diff --git a/build.ps1 b/build.ps1
index 873c4d0c1..718e91d2d 100644
--- a/build.ps1
+++ b/build.ps1
@@ -133,9 +133,11 @@ Function RunGrunt()
Invoke-Expression 'npm install'
- Invoke-Expression ('node ' + $gruntPath + ' packagerjs')
+ Invoke-Expression ('node ' + $gruntPath + ' packagerjs') -ErrorAction Continue -Verbose
+ Remove-Item $outputFolder\UI\build.txt -ErrorAction Continue
Write-Host "##teamcity[progressFinish 'Running Grunt']"
diff --git a/src/UI/JsLibraries/backbone.backgrid.filter.js b/src/UI/JsLibraries/backbone.backgrid.filter.js
deleted file mode 100644
index abc95a386..000000000
--- a/src/UI/JsLibraries/backbone.backgrid.filter.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
- backgrid-filter
- http://github.com/wyuenho/backgrid
- Copyright (c) 2013 Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong and contributors
- Licensed under the MIT @license.
-(function ($, _, Backbone, Backgrid, lunr) {
- "use strict";
- /**
- ServerSideFilter is a search form widget that submits a query to the server
- for filtering the current collection.
- @class Backgrid.Extension.ServerSideFilter
- */
- var ServerSideFilter = Backgrid.Extension.ServerSideFilter = Backbone.View.extend({
- /** @property */
- tagName: "form",
- /** @property */
- className: "backgrid-filter form-search",
- /** @property {function(Object, ?Object=): string} template */
- template: _.template('
- /** @property */
- events: {
- "click .close": "clear",
- "submit": "search"
- },
- /** @property {string} [name='q'] Query key */
- name: "q",
- /** @property The HTML5 placeholder to appear beneath the search box. */
- placeholder: null,
- /**
- @param {Object} options
- @param {Backbone.Collection} options.collection
- @param {String} [options.name]
- @param {String} [options.placeholder]
- */
- initialize: function (options) {
- Backgrid.requireOptions(options, ["collection"]);
- Backbone.View.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- this.name = options.name || this.name;
- this.placeholder = options.placeholder || this.placeholder;
- var collection = this.collection, self = this;
- if (Backbone.PageableCollection &&
- collection instanceof Backbone.PageableCollection &&
- collection.mode == "server") {
- collection.queryParams[this.name] = function () {
- return self.$el.find("input[type=text]").val();
- };
- }
- },
- /**
- Upon search form submission, this event handler constructs a query
- parameter object and pass it to Collection#fetch for server-side
- filtering.
- */
- search: function (e) {
- if (e) e.preventDefault();
- var data = {};
- data[this.name] = this.$el.find("input[type=text]").val();
- this.collection.fetch({data: data});
- },
- /**
- Event handler for the close button. Clears the search box and refetch the
- collection.
- */
- clear: function (e) {
- if (e) e.preventDefault();
- this.$("input[type=text]").val(null);
- this.collection.fetch();
- },
- /**
- Renders a search form with a text box, optionally with a placeholder and
- a preset value if supplied during initialization.
- */
- render: function () {
- this.$el.empty().append(this.template({
- name: this.name,
- placeholder: this.placeholder,
- value: this.value
- }));
- this.delegateEvents();
- return this;
- }
- });
- /**
- ClientSideFilter is a search form widget that searches a collection for
- model matches against a query on the client side. The exact matching
- algorithm can be overriden by subclasses.
- @class Backgrid.Extension.ClientSideFilter
- @extends Backgrid.Extension.ServerSideFilter
- */
- var ClientSideFilter = Backgrid.Extension.ClientSideFilter = ServerSideFilter.extend({
- /** @property */
- events: {
- "click .close": function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- this.clear();
- },
- "change input[type=text]": "search",
- "keyup input[type=text]": "search",
- "submit": function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- this.search();
- }
- },
- /**
- @property {?Array.} A list of model field names to search
- for matches. If null, all of the fields will be searched.
