#region License //The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License //Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in //compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at //http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ //Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" //basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the //License for the specific language governing rights and limitations //under the License. #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Migrator.Framework.Loggers { /// <summary> /// Text logger for the migration mediator /// </summary> public class Logger : IAttachableLogger { private readonly bool _trace; private readonly List<ILogWriter> _writers = new List<ILogWriter>(); public Logger(bool trace) { _trace = trace; } public Logger(bool trace, params ILogWriter[] writers) : this(trace) { _writers.AddRange(writers); } public void Attach(ILogWriter writer) { _writers.Add(writer); } public void Detach(ILogWriter writer) { _writers.Remove(writer); } public void Started(long currentVersion, long finalVersion) { WriteLine("Current version : {0}. Target version : {1}", currentVersion, finalVersion); } public void Started(List<long> currentVersions, long finalVersion) { WriteLine("Latest version applied : {0}. Target version : {1}", LatestVersion(currentVersions), finalVersion); } public void MigrateUp(long version, string migrationName) { WriteLine("Applying {0}: {1}", version.ToString(), migrationName); } public void MigrateDown(long version, string migrationName) { WriteLine("Removing {0}: {1}", version.ToString(), migrationName); } public void Skipping(long version) { WriteLine("{0} {1}", version.ToString(), "<Migration not found>"); } public void RollingBack(long originalVersion) { WriteLine("Rolling back to migration {0}", originalVersion); } public void ApplyingDBChange(string sql) { Log(sql); } public void Exception(long version, string migrationName, Exception ex) { WriteLine("============ Error Detail ============"); WriteLine("Error in migration: {0}", version); LogExceptionDetails(ex); WriteLine("======================================"); } public void Exception(string message, Exception ex) { WriteLine("============ Error Detail ============"); WriteLine("Error: {0}", message); LogExceptionDetails(ex); WriteLine("======================================"); } private void LogExceptionDetails(Exception ex) { WriteLine("{0}", ex.Message); WriteLine("{0}", ex.StackTrace); Exception iex = ex.InnerException; while (iex != null) { WriteLine("Caused by: {0}", iex); WriteLine("{0}", ex.StackTrace); iex = iex.InnerException; } } public void Finished(long originalVersion, long currentVersion) { WriteLine("Migrated to version {0}", currentVersion); } public void Finished(List<long> originalVersions, long currentVersion) { WriteLine("Migrated to version {0}", currentVersion); } public void Log(string format, params object[] args) { WriteLine(format, args); } public void Warn(string format, params object[] args) { Write("Warning! : "); WriteLine(format, args); } public void Trace(string format, params object[] args) { if (_trace) { Log(format, args); } } private void Write(string message, params object[] args) { foreach (ILogWriter writer in _writers) { writer.Write(message, args); } } private void WriteLine(string message, params object[] args) { foreach (ILogWriter writer in _writers) { writer.WriteLine(message, args); } } public static ILogger ConsoleLogger() { return new Logger(false, new ConsoleWriter()); } private string LatestVersion(List<long> versions) { if (versions.Count > 0) { return versions[versions.Count - 1].ToString(); } return "No migrations applied yet!"; } } }