/// <reference path="jquery-1.6.2.js" /> (function ($, window) { /// <param name="$" type="jQuery" /> "use strict"; if (typeof ($) !== "function") { // no jQuery! throw "SignalR: jQuery not found. Please ensure jQuery is referenced before the SignalR.js file."; } if (!window.JSON) { // no JSON! throw "SignalR: No JSON parser found. Please ensure json2.js is referenced before the SignalR.js file if you need to support clients without native JSON parsing support, e.g. IE<8."; } var signalR, _connection, events = { onStart: "onStart", onStarting: "onStarting", onSending: "onSending", onReceived: "onReceived", onError: "onError", onReconnect: "onReconnect", onDisconnect: "onDisconnect" }, log = function (msg, logging) { if (logging === false) { return; } var m; if (typeof (window.console) === "undefined") { return; } m = "[" + new Date().toTimeString() + "] SignalR: " + msg; if (window.console.debug) { window.console.debug(m); } else if (window.console.log) { window.console.log(m); } }; signalR = function (url, qs, logging) { /// <summary>Creates a new SignalR connection for the given url</summary> /// <param name="url" type="String">The URL of the long polling endpoint</param> /// <param name="qs" type="Object"> /// [Optional] Custom querystring parameters to add to the connection URL. /// If an object, every non-function member will be added to the querystring. /// If a string, it's added to the QS as specified. /// </param> /// <param name="logging" type="Boolean"> /// [Optional] A flag indicating whether connection logging is enabled to the browser /// console/log. Defaults to false. /// </param> /// <returns type="signalR" /> return new signalR.fn.init(url, qs, logging); }; signalR.fn = signalR.prototype = { init: function (url, qs, logging) { this.url = url; this.qs = qs; if (typeof (logging) === "boolean") { this.logging = logging; } }, logging: false, reconnectDelay: 2000, start: function (options, callback) { /// <summary>Starts the connection</summary> /// <param name="options" type="Object">Options map</param> /// <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when the connection has started</param> var connection = this, config = { transport: "auto" }, initialize, promise = $.Deferred(); if (connection.transport) { // Already started, just return promise.resolve(connection); return promise; } if ($.type(options) === "function") { // Support calling with single callback parameter callback = options; } else if ($.type(options) === "object") { $.extend(config, options); if ($.type(config.callback) === "function") { callback = config.callback; } } $(connection).bind(events.onStart, function (e, data) { if ($.type(callback) === "function") { callback.call(connection); } promise.resolve(connection); }); initialize = function (transports, index) { index = index || 0; if (index >= transports.length) { if (!connection.transport) { // No transport initialized successfully promise.reject("SignalR: No transport could be initialized successfully. Try specifying a different transport or none at all for auto initialization."); } return; } var transportName = transports[index], transport = $.type(transportName) === "object" ? transportName : signalR.transports[transportName]; transport.start(connection, function () { connection.transport = transport; $(connection).trigger(events.onStart); }, function () { initialize(transports, index + 1); }); }; window.setTimeout(function () { $.ajax(connection.url + "/negotiate", { global: false, type: "POST", data: {}, dataType: "json", error: function (error) { $(connection).trigger(events.onError, [error]); promise.reject("SignalR: Error during negotiation request: " + error); }, success: function (res) { connection.appRelativeUrl = res.Url; connection.id = res.ConnectionId; connection.webSocketServerUrl = res.WebSocketServerUrl; if (!res.ProtocolVersion || res.ProtocolVersion !== "1.0") { $(connection).trigger(events.onError, "SignalR: Incompatible protocol version."); promise.reject("SignalR: Incompatible protocol version."); return; } $(connection).trigger(events.onStarting); var transports = [], supportedTransports = []; $.each(signalR.transports, function (key) { if (key === "webSockets" && !res.TryWebSockets) { // Server said don't even try WebSockets, but keep processing the loop return true; } supportedTransports.push(key); }); if ($.isArray(config.transport)) { // ordered list provided $.each(config.transport, function () { var transport = this; if ($.type(transport) === "object" || ($.type(transport) === "string" && $.inArray("" + transport, supportedTransports) >= 0)) { transports.push($.type(transport) === "string" ? "" + transport : transport); } }); } else if ($.type(config.transport) === "object" || $.inArray(config.transport, supportedTransports) >= 0) { // specific transport provided, as object or a named transport, e.g. "longPolling" transports.push(config.transport); } else { // default "auto" transports = supportedTransports; } initialize(transports); } }); }, 0); return promise; }, starting: function (callback) { /// <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked before the connection is started</summary> /// <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when the connection is starting</param> /// <returns type="signalR" /> var connection = this, $connection = $(connection); $connection.bind(events.onStarting, function (e, data) { callback.call(connection); // Unbind