- */
- fields: null,
- /**
- @property wait The time in milliseconds to wait since for since the last
- change to the search box's value before searching. This value can be
- adjusted depending on how often the search box is used and how large the
- search index is.
- */
- wait: 149,
- /**
- Debounces the #search and #clear methods and makes a copy of the given
- collection for searching.
- @param {Object} options
- @param {Backbone.Collection} options.collection
- @param {String} [options.placeholder]
- @param {String} [options.fields]
- @param {String} [options.wait=149]
- */
- initialize: function (options) {
- ServerSideFilter.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- this.fields = options.fields || this.fields;
- this.wait = options.wait || this.wait;
- this._debounceMethods(["search", "clear"]);
- var collection = this.collection;
- var shadowCollection = this.shadowCollection = collection.clone();
- shadowCollection.url = collection.url;
- shadowCollection.sync = collection.sync;
- shadowCollection.parse = collection.parse;
- this.listenTo(collection, "add", function (model, collection, options) {
- shadowCollection.add(model, options);
- });
- this.listenTo(collection, "remove", function (model, collection, options) {
- shadowCollection.remove(model, options);
- });
- this.listenTo(collection, "sort reset", function (collection, options) {
- options = _.extend({reindex: true}, options || {});
- if (options.reindex) shadowCollection.reset(collection.models);
- });
- },
- _debounceMethods: function (methodNames) {
- if (_.isString(methodNames)) methodNames = [methodNames];
- this.undelegateEvents();
- for (var i = 0, l = methodNames.length; i < l; i++) {
- var methodName = methodNames[i];
- var method = this[methodName];
- this[methodName] = _.debounce(method, this.wait);
- }
- this.delegateEvents();
- },
- /**
- This default implementation takes a query string and returns a matcher
- function that looks for matches in the model's #fields or all of its
- fields if #fields is null, for any of the words in the query
- case-insensitively.
- Subclasses overriding this method must take care to conform to the
- signature of the matcher function. In addition, when the matcher function
- is called, its context will be bound to this ClientSideFilter object so
- it has access to the filter's attributes and methods.
- @param {string} query The search query in the search box.
- @return {function(Backbone.Model):boolean} A matching function.
- */
- makeMatcher: function (query) {
- var regexp = new RegExp(query.trim().split(/\W/).join("|"), "i");
- return function (model) {
- var keys = this.fields || model.keys();
- for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
- if (regexp.test(model.get(keys[i]) + "")) return true;
- }
- return false;
- };
- },
- /**
- Takes the query from the search box, constructs a matcher with it and
- loops through collection looking for matches. Reset the given collection
- when all the matches have been found.
- */
- search: function () {
- var matcher = _.bind(this.makeMatcher(this.$("input[type=text]").val()), this);
- this.collection.reset(this.shadowCollection.filter(matcher), {reindex: false});
- },
- /**
- Clears the search box and reset the collection to its original.
- */
- clear: function () {
- this.$("input[type=text]").val(null);
- this.collection.reset(this.shadowCollection.models, {reindex: false});
- }
- });
- /**
- LunrFilter is a ClientSideFilter that uses [lunrjs](http://lunrjs.com/) to
- index the text fields of each model for a collection, and performs
- full-text searching.
- @class Backgrid.Extension.LunrFilter
- @extends Backgrid.Extension.ClientSideFilter
- */
- Backgrid.Extension.LunrFilter = ClientSideFilter.extend({
- /**
- @property {string} [ref="id"]`lunrjs` document reference attribute name.
- */
- ref: "id",
- /**
- @property {Object} fields A hash of `lunrjs` index field names and boost
- value. Unlike ClientSideFilter#fields, LunrFilter#fields is _required_ to
- initialize the index.
- */
- fields: null,
- /**
- Indexes the underlying collection on construction. The index will refresh
- when the underlying collection is reset. If any model is added, removed
- or if any indexed fields of any models has changed, the index will be
- updated.
