2011-11-11 02:56:33 +00:00
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2012-02-12 18:23:21 +00:00
* jQuery Validation Plugin 1.9 . 0
2011-11-11 02:56:33 +00:00
* http : //bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/
* http : //docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation
* Copyright ( c ) 2006 - 2011 Jörn Zaefferer
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses :
* http : //www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* /
2012-02-12 18:23:21 +00:00
( function ( c ) { c . extend ( c . fn , { validate : function ( a ) { if ( this . length ) { var b = c . data ( this [ 0 ] , "validator" ) ; if ( b ) return b ; this . attr ( "novalidate" , "novalidate" ) ; b = new c . validator ( a , this [ 0 ] ) ; c . data ( this [ 0 ] , "validator" , b ) ; if ( b . settings . onsubmit ) { a = this . find ( "input, button" ) ; a . filter ( ".cancel" ) . click ( function ( ) { b . cancelSubmit = true } ) ; b . settings . submitHandler && a . filter ( ":submit" ) . click ( function ( ) { b . submitButton = this } ) ; this . submit ( function ( d ) { function e ( ) { if ( b . settings . submitHandler ) { if ( b . submitButton ) var f = c ( "<input type='hidden'/>" ) . attr ( "name" ,
2011-11-11 02:56:33 +00:00
b . submitButton . name ) . val ( b . submitButton . value ) . appendTo ( b . currentForm ) ; b . settings . submitHandler . call ( b , b . currentForm ) ; b . submitButton && f . remove ( ) ; return false } return true } b . settings . debug && d . preventDefault ( ) ; if ( b . cancelSubmit ) { b . cancelSubmit = false ; return e ( ) } if ( b . form ( ) ) { if ( b . pendingRequest ) { b . formSubmitted = true ; return false } return e ( ) } else { b . focusInvalid ( ) ; return false } } ) } return b } else a && a . debug && window . console && console . warn ( "nothing selected, can't validate, returning nothing" ) } , valid : function ( ) { if ( c ( this [ 0 ] ) . is ( "form" ) ) return this . validate ( ) . form ( ) ;
else { var a = true , b = c ( this [ 0 ] . form ) . validate ( ) ; this . each ( function ( ) { a &= b . element ( this ) } ) ; return a } } , removeAttrs : function ( a ) { var b = { } , d = this ; c . each ( a . split ( /\s/ ) , function ( e , f ) { b [ f ] = d . attr ( f ) ; d . removeAttr ( f ) } ) ; return b } , rules : function ( a , b ) { var d = this [ 0 ] ; if ( a ) { var e = c . data ( d . form , "validator" ) . settings , f = e . rules , g = c . validator . staticRules ( d ) ; switch ( a ) { case "add" : c . extend ( g , c . validator . normalizeRule ( b ) ) ; f [ d . name ] = g ; if ( b . messages ) e . messages [ d . name ] = c . extend ( e . messages [ d . name ] , b . messages ) ; break ; case "remove" : if ( ! b ) { delete f [ d . name ] ;
return g } var h = { } ; c . each ( b . split ( /\s/ ) , function ( j , i ) { h [ i ] = g [ i ] ; delete g [ i ] } ) ; return h } } d = c . validator . normalizeRules ( c . extend ( { } , c . validator . metadataRules ( d ) , c . validator . classRules ( d ) , c . validator . attributeRules ( d ) , c . validator . staticRules ( d ) ) , d ) ; if ( d . required ) { e = d . required ; delete d . required ; d = c . extend ( { required : e } , d ) } return d } } ) ; c . extend ( c . expr [ ":" ] , { blank : function ( a ) { return ! c . trim ( "" + a . value ) } , filled : function ( a ) { return ! ! c . trim ( "" + a . value ) } , unchecked : function ( a ) { return ! a . checked } } ) ; c . validator = function ( a ,
b ) { this . settings = c . extend ( true , { } , c . validator . defaults , a ) ; this . currentForm = b ; this . init ( ) } ; c . validator . format = function ( a , b ) { if ( arguments . length == 1 ) return function ( ) { var d = c . makeArray ( arguments ) ; d . unshift ( a ) ; return c . validator . format . apply ( this , d ) } ; if ( arguments . length > 2 && b . constructor != Array ) b = c . makeArray ( arguments ) . slice ( 1 ) ; i f ( b . constructor != Array ) b = [ b ] ; c . each ( b , function ( d , e ) { a = a . replace ( RegExp ( "\\{" + d + "\\}" , "g" ) , e ) } ) ; return a } ; c . extend ( c . validator , { defaults : { messages : { } , groups : { } , rules : { } , errorClass : "error" ,