immediately, we don't want to call this callback again $connection.unbind(events.onStarting); }); return connection; }, send: function (data) { /// <summary>Sends data over the connection</summary> /// <param name="data" type="String">The data to send over the connection</param> /// <returns type="signalR" /> var connection = this; if (!connection.transport) { // Connection hasn't been started yet throw "SignalR: Connection must be started before data can be sent. Call .start() before .send()"; } connection.transport.send(connection, data); return connection; }, sending: function (callback) { /// <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked before anything is sent over the connection</summary> /// <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute before each time data is sent on the connection</param> /// <returns type="signalR" /> var connection = this; $(connection).bind(events.onSending, function (e, data) { callback.call(connection); }); return connection; }, received: function (callback) { /// <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked after anything is received over the connection</summary> /// <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when any data is received on the connection</param> /// <returns type="signalR" /> var connection = this; $(connection).bind(events.onReceived, function (e, data) { callback.call(connection, data); }); return connection; }, error: function (callback) { /// <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked after an error occurs with the connection</summary> /// <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when an error occurs on the connection</param> /// <returns type="signalR" /> var connection = this; $(connection).bind(events.onError, function (e, data) { callback.call(connection, data); }); return connection; }, disconnected: function (callback) { /// <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked when the client disconnects</summary> /// <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when the connection is broken</param> /// <returns type="signalR" /> var connection = this; $(connection).bind(events.onDisconnect, function (e, data) { callback.call(connection); }); return connection; }, reconnected: function (callback) { /// <summary>Adds a callback that will be invoked when the underlying transport reconnects</summary> /// <param name="callback" type="Function">A callback function to execute when the connection is restored</param> /// <returns type="signalR" /> var connection = this; $(connection).bind(events.onReconnect, function (e, data) { callback.call(connection); }); return connection; }, stop: function () { /// <summary>Stops listening</summary> /// <returns type="signalR" /> var connection = this; if (connection.transport) { connection.transport.stop(connection); connection.transport = null; } delete connection.messageId; delete connection.groups; // Trigger the disconnect event $(connection).trigger(events.onDisconnect); return connection; }, log: log }; signalR.fn.init.prototype = signalR.fn; // Transports var transportLogic = { addQs: function (url, connection) { if (!connection.qs) { return url; } if (typeof (connection.qs) === "object") { return url + "&" + $.param(connection.qs); } if (typeof (connection.qs) === "string") { return url + "&" + connection.qs; } return url + "&" + escape(connection.qs.toString()); }, getUrl: function (connection, transport, reconnecting) { /// <summary>Gets the url for making a GET based connect request</summary> var url = connection.url, qs = "transport=" + transport + "&connectionId=" + window.escape(connection.id); if (connection.data) { qs += "&connectionData=" + window.escape(connection.data); } if (!reconnecting) { url = url + "/connect"; } else { if (connection.messageId) { qs += "&messageId=" + connection.messageId; } if (connection.groups) { qs += "&groups=" + window.escape(JSON.stringify(connection.groups)); } } url += "?" + qs; url = this.addQs(url, connection); return url; }, ajaxSend: function (connection, data) { var url = connection.url + "/send" + "?transport=" + connection.transport.name + "&connectionId=" + window.escape(connection.id); url = this.addQs(url, connection); $.ajax(url, { global: false, type: "POST", dataType: "json", data: { data: data }, success: function (result) { if (result) { $(connection).trigger(events.onReceived, [result]); } }, error: function (errData, textStatus) { if (textStatus === "abort") { return; } $(connection).trigger(events.onError, [errData]); } }); }, processMessages: function (connection, data) { var $connection = $(connection); if (data) { if (data.Disconnect) { log("Disconnect command received from server", connection.logging); // Disconnected by the server connection.stop(); // Trigger the disconnect event $connection.trigger(events.onDisconnect); return; } if (data.Messages) { $.each(data.Messages, function () { try { $connection.trigger(events.onReceived, [this]); } catch (e) { log("Error raising received " + e, connection.logging); $(connection).trigger(events.onError, [e]); } }); } connection.messageId = data.MessageId; connection.groups = data.TransportData.Groups; } }, foreverFrame: { count: 0, connections: {} } }; signalR.transports = { webSockets: { name: "webSockets", send: function (connection, data) { connection.socket.send(data); }, start: function (connection, onSuccess, onFailed) { var