using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net; using System.ServiceModel.Syndication; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Ninject; using NzbDrone.Core.Model; using NzbDrone.Core.Providers.Core; namespace NzbDrone.Core.Providers.Indexer { public class Newzbin : IndexerBase { [Inject] public Newzbin(HttpProvider httpProvider, ConfigProvider configProvider) : base(httpProvider, configProvider) { } private const string URL_PARAMS = "feed=rss&hauth=1&ps_rb_language=4096"; protected override string[] Urls { get { return new[] { "" + URL_PARAMS }; } } protected override NetworkCredential Credentials { get { return new NetworkCredential(_configProvider.NewzbinUsername, _configProvider.NewzbinPassword); } } protected override IList GetEpisodeSearchUrls(string seriesTitle, int seasonNumber, int episodeNumber) { return new List { String.Format( @"{0}+{1}x{2:00}&fpn=p&searchaction=Go&category=8&{3}", seriesTitle, seasonNumber,episodeNumber, URL_PARAMS) }; } protected override IList GetSeasonSearchUrls(string seriesTitle, int seasonNumber) { return new List { String.Format( @"{0}+Season+{1}&fpn=p&searchaction=Go&category=8&{2}", seriesTitle, seasonNumber, URL_PARAMS) }; } protected override IList GetDailyEpisodeSearchUrls(string seriesTitle, DateTime date) { return new List { String.Format( @"{0}+{1:yyyy-MM-dd}&fpn=p&searchaction=Go&category=8&{2}", seriesTitle, date, URL_PARAMS) }; } protected override IList GetPartialSeasonSearchUrls(string seriesTitle, int seasonNumber, int episodeWildcard) { return new List { String.Format( @"{0}+{1}x{2}&fpn=p&searchaction=Go&category=8&{3}", seriesTitle, seasonNumber, episodeWildcard, URL_PARAMS) }; } //Don't change the name or things that rely on it being "Newzbin" will fail... ugly... public override string Name { get { return "Newzbin"; } } protected override string NzbDownloadUrl(SyndicationItem item) { return item.Id + "nzb"; } protected override EpisodeParseResult CustomParser(SyndicationItem item, EpisodeParseResult currentResult) { if (currentResult != null) { var quality = Parser.ParseQuality(item.Summary.Text); currentResult.Quality = quality; var languageString = Regex.Match(item.Summary.Text, @"Language - \w*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Value; currentResult.Language = Parser.ParseLanguage(languageString); var sizeString = Regex.Match(item.Summary.Text, @"\(Size: \d*\,?\d+\.\d{1,2}\w{2}\)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Value; currentResult.Size = Parser.GetReportSize(sizeString); var id = Regex.Match(NzbDownloadUrl(item), @"\d{5,10}").Value; currentResult.NewzbinId = Int32.Parse(id); } return currentResult; } } }