2012-02-12 18:23:21 +00:00
validClass : "valid" , errorElement : "label" , focusInvalid : true , errorContainer : c ( [ ] ) , errorLabelContainer : c ( [ ] ) , onsubmit : true , ignore : ":hidden" , ignoreTitle : false , onfocusin : function ( a ) { this . lastActive = a ; if ( this . settings . focusCleanup && ! this . blockFocusCleanup ) { this . settings . unhighlight && this . settings . unhighlight . call ( this , a , this . settings . errorClass , this . settings . validClass ) ; this . addWrapper ( this . errorsFor ( a ) ) . hide ( ) } } , onfocusout : function ( a ) { if ( ! this . checkable ( a ) && ( a . name in this . submitted || ! this . optional ( a ) ) ) this . element ( a ) } ,
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onkeyup : function ( a ) { if ( a . name in this . submitted || a == this . lastElement ) this . element ( a ) } , onclick : function ( a ) { if ( a . name in this . submitted ) this . element ( a ) ; else a . parentNode . name in this . submitted && this . element ( a . parentNode ) } , highlight : function ( a , b , d ) { a . type === "radio" ? this . findByName ( a . name ) . addClass ( b ) . removeClass ( d ) : c ( a ) . addClass ( b ) . removeClass ( d ) } , unhighlight : function ( a , b , d ) { a . type === "radio" ? this . findByName ( a . name ) . removeClass ( b ) . addClass ( d ) : c ( a ) . removeClass ( b ) . addClass ( d ) } } , setDefaults : function ( a ) { c . extend ( c . validator . defaults ,
a ) } , messages : { required : "This field is required." , remote : "Please fix this field." , email : "Please enter a valid email address." , url : "Please enter a valid URL." , date : "Please enter a valid date." , dateISO : "Please enter a valid date (ISO)." , number : "Please enter a valid number." , digits : "Please enter only digits." , creditcard : "Please enter a valid credit card number." , equalTo : "Please enter the same value again." , accept : "Please enter a value with a valid extension." , maxlength : c . validator . format ( "Please enter no more than {0} characters." ) ,
2012-02-12 18:23:21 +00:00
minlength : c . validator . format ( "Please enter at least {0} characters." ) , rangelength : c . validator . format ( "Please enter a value between {0} and {1} characters long." ) , range : c . validator . format ( "Please enter a value between {0} and {1}." ) , max : c . validator . format ( "Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}." ) , min : c . validator . format ( "Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}." ) } , autoCreateRanges : false , prototype : { init : function ( ) { function a ( e ) { var f = c . data ( this [ 0 ] . form , "validator" ) , g = "on" + e . type . replace ( /^validate/ ,
"" ) ; f . settings [ g ] && f . settings [ g ] . call ( f , this [ 0 ] , e ) } this . labelContainer = c ( this . settings . errorLabelContainer ) ; this . errorContext = this . labelContainer . length && this . labelContainer || c ( this . currentForm ) ; this . containers = c ( this . settings . errorContainer ) . add ( this . settings . errorLabelContainer ) ; this . submitted = { } ; this . valueCache = { } ; this . pendingRequest = 0 ; this . pending = { } ; this . invalid = { } ; this . reset ( ) ; var b = this . groups = { } ; c . each ( this . settings . groups , function ( e , f ) { c . each ( f . split ( /\s/ ) , function ( g , h ) { b [ h ] = e } ) } ) ; var d =
this . settings . rules ; c . each ( d , function ( e , f ) { d [ e ] = c . validator . normalizeRule ( f ) } ) ; c ( this . currentForm ) . validateDelegate ( "[type='text'], [type='password'], [type='file'], select, textarea, [type='number'], [type='search'] ,[type='tel'], [type='url'], [type='email'], [type='datetime'], [type='date'], [type='month'], [type='week'], [type='time'], [type='datetime-local'], [type='range'], [type='color'] " , "focusin focusout keyup" , a ) . validateDelegate ( "[type='radio'], [type='checkbox'], select, option" , "click" ,
