2013-06-12 06:45:25 +00:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Xml.Linq ;
using NLog ;
using NzbDrone.Common ;
2013-09-19 01:09:26 +00:00
using NzbDrone.Core.Notifications.Xbmc.Model ;
2013-06-12 06:45:25 +00:00
using NzbDrone.Core.Tv ;
namespace NzbDrone.Core.Notifications.Xbmc
public class HttpApiProvider : IApiProvider
private readonly IHttpProvider _httpProvider ;
private readonly Logger _logger ;
public HttpApiProvider ( IHttpProvider httpProvider , Logger logger )
_httpProvider = httpProvider ;
_logger = logger ;
public void Notify ( XbmcSettings settings , string title , string message )
2013-08-13 03:12:49 +00:00
var notification = String . Format ( "Notification({0},{1},{2},{3})" , title , message , settings . DisplayTime * 1000 , "https://raw.github.com/NzbDrone/NzbDrone/develop/Logo/64.png" ) ;
2013-06-12 06:45:25 +00:00
var command = BuildExecBuiltInCommand ( notification ) ;
SendCommand ( settings , command ) ;
public void Update ( XbmcSettings settings , Series series )
if ( ! settings . AlwaysUpdate )
_logger . Trace ( "Determining if there are any active players on XBMC host: {0}" , settings . Address ) ;
var activePlayers = GetActivePlayers ( settings ) ;
if ( activePlayers . Any ( a = > a . Type . Equals ( "video" ) ) )
_logger . Debug ( "Video is currently playing, skipping library update" ) ;
return ;
UpdateLibrary ( settings , series ) ;
public void Clean ( XbmcSettings settings )
const string cleanVideoLibrary = "CleanLibrary(video)" ;
var command = BuildExecBuiltInCommand ( cleanVideoLibrary ) ;
SendCommand ( settings , command ) ;
public List < ActivePlayer > GetActivePlayers ( XbmcSettings settings )
var result = new List < ActivePlayer > ( ) ;
var response = SendCommand ( settings , "getcurrentlyplaying" ) ;
if ( response . Contains ( "<li>Filename:[Nothing Playing]" ) ) return new List < ActivePlayer > ( ) ;
if ( response . Contains ( "<li>Type:Video" ) ) result . Add ( new ActivePlayer ( 1 , "video" ) ) ;
return result ;
catch ( Exception ex )
_logger . DebugException ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
return new List < ActivePlayer > ( ) ;
public bool CheckForError ( string response )
_logger . Trace ( "Looking for error in response: {0}" , response ) ;
if ( String . IsNullOrWhiteSpace ( response ) )
_logger . Debug ( "Invalid response from XBMC, the response is not valid JSON" ) ;
return true ;
var errorIndex = response . IndexOf ( "Error" , StringComparison . InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) ;
if ( errorIndex > - 1 )
var errorMessage = response . Substring ( errorIndex + 6 ) ;
errorMessage = errorMessage . Substring ( 0 , errorMessage . IndexOfAny ( new char [ ] { '<' , ';' } ) ) ;
_logger . Trace ( "Error found in response: {0}" , errorMessage ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
public string GetSeriesPath ( XbmcSettings settings , Series series )
var query =
String . Format (
"select path.strPath from path, tvshow, tvshowlinkpath where tvshow.c12 = {0} and tvshowlinkpath.idShow = tvshow.idShow and tvshowlinkpath.idPath = path.idPath" ,
series . TvdbId ) ;
var command = String . Format ( "QueryVideoDatabase({0})" , query ) ;
const string setResponseCommand =
"SetResponseFormat(webheader;false;webfooter;false;header;<xml>;footer;</xml>;opentag;<tag>;closetag;</tag>;closefinaltag;false)" ;
const string resetResponseCommand = "SetResponseFormat()" ;
SendCommand ( settings , setResponseCommand ) ;
var response = SendCommand ( settings , command ) ;
SendCommand ( settings , resetResponseCommand ) ;
if ( String . IsNullOrEmpty ( response ) )
return String . Empty ;
var xDoc = XDocument . Load ( new StringReader ( response . Replace ( "&" , "&" ) ) ) ;
var xml = ( from x in xDoc . Descendants ( "xml" ) select x ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
if ( xml = = null )
return null ;
var field = xml . Descendants ( "field" ) . FirstOrDefault ( ) ;
if ( field = = null )
return null ;
return field . Value ;
public bool CanHandle ( XbmcVersion version )
return version < new XbmcVersion ( 5 ) ;
private void UpdateLibrary ( XbmcSettings settings , Series series )
_logger . Trace ( "Sending Update DB Request to XBMC Host: {0}" , settings . Address ) ;
var xbmcSeriesPath = GetSeriesPath ( settings , series ) ;
//If the path is found update it, else update the whole library
if ( ! String . IsNullOrEmpty ( xbmcSeriesPath ) )
2013-07-05 05:17:25 +00:00
_logger . Trace ( "Updating series [{0}] on XBMC host: {1}" , series , settings . Address ) ;
2013-06-12 06:45:25 +00:00
var command = BuildExecBuiltInCommand ( String . Format ( "UpdateLibrary(video,{0})" , xbmcSeriesPath ) ) ;
SendCommand ( settings , command ) ;
//Update the entire library
2013-07-05 05:17:25 +00:00
_logger . Trace ( "Series [{0}] doesn't exist on XBMC host: {1}, Updating Entire Library" , series , settings . Address ) ;
2013-06-12 06:45:25 +00:00
var command = BuildExecBuiltInCommand ( "UpdateLibrary(video)" ) ;
SendCommand ( settings , command ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
_logger . DebugException ( ex . Message , ex ) ;
private string SendCommand ( XbmcSettings settings , string command )
var url = String . Format ( "http://{0}/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command={1}" , settings . Address , command ) ;
if ( ! String . IsNullOrEmpty ( settings . Username ) )
return _httpProvider . DownloadString ( url , settings . Username , settings . Password ) ;
return _httpProvider . DownloadString ( url ) ;
private string BuildExecBuiltInCommand ( string command )
return String . Format ( "ExecBuiltIn({0})" , command ) ;