url, opened = false, protocol; if (window.MozWebSocket) { window.WebSocket = window.MozWebSocket; } if (!window.WebSocket) { onFailed(); return; } if (!connection.socket) { if (connection.webSocketServerUrl) { url = connection.webSocketServerUrl; } else { // Determine the protocol protocol = document.location.protocol === "https:" ? "wss://" : "ws://"; url = protocol + document.location.host + connection.appRelativeUrl; } // Build the url $(connection).trigger(events.onSending); if (connection.data) { url += "?connectionData=" + connection.data + "&transport=webSockets&connectionId=" + connection.id; } else { url += "?transport=webSockets&connectionId=" + connection.id; } connection.socket = new window.WebSocket(url); connection.socket.onopen = function () { opened = true; if (onSuccess) { onSuccess(); } }; connection.socket.onclose = function (event) { if (!opened) { if (onFailed) { onFailed(); } } else if (typeof event.wasClean != "undefined" && event.wasClean === false) { // Ideally this would use the websocket.onerror handler (rather than checking wasClean in onclose) but // I found in some circumstances Chrome won't call onerror. This implementation seems to work on all browsers. $(connection).trigger(events.onError); // TODO: Support reconnect attempt here, need to ensure last message id, groups, and connection data go up on reconnect } connection.socket = null; }; connection.socket.onmessage = function (event) { var data = window.JSON.parse(event.data), $connection; if (data) { $connection = $(connection); if (data.Messages) { $.each(data.Messages, function () { try { $connection.trigger(events.onReceived, [this]); } catch (e) { log("Error raising received " + e, connection.logging); } }); } else { $connection.trigger(events.onReceived, [data]); } } }; } }, stop: function (connection) { if (connection.socket !== null) { connection.socket.close(); connection.socket = null; } } }, serverSentEvents: { name: "serverSentEvents", timeOut: 3000, start: function (connection, onSuccess, onFailed) { var that = this, opened = false, $connection = $(connection), reconnecting = !onSuccess, url, connectTimeOut; if (connection.eventSource) { connection.stop(); } if (!window.EventSource) { if (onFailed) { onFailed(); } return; } $connection.trigger(events.onSending); url = transportLogic.getUrl(connection, this.name, reconnecting); try { connection.eventSource = new window.EventSource(url); } catch (e) { log("EventSource failed trying to connect with error " + e.Message, connection.logging); if (onFailed) { // The connection failed, call the failed callback onFailed(); } else { $connection.trigger(events.onError, [e]); if (reconnecting) { // If we were reconnecting, rather than doing initial connect, then try reconnect again log("EventSource reconnecting", connection.logging); that.reconnect(connection); } } return; } // After connecting, if after the specified timeout there's no response stop the connection // and raise on failed connectTimeOut = window.setTimeout(function () { if (opened === false) { log("EventSource timed out trying to connect", connection.logging); if (onFailed) { onFailed(); } if (reconnecting) { // If we were reconnecting, rather than doing initial connect, then try reconnect again log("EventSource reconnecting", connection.logging); that.reconnect(connection); } else { that.stop(connection); } } }, that.timeOut); connection.eventSource.addEventListener("open", function (e) { log("EventSource connected", connection.logging); if (connectTimeOut) { window.clearTimeout(connectTimeOut); } if (opened === false) { opened = true; if (onSuccess) { onSuccess(); } if (reconnecting) { $connection.trigger(events.onReconnect); } } }, false); connection.eventSource.addEventListener("message", function (e) { // process messages if (e.data === "initialized") { return; } transportLogic.processMessages(connection, window.JSON.parse(e.data)); }, false); connection.eventSource.addEventListener("error", function (e) { if (!opened) { if (onFailed) { onFailed(); } return; } log("EventSource readyState: " + connection.eventSource.readyState, connection.logging); if (e.eventPhase === window.EventSource.CLOSED) { // connection closed if (connection.eventSource.readyState === window.EventSource.CONNECTING) { // We don't use the EventSource's native reconnect function as it // doesn't allow us to change the URL when reconnecting. We need // to change the URL to not include the /connect suffix, and pass // the last message id we received. log("EventSource reconnecting due to the server connection ending", connection.logging); that.reconnect(connection); } else { // The EventSource has closed, either because its close() method was called, // or the server sent down a "don't reconnect" frame. log("EventSource closed", connection.logging); that.stop(connection); } } else { // connection error log("EventSource error", connection.logging); $connection.trigger(events.onError); } }, false); }, reconnect: function (connection) { var that = this; window.setTimeout(function () { that.stop(connection); that.start(connection); }, connection.reconnectDelay); }, send: function (connection, data) { transportLogic.ajaxSend(connection, data); }, stop: function (connection) { if (connection && connection.eventSource) { connection.eventSource.close(); connection.eventSource = null; delete connection.eventSource; } } }, foreverFrame: { name: "foreverFrame", timeOut: 