a ) ; this . settings . invalidHandler && c ( this . currentForm ) . bind ( "invalid-form.validate" , this . settings . invalidHandler ) } , form : function ( ) { this . checkForm ( ) ; c . extend ( this . submitted , this . errorMap ) ; this . invalid = c . extend ( { } , this . errorMap ) ; this . valid ( ) || c ( this . currentForm ) . triggerHandler ( "invalid-form" , [ this ] ) ; this . showErrors ( ) ; return this . valid ( ) } , checkForm : function ( ) { this . prepareForm ( ) ; for ( var a = 0 , b = this . currentElements = this . elements ( ) ; b [ a ] ; a ++ ) this . check ( b [ a ] ) ; return this . valid ( ) } , element : function ( a ) { this . lastElement =
a = this . validationTargetFor ( this . clean ( a ) ) ; this . prepareElement ( a ) ; this . currentElements = c ( a ) ; var b = this . check ( a ) ; if ( b ) delete this . invalid [ a . name ] ; else this . invalid [ a . name ] = true ; if ( ! this . numberOfInvalids ( ) ) this . toHide = this . toHide . add ( this . containers ) ; this . showErrors ( ) ; return b } , showErrors : function ( a ) { if ( a ) { c . extend ( this . errorMap , a ) ; this . errorList = [ ] ; for ( var b in a ) this . errorList . push ( { message : a [ b ] , element : this . findByName ( b ) [ 0 ] } ) ; this . successList = c . grep ( this . successList , function ( d ) { return ! ( d . name in a ) } ) } this . settings . showErrors ?
this . settings . showErrors . call ( this , this . errorMap , this . errorList ) : this . defaultShowErrors ( ) } , resetForm : function ( ) { c . fn . resetForm && c ( this . currentForm ) . resetForm ( ) ; this . submitted = { } ; this . lastElement = null ; this . prepareForm ( ) ; this . hideErrors ( ) ; this . elements ( ) . removeClass ( this . settings . errorClass ) } , numberOfInvalids : function ( ) { return this . objectLength ( this . invalid ) } , objectLength : function ( a ) { var b = 0 , d ; for ( d in a ) b ++ ; return b } , hideErrors : function ( ) { this . addWrapper ( this . toHide ) . hide ( ) } , valid : function ( ) { return this . size ( ) ==
0 } , size : function ( ) { return this . errorList . length } , focusInvalid : function ( ) { if ( this . settings . focusInvalid ) try { c ( this . findLastActive ( ) || this . errorList . length && this . errorList [ 0 ] . element || [ ] ) . filter ( ":visible" ) . focus ( ) . trigger ( "focusin" ) } catch ( a ) { } } , findLastActive : function ( ) { var a = this . lastActive ; return a && c . grep ( this . errorList , function ( b ) { return b . element . name == a . name } ) . length == 1 && a } , elements : function ( ) { var a = this , b = { } ; return c ( this . currentForm ) . find ( "input, select, textarea" ) . not ( ":submit, :reset, :image, [disabled]" ) . not ( this . settings . ignore ) . filter ( function ( ) { ! this . name &&
a . settings . debug && window . console && console . error ( "%o has no name assigned" , this ) ; if ( this . name in b || ! a . objectLength ( c ( this ) . rules ( ) ) ) return false ; return b [ this . name ] = true } ) } , clean : function ( a ) { return c ( a ) [ 0 ] } , errors : function ( ) { return c ( this . settings . errorElement + "." + this . settings . errorClass , this . errorContext ) } , reset : function ( ) { this . successList = [ ] ; this . errorList = [ ] ; this . errorMap = { } ; this . toShow = c ( [ ] ) ; this . toHide = c ( [ ] ) ; this . currentElements = c ( [ ] ) } , prepareForm : function ( ) { this . reset ( ) ; this . toHide = this . errors ( ) . add ( this . containers ) } ,
prepareElement : function ( a ) { this . reset ( ) ; this . toHide = this . errorsFor ( a ) } , check : function ( a ) { a = this . validationTargetFor ( this . clean ( a ) ) ; var b = c ( a ) . rules ( ) , d = false , e ; for ( e in b ) { var f = { method : e , parameters : b [ e ] } ; try { var g = c . validator . methods [ e ] . call ( this , a . value . replace ( /\r/g , "" ) , a , f . parameters ) ; if ( g == "dependency-mismatch" ) d = true ; else { d = false ; if ( g == "pending" ) { this . toHide = this . toHide . not ( this . errorsFor ( a ) ) ; return } if ( ! g ) { this . formatAndAdd ( a , f ) ; return false } } } catch ( h ) { this . settings . debug && window . console && console . log ( "exception occured when checking element " +
