//http://fastjson.codeplex.com/ //http://fastjson.codeplex.com/license using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace Exceptron.Client.fastJSON { /// <summary> /// This class encodes and decodes JSON strings. /// Spec. details, see http://www.json.org/ /// /// JSON uses Arrays and Objects. These correspond here to the datatypes ArrayList and Hashtable. /// All numbers are parsed to doubles. /// </summary> internal class JsonParser { enum Token { None = -1, // Used to denote no Lookahead available Curly_Open, Curly_Close, Squared_Open, Squared_Close, Colon, Comma, String, Number, True, False, Null } readonly char[] json; readonly StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); Token lookAheadToken = Token.None; int index; internal JsonParser(string json) { this.json = json.ToCharArray(); } public object Decode() { return ParseValue(); } private Dictionary<string, object> ParseObject() { var table = new Dictionary<string, object>(); ConsumeToken(); // { while (true) { switch (LookAhead()) { case Token.Comma: ConsumeToken(); break; case Token.Curly_Close: ConsumeToken(); return table; default: { // name string name = ParseString(); // : if (NextToken() != Token.Colon) { throw new Exception("Expected colon at index " + index); } // value object value = ParseValue(); table[name] = value; } break; } } } #if SILVERLIGHT private List<object> ParseArray() { List<object> array = new List<object>(); #else private ArrayList ParseArray() { ArrayList array = new ArrayList(); #endif ConsumeToken(); // [ while (true) { switch (LookAhead()) { case Token.Comma: ConsumeToken(); break; case Token.Squared_Close: ConsumeToken(); return array; default: { array.Add(ParseValue()); } break; } } } private object ParseValue() { switch (LookAhead()) { case Token.Number: return ParseNumber(); case Token.String: return ParseString(); case Token.Curly_Open: return ParseObject(); case Token.Squared_Open: return ParseArray(); case Token.True: ConsumeToken(); return true; case Token.False: ConsumeToken(); return false; case Token.Null: ConsumeToken(); return null; } throw new Exception("Unrecognized token at index" + index); } private string ParseString() { ConsumeToken(); // " s.Length = 0; int runIndex = -1; while (index < json.Length) { var c = json[index++]; if (c == '"') { if (runIndex != -1) { if (s.Length == 0) return new string(json, runIndex, index - runIndex - 1); s.Append(json, runIndex, index - runIndex - 1); } return s.ToString(); } if (c != '\\') { if (runIndex == -1) runIndex = index - 1; continue; } if (index == json.Length) break; if (runIndex != -1) { s.Append(json, runIndex, index - runIndex - 1); runIndex = -1; } switch (json[index++]) { case '"': s.Append('"'); break; case '\\': s.Append('\\'); break; case '/': s.Append('/'); break; case 'b': s.Append('\b'); break; case 'f': s.Append('\f'); break; case 'n': s.Append('\n'); break; case 'r': s.Append('\r'); break; case 't': s.Append('\t'); break; case 'u': { int remainingLength = json.Length - index; if (remainingLength < 4) break; // parse the 32 bit hex into an integer codepoint uint codePoint = ParseUnicode(json[index], json[index + 1], json[index + 2], json[index + 3]); s.Append((char)codePoint); // skip 4 chars index += 4; } break; } } throw new Exception("Unexpectedly reached end of string"); } private uint ParseSingleChar(char c1, uint multipliyer) { uint p1 = 0; if (c1 >= '0' && c1 <= '9') p1 = (uint)(c1 - '0') * multipliyer; else if (c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'F') p1 = (uint)((c1 - 'A') + 10) * multipliyer; else if (c1 >= 'a' && c1 <= 'f') p1 = (uint)((c1 - 'a') + 10) * multipliyer; return p1; } private uint ParseUnicode(char c1, char c2, char c3, char c4) { uint p1 = ParseSingleChar(c1, 0x1000); uint p2 = ParseSingleChar(c2, 0x100); uint p3 = ParseSingleChar(c3, 0x10); uint p4 = ParseSingleChar(c4, 1); return p1 + p2 + p3 + p4; } private string ParseNumber() { ConsumeToken(); // Need to start back one place because the first digit is also a token and would have been consumed var startIndex = index - 1; do { var c = json[index]; if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '.' || c == '-' || c == '+' || c == 'e' || c == 'E') { if (++index == json.Length) throw new Exception("Unexpected end of string whilst parsing number"); continue; } break; } while (true); return new string(json, startIndex, index - startIndex); } private Token LookAhead() { if (lookAheadToken != Token.None) return lookAheadToken; return lookAheadToken = NextTokenCore(); } private void ConsumeToken() { lookAheadToken = Token.None; } private Token NextToken() { var result = lookAheadToken != Token.None ? lookAheadToken : NextTokenCore(); lookAheadToken = Token.None; return result; } private Token NextTokenCore() { char c; // Skip past whitespace do { c = json[index]; if (c > ' ') break; if (c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n' && c != '\r') break; } while (++index < json.Length); if (index == json.Length) { throw new Exception("Reached end of string unexpectedly"); } c = json[index]; index++; //if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') // return Token.Number; switch (c) { case '{': return Token.Curly_Open; case '}': return Token.Curly_Close; case '[': return Token.Squared_Open; case ']': return Token.Squared_Close; case ',': return Token.Comma; case '"': return Token.String; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '-': case '+': case '.': return Token.Number; case ':': return Token.Colon; case 'f': if (json.Length - index >= 4 && json[index + 0] == 'a' && json[index + 1] == 'l' && json[index + 2] == 's' && json[index + 3] == 'e') { index += 4; return Token.False; } break; case 't': if (json.Length - index >= 3 && json[index + 0] == 'r' && json[index + 1] == 'u' && json[index + 2] == 'e') { index += 3; return Token.True; } break; case 'n': if (json.Length - index >= 3 && json[index + 0] == 'u' && json[index + 1] == 'l' && json[index + 2] == 'l') { index += 3; return Token.Null; } break; } throw new Exception("Could not find token at index " + --index); } } }