception, log it & reject the deferred
                        if (result.StackTrace) {
                            self.connection.log(result.Error + "\n" + result.StackTrace);
                        d.rejectWith(self, [result.Error]);
                    } else {
                        // Server invocation succeeded, resolve the deferred
                        d.resolveWith(self, [result.Result]);

            callbacks[callbackId.toString()] = { scope: self, method: callback };
            callbackId += 1;

            if (!$.isEmptyObject(self.state)) {
                data.S = self.state;

            return d.promise();

        _maximizeHubResponse: function (minHubResponse) {
            return {
                State: minHubResponse.S,
                Result: minHubResponse.R,
                Id: minHubResponse.I,
                Error: minHubResponse.E,
                StackTrace: minHubResponse.T

    hubProxy.fn.init.prototype = hubProxy.fn;

    // hubConnection
    function hubConnection(url, options) {
        /// <summary>Creates a new hub connection.</summary>
        /// <param name="url" type="String">[Optional] The hub route url, defaults to "/signalr".</param>
        /// <param name="options" type="Object">[Optional] Settings to use when creating the hubConnection.</param>
        var settings = {
            qs: null,
            logging: false,
            useDefaultPath: true

        $.extend(settings, options);

        if (!url || settings.useDefaultPath) {
            url = (url || "") + "/signalr";
        return new hubConnection.fn.init(url, settings);

    hubConnection.fn = hubConnection.prototype = $.connection();

    hubConnection.fn.init = function (url, options) {
        var settings = {
            qs: null,
            logging: false,
            useDefaultPath: true
            connection = this;

        $.extend(settings, options);

        // Call the base constructor
        $.signalR.fn.init.call(connection, url, settings.qs, settings.logging);

        // Object to store hub proxies for this connection
        connection.proxies = {};

        // Wire up the received handler
        connection.received(function (minData) {
            var data, proxy, dataCallbackId, callback, hubName, eventName;
            if (!minData) {

            if (typeof (minData.I) !== "undefined") {
                // We received the return value from a server method invocation, look up callback by id and call it
                dataCallbackId = minData.I.toString();
                callback = callbacks[dataCallbackId];
                if (callback) {
                    // Delete the callback from the proxy
                    callbacks[dataCallbackId] = null;
                    delete callbacks[dataCallbackId];

                    // Invoke the callback
                    callback.method.call(callback.scope, minData);
            } else {
                data = this._maximizeClientHubInvocation(minData);

                // We received a client invocation request, i.e. broadcast from server hub
                connection.log("Triggering client hub event '" + data.Method + "' on hub '" + data.Hub + "'.");

                // Normalize the names to lowercase
                hubName = data.Hub.toLowerCase();
                eventName = data.Method.toLowerCase();

                // Trigger the local invocation event
                proxy = this.proxies[hubName];

                // Update the hub state
                $.extend(proxy.state, data.State);
                $(proxy).triggerHandler(makeEventName(eventName), [data.Args]);

    hubConnection.fn._maximizeClientHubInvocation = function (minClientHubInvocation) {
        return {
            Hub: minClientHubInvocation.H,
            Method: minClientHubInvocation.M,
            Args: minClientHubInvocation.A,
            State: minClientHubInvocation.S

    hubConnection.fn._registerSubscribedHubs = function () {
        /// <summary>
        ///     Sets the starting event to loop through the known hubs and register any new hubs 
        ///     that have been added to the proxy.
        /// </summary>

        if (!this._subscribedToHubs) {
            this._subscribedToHubs = true;
            this.starting(function () {
                // Set the connection's data object with all the hub proxies with active subscriptions.
                // These proxies will receive notifications from the server.
                var subscribedHubs = [];

                $.each(this.proxies, function (key) {
                    if (this.hasSubscriptions()) {
                        subscribedHubs.push({ name: key });

                this.data = window.JSON.stringify(subscribedHubs);

    hubConnection.fn.createHubProxy = function (hubName) {
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a new proxy object for the given hub connection that can be used to invoke
        ///     methods on server hubs and handle client method invocation requests from the server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hubName" type="String">
        ///     The name of the hub on the server to create the proxy for.
        /// </param>

        // Normalize the name to lowercase
        hubName = hubName.toLowerCase();

        var proxy = this.proxies[hubName];
        if (!proxy) {
            proxy = hubProxy(this, hubName);
            this.proxies[hubName] = proxy;


        return proxy;

    hubConnection.fn.init.prototype = hubConnection.fn;

    $.hubConnection = hubConnection;

}(window.jQuery, window));
/* jquery.signalR.version.js */
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.md in the project root for license information.

/*global window:false */
/// <reference path="jquery.signalR.core.js" />
(function ($) {
    $.signalR.version = "1.1.0-beta1";