a . id + ", check the '" + f . method + "' method" , h ) ; throw h ; } } if ( ! d ) { this . objectLength ( b ) && this . successList . push ( a ) ; return true } } , customMetaMessage : function ( a , b ) { if ( c . metadata ) { var d = this . settings . meta ? c ( a ) . metadata ( ) [ this . settings . meta ] : c ( a ) . metadata ( ) ; return d && d . messages && d . messages [ b ] } } , customMessage : function ( a , b ) { var d = this . settings . messages [ a ] ; return d && ( d . constructor == String ? d : d [ b ] ) } , findDefined : function ( ) { for ( var a = 0 ; a < arguments . length ; a ++ ) if ( arguments [ a ] !== undefined ) return arguments [ a ] } , defaultMessage : function ( a ,
b ) { return this . findDefined ( this . customMessage ( a . name , b ) , this . customMetaMessage ( a , b ) , ! this . settings . ignoreTitle && a . title || undefined , c . validator . messages [ b ] , "<strong>Warning: No message defined for " + a . name + "</strong>" ) } , formatAndAdd : function ( a , b ) { var d = this . defaultMessage ( a , b . method ) , e = /\$?\{(\d+)\}/g ; if ( typeof d == "function" ) d = d . call ( this , b . parameters , a ) ; else if ( e . test ( d ) ) d = jQuery . format ( d . replace ( e , "{$1}" ) , b . parameters ) ; this . errorList . push ( { message : d , element : a } ) ; this . errorMap [ a . name ] = d ; this . submitted [ a . name ] =
d } , addWrapper : function ( a ) { if ( this . settings . wrapper ) a = a . add ( a . parent ( this . settings . wrapper ) ) ; return a } , defaultShowErrors : function ( ) { for ( var a = 0 ; this . errorList [ a ] ; a ++ ) { var b = this . errorList [ a ] ; this . settings . highlight && this . settings . highlight . call ( this , b . element , this . settings . errorClass , this . settings . validClass ) ; this . showLabel ( b . element , b . message ) } if ( this . errorList . length ) this . toShow = this . toShow . add ( this . containers ) ; if ( this . settings . success ) for ( a = 0 ; this . successList [ a ] ; a ++ ) this . showLabel ( this . successList [ a ] ) ;
if ( this . settings . unhighlight ) { a = 0 ; for ( b = this . validElements ( ) ; b [ a ] ; a ++ ) this . settings . unhighlight . call ( this , b [ a ] , this . settings . errorClass , this . settings . validClass ) } this . toHide = this . toHide . not ( this . toShow ) ; this . hideErrors ( ) ; this . addWrapper ( this . toShow ) . show ( ) } , validElements : function ( ) { return this . currentElements . not ( this . invalidElements ( ) ) } , invalidElements : function ( ) { return c ( this . errorList ) . map ( function ( ) { return this . element } ) } , showLabel : function ( a , b ) { var d = this . errorsFor ( a ) ; if ( d . length ) { d . removeClass ( this . settings . validClass ) . addClass ( this . settings . errorClass ) ;
d . attr ( "generated" ) && d . html ( b ) } else { d = c ( "<" + this . settings . errorElement + "/>" ) . attr ( { "for" : this . idOrName ( a ) , generated : true } ) . addClass ( this . settings . errorClass ) . html ( b || "" ) ; if ( this . settings . wrapper ) d = d . hide ( ) . show ( ) . wrap ( "<" + this . settings . wrapper + "/>" ) . parent ( ) ; this . labelContainer . append ( d ) . length || ( this . settings . errorPlacement ? this . settings . errorPlacement ( d , c ( a ) ) : d . insertAfter ( a ) ) } if ( ! b && this . settings . success ) { d . text ( "" ) ; typeof this . settings . success == "string" ? d . addClass ( this . settings . success ) : this . settings . success ( d ) } this . toShow =