- @param {Object} options
- @param {Backbone.Collection} options.collection
- @param {String} [options.placeholder]
- @param {string} [options.ref] `lunrjs` document reference attribute name.
- @param {Object} [options.fields] A hash of `lunrjs` index field names and
- boost value.
- @param {number} [options.wait]
- */
- initialize: function (options) {
- ClientSideFilter.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- this.ref = options.ref || this.ref;
- var collection = this.collection;
- this.listenTo(collection, "add", this.addToIndex);
- this.listenTo(collection, "remove", this.removeFromIndex);
- this.listenTo(collection, "reset", this.resetIndex);
- this.listenTo(collection, "change", this.updateIndex);
- this.resetIndex(collection);
- },
- /**
- Reindex the collection. If `options.reindex` is `false`, this method is a
- no-op.
- @param {Backbone.Collection} collection
- @param {Object} [options]
- @param {boolean} [options.reindex=true]
- */
- resetIndex: function (collection, options) {
- options = _.extend({reindex: true}, options || {});
- if (options.reindex) {
- var self = this;
- this.index = lunr(function () {
- _.each(self.fields, function (boost, fieldName) {
- this.field(fieldName, boost);
- this.ref(self.ref);
- }, this);
- });
- collection.each(function (model) {
- this.addToIndex(model);
- }, this);
- }
- },
- /**
- Adds the given model to the index.
- @param {Backbone.Model} model
- */
- addToIndex: function (model) {
- var index = this.index;
- var doc = model.toJSON();
- if (index.documentStore.has(doc[this.ref])) index.update(doc);
- else index.add(doc);
- },
- /**
- Removes the given model from the index.
- @param {Backbone.Model} model
- */
- removeFromIndex: function (model) {
- var index = this.index;
- var doc = model.toJSON();
- if (index.documentStore.has(doc[this.ref])) index.remove(doc);
- },
- /**
- Updates the index for the given model.
- @param {Backbone.Model} model
- */
- updateIndex: function (model) {
- var changed = model.changedAttributes();
- if (changed && !_.isEmpty(_.intersection(_.keys(this.fields),
- _.keys(changed)))) {
- this.index.update(model.toJSON());
- }
- },
- /**
- Takes the query from the search box and performs a full-text search on
- the client-side. The search result is returned by resetting the
- underlying collection to the models after interrogating the index for the
- query answer.
- */
- search: function () {
- var searchResults = this.index.search(this.$("input[type=text]").val());
- var models = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < searchResults.length; i++) {
- var result = searchResults[i];
- models.push(this.shadowCollection.get(result.ref));
- }
- this.collection.reset(models, {reindex: false});
- }
- });
-}(jQuery, _, Backbone, Backgrid, lunr));
diff --git a/src/UI/JsLibraries/backbone.shortcuts.js b/src/UI/JsLibraries/backbone.shortcuts.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9552e69d3..000000000
--- a/src/UI/JsLibraries/backbone.shortcuts.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-(function() {
- var Shortcuts;
- Shortcuts = function(options) {
- this.cid = _.uniqueId("backbone.shortcuts");
- this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- return this.delegateShortcuts();
- };
- _.extend(Shortcuts.prototype, Backbone.Events, {
- initialize: function() {},
- delegateShortcuts: function() {
- var callback, match, method, scope, shortcut, shortcutKey, _ref, _results;
- if (!this.shortcuts) return;
- _ref = this.shortcuts;
- _results = [];
- for (shortcut in _ref) {
- callback = _ref[shortcut];
- if (!_.isFunction(callback)){
- method = this[callback];
- if (!method) throw new Error("Method " + callback + " does not exist");
- }
- else {
- method = callback;
- }
- match = shortcut.match(/^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/);
- shortcutKey = match[1];
- scope = match[2] === "" ? "all" : match[2];
- method = _.bind(method, this);
- _results.push(key(shortcutKey, scope, method));
- }
- return _results;
- }
- });
- Backbone.Shortcuts = Shortcuts;
- Backbone.Shortcuts.extend = Backbone.View.extend;