/* backgrid-paginator http://github.com/wyuenho/backgrid Copyright (c) 2013 Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong and contributors Licensed under the MIT @license. */ (function ($, _, Backbone, Backgrid) { "use strict"; /** Paginator is a Backgrid extension that renders a series of configurable pagination handles. This extension is best used for splitting a large data set across multiple pages. If the number of pages is larger then a threshold, which is set to 10 by default, the page handles are rendered within a sliding window, plus the fast forward, fast backward, previous and next page handles. The fast forward, fast backward, previous and next page handles can be turned off. @class Backgrid.Extension.Paginator */ Backgrid.Extension.Paginator = Backbone.View.extend({ /** @property */ className: "backgrid-paginator", /** @property */ windowSize: 10, /** @property {Object} fastForwardHandleLabels You can disable specific handles by setting its value to `null`. */ fastForwardHandleLabels: { first: "《", prev: "〈", next: "〉", last: "》" }, /** @property */ template: _.template('<ul><% _.each(handles, function (handle) { %><li <% if (handle.className) { %>class="<%= handle.className %>"<% } %>><a href="#" <% if (handle.title) {%> title="<%= handle.title %>"<% } %>><%= handle.label %></a></li><% }); %></ul>'), /** @property */ events: { "click a": "changePage" }, /** Initializer. @param {Object} options @param {Backbone.Collection} options.collection @param {boolean} [options.fastForwardHandleLabels] Whether to render fast forward buttons. */ initialize: function (options) { Backgrid.requireOptions(options, ["collection"]); var collection = this.collection; var fullCollection = collection.fullCollection; if (fullCollection) { this.listenTo(fullCollection, "add", this.render); this.listenTo(fullCollection, "remove", this.render); this.listenTo(fullCollection, "reset", this.render); } else { this.listenTo(collection, "add", this.render); this.listenTo(collection, "remove", this.render); this.listenTo(collection, "reset", this.render); } }, /** jQuery event handler for the page handlers. Goes to the right page upon clicking. @param {Event} e */ changePage: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $li = $(e.target).parent(); if (!$li.hasClass("active") && !$li.hasClass("disabled")) { var label = $(e.target).text(); var ffLabels = this.fastForwardHandleLabels; var collection = this.collection; if (ffLabels) { switch (label) { case ffLabels.first: collection.getFirstPage(); return; case ffLabels.prev: collection.getPreviousPage(); return; case ffLabels.next: collection.getNextPage(); return; case ffLabels.last: collection.getLastPage(); return; } } var state = collection.state; var pageIndex = +label; collection.getPage(state.firstPage === 0 ? pageIndex - 1 : pageIndex); } }, /** Internal method to create a list of page handle objects for the template to render them. @return {Array.<Object>} an array of page handle objects hashes */ makeHandles: function () { var handles = []; var collection = this.collection; var state = collection.state; // convert all indices to 0-based here var firstPage = state.firstPage; var lastPage = +state.lastPage; lastPage = Math.max(0, firstPage ? lastPage - 1 : lastPage); var currentPage = Math.max(state.currentPage, state.firstPage); currentPage = firstPage ? currentPage - 1 : currentPage; var windowStart = Math.floor(currentPage / this.windowSize) * this.windowSize; var windowEnd = Math.min(lastPage + 1, windowStart + this.windowSize); if (collection.mode !== "infinite") { for (var i = windowStart; i < windowEnd; i++) { handles.push({ label: i + 1, title: "No. " + (i + 1), className: currentPage === i ? "active" : undefined }); } } var ffLabels = this.fastForwardHandleLabels; if (ffLabels) { if (ffLabels.prev) { handles.unshift({ label: ffLabels.prev, className: collection.hasPrevious() ? void 0 : "disabled" }); } if (ffLabels.first) { handles.unshift({ label: ffLabels.first, className: collection.hasPrevious() ? void 0 : "disabled" }); } if (ffLabels.next) { handles.push({ label: ffLabels.next, className: collection.hasNext() ? void 0 : "disabled" }); } if (ffLabels.last) { handles.push({ label: ffLabels.last, className: collection.hasNext() ? void 0 : "disabled" }); } } return handles; }, /** Render the paginator handles inside an unordered list. */ render: function () { this.$el.empty(); this.$el.append(this.template({ handles: this.makeHandles() })); this.delegateEvents(); return this; } }); }(jQuery, _, Backbone, Backgrid));