this . toShow . add ( d ) } , errorsFor : function ( a ) { var b = this . idOrName ( a ) ; return this . errors ( ) . filter ( function ( ) { return c ( this ) . attr ( "for" ) == b } ) } , idOrName : function ( a ) { return this . groups [ a . name ] || ( this . checkable ( a ) ? a . name : a . id || a . name ) } , validationTargetFor : function ( a ) { if ( this . checkable ( a ) ) a = this . findByName ( a . name ) . not ( this . settings . ignore ) [ 0 ] ; return a } , checkable : function ( a ) { return /radio|checkbox/i . test ( a . type ) } , findByName : function ( a ) { var b = this . currentForm ; return c ( document . getElementsByName ( a ) ) . map ( function ( d ,
e ) { return e . form == b && e . name == a && e || null } ) } , getLength : function ( a , b ) { switch ( b . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) ) { case "select" : return c ( "option:selected" , b ) . length ; case "input" : if ( this . checkable ( b ) ) return this . findByName ( b . name ) . filter ( ":checked" ) . length } return a . length } , depend : function ( a , b ) { return this . dependTypes [ typeof a ] ? this . dependTypes [ typeof a ] ( a , b ) : true } , dependTypes : { "boolean" : function ( a ) { return a } , string : function ( a , b ) { return ! ! c ( a , b . form ) . length } , "function" : function ( a , b ) { return a ( b ) } } , optional : function ( a ) { return ! c . validator . methods . required . call ( this ,
c . trim ( a . value ) , a ) && "dependency-mismatch" } , startRequest : function ( a ) { if ( ! this . pending [ a . name ] ) { this . pendingRequest ++ ; this . pending [ a . name ] = true } } , stopRequest : function ( a , b ) { this . pendingRequest -- ; if ( this . pendingRequest < 0 ) this . pendingRequest = 0 ; delete this . pending [ a . name ] ; if ( b && this . pendingRequest == 0 && this . formSubmitted && this . form ( ) ) { c ( this . currentForm ) . submit ( ) ; this . formSubmitted = false } else if ( ! b && this . pendingRequest == 0 && this . formSubmitted ) { c ( this . currentForm ) . triggerHandler ( "invalid-form" , [ this ] ) ; this . formSubmitted =
false } } , previousValue : function ( a ) { return c . data ( a , "previousValue" ) || c . data ( a , "previousValue" , { old : null , valid : true , message : this . defaultMessage ( a , "remote" ) } ) } } , classRuleSettings : { required : { required : true } , email : { email : true } , url : { url : true } , date : { date : true } , dateISO : { dateISO : true } , dateDE : { dateDE : true } , number : { number : true } , numberDE : { numberDE : true } , digits : { digits : true } , creditcard : { creditcard : true } } , addClassRules : function ( a , b ) { a . constructor == String ? this . classRuleSettings [ a ] = b : c . extend ( this . classRuleSettings ,
a ) } , classRules : function ( a ) { var b = { } ; ( a = c ( a ) . attr ( "class" ) ) && c . each ( a . split ( " " ) , function ( ) { this in c . validator . classRuleSettings && c . extend ( b , c . validator . classRuleSettings [ this ] ) } ) ; return b } , attributeRules : function ( a ) { var b = { } ; a = c ( a ) ; for ( var d in c . validator . methods ) { var e ; if ( e = d === "required" && typeof c . fn . prop === "function" ? a . prop ( d ) : a . attr ( d ) ) b [ d ] = e ; else if ( a [ 0 ] . getAttribute ( "type" ) === d ) b [ d ] = true } b . maxlength && /-1|2147483647|524288/ . test ( b . maxlength ) && delete b . maxlength ; return b } , metadataRules : function ( a ) { if ( ! c . metadata ) return { } ;
var b = c . data ( a . form , "validator" ) . settings . meta ; return b ? c ( a ) . metadata ( ) [ b ] : c ( a ) . metadata ( ) } , staticRules : function ( a ) { var b = { } , d = c . data ( a . form , "validator" ) ; if ( d . settings . rules ) b = c . validator . normalizeRule ( d . settings . rules [ a . name ] ) || { } ; return b } , normalizeRules : function ( a , b ) { c . each ( a , function ( d , e ) { if ( e === false ) delete a [ d ] ; else if ( e . param || e . depends ) { var f = true ; switch ( typeof e . depends ) { case "string" : f = ! ! c ( e . depends , b . form ) . length ; break ; case "function" : f = e . depends . call ( b , b ) } if ( f ) a [ d ] = e . param !== undefined ?