3000, start: function (connection, onSuccess, onFailed) { var that = this, frameId = (transportLogic.foreverFrame.count += 1), url, connectTimeOut, frame = $("<iframe data-signalr-connection-id='" + connection.id + "' style='position:absolute;width:0;height:0;visibility:hidden;'></iframe>"); if (window.EventSource) { // If the browser supports SSE, don't use Forever Frame if (onFailed) { onFailed(); } return; } $(connection).trigger(events.onSending); // Build the url url = transportLogic.getUrl(connection, this.name); url += "&frameId=" + frameId; frame.prop("src", url); transportLogic.foreverFrame.connections[frameId] = connection; frame.bind("readystatechange", function () { if ($.inArray(this.readyState, ["loaded", "complete"]) >= 0) { log("Forever frame iframe readyState changed to " + this.readyState + ", reconnecting", connection.logging); that.reconnect(connection); } }); connection.frame = frame[0]; connection.frameId = frameId; if (onSuccess) { connection.onSuccess = onSuccess; } $("body").append(frame); // After connecting, if after the specified timeout there's no response stop the connection // and raise on failed connectTimeOut = window.setTimeout(function () { if (connection.onSuccess) { that.stop(connection); if (onFailed) { onFailed(); } } }, that.timeOut); }, reconnect: function (connection) { var that = this; window.setTimeout(function () { var frame = connection.frame, src = transportLogic.getUrl(connection, that.name, true) + "&frameId=" + connection.frameId; frame.src = src; }, connection.reconnectDelay); }, send: function (connection, data) { transportLogic.ajaxSend(connection, data); }, receive: transportLogic.processMessages, stop: function (connection) { if (connection.frame) { if (connection.frame.stop) { connection.frame.stop(); } else if (connection.frame.document && connection.frame.document.execCommand) { connection.frame.document.execCommand("Stop"); } $(connection.frame).remove(); delete transportLogic.foreverFrame.connections[connection.frameId]; connection.frame = null; connection.frameId = null; delete connection.frame; delete connection.frameId; } }, getConnection: function (id) { return transportLogic.foreverFrame.connections[id]; }, started: function (connection) { if (connection.onSuccess) { connection.onSuccess(); connection.onSuccess = null; delete connection.onSuccess; } else { // If there's no onSuccess handler we assume this is a reconnect $(connection).trigger(events.onReconnect); } } }, longPolling: { name: "longPolling", reconnectDelay: 3000, start: function (connection, onSuccess, onFailed) { /// <summary>Starts the long polling connection</summary> /// <param name="connection" type="signalR">The SignalR connection to start</param> var that = this; if (connection.pollXhr) { connection.stop(); } connection.messageId = null; window.setTimeout(function () { (function poll(instance, raiseReconnect) { $(instance).trigger(events.onSending); var messageId = instance.messageId, connect = (messageId === null), url = transportLogic.getUrl(instance, that.name, !connect), reconnectTimeOut = null, reconnectFired = false; instance.pollXhr = $.ajax(url, { global: false, type: "GET", dataType: "json", success: function (data) { var delay = 0, timedOutReceived = false; if (raiseReconnect === true) { // Fire the reconnect event if it hasn't been fired as yet if (reconnectFired === false) { $(instance).trigger(events.onReconnect); reconnectFired = true; } } transportLogic.processMessages(instance, data); if (data && $.type(data.TransportData.LongPollDelay) === "number") { delay = data.TransportData.LongPollDelay; } if (data && data.TimedOut) { timedOutReceived = data.TimedOut; } if (delay > 0) { window.setTimeout(function () { poll(instance, timedOutReceived); }, delay); } else { poll(instance, timedOutReceived); } }, error: function (data, textStatus) { if (textStatus === "abort") { return; } if (reconnectTimeOut) { // If the request failed then we clear the timeout so that the // reconnect event doesn't get fired clearTimeout(reconnectTimeOut); } $(instance).trigger(events.onError, [data]); window.setTimeout(function () { poll(instance, true); }, connection.reconnectDelay); } }); if (raiseReconnect === true) { reconnectTimeOut = window.setTimeout(function () { if (reconnectFired === false) { $(instance).trigger(events.onReconnect); reconnectFired = true; } }, that.reconnectDelay); } } (connection)); // Now connected // There's no good way know when the long poll has actually started so // we assume it only takes around 150ms (max) to start the connection window.setTimeout(onSuccess, 150); }, 250); // Have to delay initial poll so Chrome doesn't show loader spinner in tab }, send: function (connection, data) { transportLogic.ajaxSend(connection, data); }, stop: function (connection) { /// <summary>Stops the long polling connection</summary> /// <param name="connection" type="signalR">The SignalR connection to stop</param> if (connection.pollXhr) { connection.pollXhr.abort(); connection.pollXhr = null; delete connection.pollXhr; } } } }; signalR.noConflict = function () { /// <summary>Reinstates the original value of $.connection and returns the signalR object for manual assignment</summary> /// <returns type="signalR" /> if ($.connection === signalR) { $.connection = _connection; } return signalR; }; if ($.connection) { _connection = $.connection; } $.connection = $.signalR = signalR; } (window.jQuery, window));