e . param : true ; else delete a [ d ] } } ) ; c . each ( a , function ( d , e ) { a [ d ] = c . isFunction ( e ) ? e ( b ) : e } ) ; c . each ( [ "minlength" , "maxlength" , "min" , "max" ] , function ( ) { if ( a [ this ] ) a [ this ] = Number ( a [ this ] ) } ) ; c . each ( [ "rangelength" , "range" ] , function ( ) { if ( a [ this ] ) a [ this ] = [ Number ( a [ this ] [ 0 ] ) , Number ( a [ this ] [ 1 ] ) ] } ) ; if ( c . validator . autoCreateRanges ) { if ( a . min && a . max ) { a . range = [ a . min , a . max ] ; delete a . min ; delete a . max } if ( a . minlength && a . maxlength ) { a . rangelength = [ a . minlength , a . maxlength ] ; delete a . minlength ; delete a . maxlength } } a . messages && delete a . messages ;
return a } , normalizeRule : function ( a ) { if ( typeof a == "string" ) { var b = { } ; c . each ( a . split ( /\s/ ) , function ( ) { b [ this ] = true } ) ; a = b } return a } , addMethod : function ( a , b , d ) { c . validator . methods [ a ] = b ; c . validator . messages [ a ] = d != undefined ? d : c . validator . messages [ a ] ; b . length < 3 && c . validator . addClassRules ( a , c . validator . normalizeRule ( a ) ) } , methods : { required : function ( a , b , d ) { if ( ! this . depend ( d , b ) ) return "dependency-mismatch" ; switch ( b . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) ) { case "select" : return ( a = c ( b ) . val ( ) ) && a . length > 0 ; case "input" : if ( this . checkable ( b ) ) return this . getLength ( a ,
b ) > 0 ; default : return c . trim ( a ) . length > 0 } } , remote : function ( a , b , d ) { if ( this . optional ( b ) ) return "dependency-mismatch" ; var e = this . previousValue ( b ) ; this . settings . messages [ b . name ] || ( this . settings . messages [ b . name ] = { } ) ; e . originalMessage = this . settings . messages [ b . name ] . remote ; this . settings . messages [ b . name ] . remote = e . message ; d = typeof d == "string" && { url : d } || d ; if ( this . pending [ b . name ] ) return "pending" ; if ( e . old === a ) return e . valid ; e . old = a ; var f = this ; this . startRequest ( b ) ; var g = { } ; g [ b . name ] = a ; c . ajax ( c . extend ( true , { url : d ,
mode : "abort" , port : "validate" + b . name , dataType : "json" , data : g , success : function ( h ) { f . settings . messages [ b . name ] . remote = e . originalMessage ; var j = h === true ; if ( j ) { var i = f . formSubmitted ; f . prepareElement ( b ) ; f . formSubmitted = i ; f . successList . push ( b ) ; f . showErrors ( ) } else { i = { } ; h = h || f . defaultMessage ( b , "remote" ) ; i [ b . name ] = e . message = c . isFunction ( h ) ? h ( a ) : h ; f . showErrors ( i ) } e . valid = j ; f . stopRequest ( b , j ) } } , d ) ) ; return "pending" } , minlength : function ( a , b , d ) { return this . optional ( b ) || this . getLength ( c . trim ( a ) , b ) >= d } , maxlength : function ( a ,
b , d ) { return this . optional ( b ) || this . getLength ( c . trim ( a ) , b ) <= d } , rangelength : function ( a , b , d ) { a = this . getLength ( c . trim ( a ) , b ) ; return this . optional ( b ) || a >= d [ 0 ] && a <= d [ 1 ] } , min : function ( a , b , d ) { return this . optional ( b ) || a >= d } , max : function ( a , b , d ) { return this . optional ( b ) || a <= d } , range : function ( a , b , d ) { return this . optional ( b ) || a >= d [ 0 ] && a <= d [ 1 ] } , email : function ( a , b ) { return this . optional ( b ) || /^((([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*)|((\x22)((((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]|\x21|[\x23-\x5b]|[\x5d-\x7e]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(\\([\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))))*(((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(\x22)))@((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))$/i . test ( a ) } ,
2011-11-11 02:56:33 +00:00
url : function ( a , b ) { return this . optional ( b ) || /^(https?|ftp):\/\/(((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:)*@)?(((\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]))|((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?)(:\d*)?)(\/((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)+(\/(([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)*)*)?)?(\?((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|[\uE000-\uF8FF]|\/|\?)*)?(\#((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|\/|\?)*)?$/i . test ( a ) } ,
2012-02-12 18:23:21 +00:00
date : function ( a , b ) { return this . optional ( b ) || ! /Invalid|NaN/ . test ( new Date ( a ) ) } , dateISO : function ( a , b ) { return this . optional ( b ) || /^\d{4}[\/-]\d{1,2}[\/-]\d{1,2}$/ . test ( a ) } , number : function ( a , b ) { return this . optional ( b ) || /^-?(?:\d+|\d{1,3}(?:,\d{3})+)(?:\.\d+)?$/ . test ( a ) } , digits : function ( a , b ) { return this . optional ( b ) || /^\d+$/ . test ( a ) } , creditcard : function ( a , b ) { if ( this . optional ( b ) ) return "dependency-mismatch" ; if ( /[^0-9 -]+/ . test ( a ) ) return false ; var d = 0 , e = 0 , f = false ; a = a . replace ( /\D/g , "" ) ; for ( var g = a . length - 1 ; g >=
2011-11-11 02:56:33 +00:00
0 ; g -- ) { e = a . charAt ( g ) ; e = parseInt ( e , 10 ) ; if ( f ) if ( ( e *= 2 ) > 9 ) e -= 9 ; d += e ; f = ! f } return d % 10 == 0 } , accept : function ( a , b , d ) { d = typeof d == "string" ? d . replace ( /,/g , "|" ) : "png|jpe?g|gif" ; return this . optional ( b ) || a . match ( RegExp ( ".(" + d + ")$" , "i" ) ) } , equalTo : function ( a , b , d ) { d = c ( d ) . unbind ( ".validate-equalTo" ) . bind ( "blur.validate-equalTo" , function ( ) { c ( b ) . valid ( ) } ) ; return a == d . val ( ) } } } ) ; c . format = c . validator . format } ) ( jQuery ) ;
( function ( c ) { var a = { } ; if ( c . ajaxPrefilter ) c . ajaxPrefilter ( function ( d , e , f ) { e = d . port ; if ( d . mode == "abort" ) { a [ e ] && a [ e ] . abort ( ) ; a [ e ] = f } } ) ; else { var b = c . ajax ; c . ajax = function ( d ) { var e = ( "port" in d ? d : c . ajaxSettings ) . port ; if ( ( "mode" in d ? d : c . ajaxSettings ) . mode == "abort" ) { a [ e ] && a [ e ] . abort ( ) ; return a [ e ] = b . apply ( this , arguments ) } return b . apply ( this , arguments ) } } } ) ( jQuery ) ;
( function ( c ) { ! jQuery . event . special . focusin && ! jQuery . event . special . focusout && document . addEventListener && c . each ( { focus : "focusin" , blur : "focusout" } , function ( a , b ) { function d ( e ) { e = c . event . fix ( e ) ; e . type = b ; return c . event . handle . call ( this , e ) } c . event . special [ b ] = { setup : function ( ) { this . addEventListener ( a , d , true ) } , teardown : function ( ) { this . removeEventListener ( a , d , true ) } , handler : function ( e ) { arguments [ 0 ] = c . event . fix ( e ) ; arguments [ 0 ] . type = b ; return c . event . handle . apply ( this , arguments ) } } } ) ; c . extend ( c . fn , { validateDelegate : function ( a ,
b , d ) { return this . bind ( b , function ( e ) { var f = c ( e . target ) ; if ( f . is ( a ) ) return d . apply ( f , arguments ) } ) } } ) } ) ( jQuery ) ;